F*** Boris March

whats an interesting fact most people dont know, and i find highly interesting and encouraging.

immagine you are in a country, as a tourist or whatever reason, and you have troubles. but in that country your home country has no embassy and you have nowhere to flee to. then you can go to any embassy, any military base, any instituion of any member country of the EU and they will protect you like you were a citizen of their own country.

thats, for me, a highly inspiring fact. as a spaniard you flee to a french military base in (lets say) algeria, here are a few thousand soldiers with guns and tanks, and they can not touch you anymore, no matter what.

Itā€™s not Your fault mate - WE were brought up to ā€œTrust our experts " so we expected the Universities to teach the youth the arts of critcal thinking and logical thought, objective truth and scientific methodā€

How were we to now that the refugees from the Frankfurt school would be taking them over and propagandising our kids with this "postmodernist carp " ?

Fortunately we are beginning to wake up and reject the ultra-left anti capitalist ideology

This is happening ALL over the world - we shall Prevail !

Suffice it to say "We are not alone "!

If my analysis is right, he has no choice - BREXIT on Halloween - deal or no deal !

Otherwise those of us who truly believe British Politics is populated by self serving Ideologues without any morals, scruples or integrity will stay bound to teh BREXIT Party and we WILL take down the Conservatives, AND Labour at the next General Election and install Nigel as PM with a big enough mandate to entirely ā€œMend Politics for Goodā€ !

Boris is the only one with sufficient Charisma to bring the Tories back together and get (some) voters back from the BREXIT Party. He is the ony one Farage is nervous of and make no mistake - this IS a Head to Head between Tories (Boris) and Nigel Farage.

That is the main thing which is driving current events and is an existential threat to the ā€œPartyā€

He HAS to do it - Nigel is holding his feet to the fire.

I disagree with @tommor in that I think if he does ā€œ2nd Referendumā€ (the default solution of EU when people ā€œGet it wrongā€) - Then whatever the result of that might be the Conservative Party is TOAST !

Oh thanks for popping up those vids of yours _ I was intending to watch that ā€œIrresistableā€ on for some weeks - I like it :sunglasses:

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On immigration into Russia I stand corrected. Apparently there are many people in such dire situations they have to get in there.

Though it seems the flow of emigration between the US and Russia and vice versa is rather one-way -

US-born immigrants into Russia - 142,405 (2013 I think) from 327 million

Russian citizens to the US - 397,236 (2016) from 147 million


My post was no invitation for a ā€œcontestā€. You clamed something wrong, i corrected it, thats all. You dont stand correct. Every year 1 million people immigrate to russia while 400k immigrate out of russia.

If you compare immigration between the UK and US you will see the same trend, more people immigrate from UK to US than from US to UK. Same goes for France-USA, Germany-USA and Italy-USA. so your datas provide absolutely no meaning and dont support any of your thesis.

My thesis is based on the belief that Russia is a sh1t place to live, run by gangsters.

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This is your believe. No fact and not supported by facts.

Believes matter to me as much as toilet paper. Its the last thing i need untill i desperately need it.

I donā€™t need you to share my beliefs. From contact previously on the forum Iā€™d be happier to find myself in another country from you. (but not Russia)


see. you are becoming agressive. once your facts dont support what you claim, you render on to attacking the other side rather than saying ā€œok, i had my facts wrongā€ you go on personal attacks.

thats ok, i dont mind. its the standard of this place.

now ill tell you my belive, just so you have comparison how little worth believes hold and how ā€œdestroyingā€ they are, once expressed, and how unfounded with any facts or evidence.

i believe that the UK is the sh1ttiest place to live, due to 2000 years of incest the ugliest woman live there, the brittish people are agressive and have a ā€œwe are the bestā€ cognitive illution which makes them crave for the old lost glory. the weather sux and theres no pretty place in the uk at all. i also believe that the UK is losing out since 150 years on every field, industry, colonies, politics etc. not because the others are better, but because the ā€œbestā€ brittons managed to escape to america, australia, new zealnd and south africa, leaving only the de-generated on the island who, continue as they did the last 2000 years, incest with each other to have even more de-generated children, which every new generation proves by showing even dumber statements and actions.

im no russian, and by no means i defend russia or putin, i dont give a crap about any of that.

but i find it funny how profoundly wrong believes find their way to the public in this forum, and as well into the public of UK. and once question; the spreader of the wrong ā€œbelievesā€ starts personal attacks instead of maybe taking a look at the facts provided".

its silly.

the believe i statet up there about UK is wrong, it isnt either my believe. but it is exactly what low skilled, low-iq people everywhere in the world think about the UK. bluntly said; the UKs ā€œi believeā€ which they put their uneducated views on other countries, goes in the same way around. what comes around goes around.

believes are toilet paper, they help only in times of desperation.

you might get cheered up by fallstaffs ā€œlikesā€ but dont get fooled, falstaff likes whatever you say in order to make you his friend again. he doesnt care what you say, he will like it as he think that likes arhe the ā€œcurrencyā€ on this forum and gives credebility to your/his statements, he likes you so he has a friend who will like back once he posts his utterly crap of ā€œnonsayingā€ videos of ā€œnonfamousā€ people who state mindblowing crap without even the slightest form of any facts or evidence. his likes are worthless. they dont mean you said something good or intelligent, they only serve for him to climb up your after.

You know I need to ask you something:

Were you just born miserable and argumentative or have you just become this way as a product of circumstance??? LOL!!!

And by the way: you know i like you so Iā€™m not trying to be mean. But MAN you sure do love an argument!!! LOL!!!

We were having such a nice peaceful discussion and just sharing personal ideas and thoughts and then ā€œbamā€!!! LOL!!!

Anyway and all jokes aside:

I must just call you out on something. And that is your statistics. Forgive me for taking them with a pinch of salt BUT the other day you were going on about how wonderful the world is and what a better place it has become. And but one of your reasons for saying this was that less people are dying from hunger than ever before. Well I hate to be the one to drop this bombshell on you but just last week one of these organizations (and if Iā€™m not mistaken it was the WHO) released a report in which it was stated that the number of people that are dying from starvation has been STEADILY INCREASING for the past three years to the point where this LAST year has been the worst ever.

As for another comment made about people from the USSR migrating to Russia. Those are Russians!!! (Although theyā€™ll disagree with me Putin will not). Same as NATO troops are AMERICAN troops!!! LOL!!!

Anyway and in closing: just give Boris a chance. And donā€™t wish the UK the worst. Thatā€™s not nice.

And BY THE WAY (and not taking sides here) but YOU were the aggressor here not Tom Iā€™m afraid to say.

I was going to invite Tom along to our little drinking session with @Falstaff but Iā€™m guessing that heā€™d rather give it a miss now. See. Not nice.

Lastly: I will admit that mere mortals such as myself do not have in depth knowledge and statistics of the different countries. I can only go by what I see on the news and on TV and what I read. And if Iā€™m being fed nonsense: well then so be it and I guess Iā€™ll only find out if I ever made it anywhere else. But there are certain places that do appeal to me obviously and regardless of any stats. or proof furnished to the contrary.

And by the way (sorry: just re-reading earlier posts here): at what point did you and @Falstaff become mortal enemies anyway??? And why would anybody (including him) simply give credibility to or agree with statements made by others just to be friends. Weā€™re not children here. At least not those posting on this particular thread anyway. So far as I can tell: everyone here (yourself included by the way) are expressing their own personal views and as men weā€™re accepting of those personal views even if they differ from our own. The fact that @Falstaff and I just happen to agree on a number of things (so far as I can tell) is neither here nor there. Iā€™m not going to simply disagree with him nor agree with him just for the sake of it. I respect his views and Iā€™m sure he does mine. Same goes for Tom. AND YOU!!! LOL!!!


Nigel is a showman.

He has influence with Pres Trump, yet did he raise the difficulties that British Steel are facing, or more importantly their employees. ( re US tariffs on steel from Europe, affects British Steel most).

No, not a mention.

Back a couple of years when he was UKIP he cautioned that Turkey would soon join the EU to the detriment of UK, now the only serious bidder for British Steel is Erdemir - a Turkish Company.

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Iā€™m watching you (type). And Iā€™m not in the mood for popcorn tonight!!! LOL!!!


And weā€™re not going on one of those late night post deletion expeditions either!!! (Like having midnight shredding sessions before the CFTC arrives in the morning).

nope. see, you stating that question in that form already implies im born miserable and argumentative. i dont blame you, its the tone of the english language ever since trumps and johnsons, to ask questions that are not really questions but in truth accusations.

if you think im miserable or argumentative, ok think that way.
but the last few days i only see people posting how crappy the world is, how everything sux, how the elite cheats the poor guys, how this how that.

i say the world is a wonderful place.

so as one of those people who see everything as crap and miserable you ask me, the one who says that this world is a wonderful place, if im born miserable?

rethink your question again, maybe you should ask yourself that exact same question. were you born miserable, orā€¦ and thats a big orā€¦ did the influence of crap posts from certain members here, who post daily, how sh1t everything is that exists, made you miserable the last few days/weeks?

no, i dont like arguments. i only like to challenge people who got their facts wrong. and especially if they persist on forcing their opinion, which is based on wrong fact, on others. and even more so if that opinion with wrong facts has a negative source and a negative possible outcome (and im not talking about tommor here)

no, you had no discussion at all. you had hand in hand exchanging and reinfocring the ever same opinion, without anyone even thinking of giving another perspective. you had an talk between people who agree on everything. thats no discussion, thats fandom of bojo.

and as soon as someone gave a different perspecive, you guys try to gang up on him, reinforcing the theory of the ā€œcrowdā€ and ā€œherdā€ thinking.

yes, here


nope, here:

immigrants to russia, who are russian, get the russian citizenship within a few weeks (same as if you move to the UK you get the citizenship of UK granted immediately) so they do not show up in these numbers, those are the immigrants who are not russian by decent.

you get me wrong, i wish the UK the best. their devestating and false decition to leave the EU is the worst that happened to the UK since WWII, and i find it very sad that it was something selfimposed. even more so i find it very sad that this only happened due to the fact of a few people lieing and cheating their way to this outcome, and now the UK public and politics are too stubborn or too ashamed to admit it, but blindly follow the way of ā€œnono we didnt do anything stupid, it will be great you will seeā€ just like a trader hanging in a losing trade forever only because he can not admit to himself it was the wrong decition.

i dont see it that way. he made a statement, that nobody is immigrating to russia, i know that statement is wrong. i corrected him. instead of saying ā€œoh yes look, i had the wrong information on this matterā€ he tried to change his first statement into ā€œmore people immigrate to USA than people immigrate to russiaā€, which is true, but changes nothinging on the fact that his thesis is wrong. onto which i pointed it out and he answered ā€œwell im just glad i dont live in the same country as you as i dont like youā€.

i was neutral, he saw it as some sort of ā€œwho is rightā€ competition, when proven wrong, he changed to topic, when pointed out that the topic change plays no role, he went on to personal attack.

nope, we had a discussion and exchange of facts and stats, with me beeing totaly neutral (except the toilet paper comment, but that was no attack on him, that was an attack on the ā€œbelieveā€ that ā€œbelievesā€ matter, as the simple truth, in discussions ā€œbelievesā€ dont matter) and it ended in his personal attack, while he changed his ā€œthesisā€ into his own personal opinion, which it wasnt in the first place, but the try of providing a false fact.

falstaff made dumb comments (this is my opinion) so theres no point in getting involved with drinks.

me saying ā€œill stay quiet on drinks with himā€ he answered with ā€œare you not brave enough to say things in realā€ was false. i could go on that im 35 and 1,91meters and i have no issue telling people things in their face/pushing people things in their face. but the trueth is that this one coment of him, made me realize how little minded he is. that way i found absolutely no interest anymore to ever get involved in any talks with him anymore.

i said ā€œill stay quiet in thatā€ because imo (opinion not fact) it is very well possible that i only waist air trying to talk with him, out of several reasons which i wont state here.

theres nothing wrong with not knowing, but theres a lot wrong with dennying.

and dennial has become the prevalent force in this forum

we are no enemies, an ant cant be an enemy to the shoe.

and in fact we are no enemies at all. the issue is that im watching fallstaff post wrong things on this forum for years. once he get questioned on his facts or believes he reacts agressively and not allowing anybody else to their own opinion or facts. once he get questioned on what he writes he refers back to ā€œfreedom of speechā€ but does never grant others the ā€œfreedom of speechā€ unless its a friend of himself. other opinions are a threat to his opinion.

this stance is what provokes me to show up on the stage and disclose how hypocrate he is in that very exact stance.

other things include that he is bashing onto things he has little or no underatanding of, like global warming, vaccination, european union and other things- with false facts which he is able to present eloquently enough that uninformed people follow those wrong facts and copy his opinion which is wrong.

he is a xenophobe.

he is one of those people who will bad talk everything they dont like or understand. and to be honest, i dont like that kind of people and i like to point out where they are wrong, or where they are lieing.

thats all.

because he has an agenda.
he is here because he thinks he has a reson to be here. in years, he has not made any posts about trading, or helped anyone gather information about trading. he is here solely to pour his opinion and belives onto others. it is his hobby to copy/paste weirdo politicians noone ever heard of and trying to prove how ā– ā– ā– ā–  everything is. make a post about trading, make 2 million, you wont see him. say 1 word about brexit, global warming, immigrants, crime or whatever which is higly politizied and you will hear him bragging for years how immigrants ruine UK, how the EU is belitteling the UK, how vatican is the force of evil in the UK etc. etc.

he is on a cruzade, like most people nowadays, he is old and probably on retirement, so he has a lot of time to use his skills in eloquent talking to force his opinion on other people and make them as miserable as him in viewing the world as the sh1ttiest thing that ever got created in 400 billion galaxies known to human kind.

no, i rarely express my opinion. this post here is the first time in this thread that i expressed an opinion, i post facts, stats and maybe quotes of people who arfe closer to the matter. but i rarely give my own opinion, if i do then i write ā€œimoā€ or ā€œin my opinionā€.

Just so that you know Iā€™ve read your post and will be re-reading it and responding in the morning (LOADS to respond to). I let you know this as a courtesy i.e. itā€™s a bit late here now is all. But thanks for the post.

Try not to burn the place down overnight is all I ask!!! LOL!!!

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im quiet until someone posts a false fact. promise

Wow. If you think Iā€™ve become aggressive, you could do with reading your own post againā€¦

no agression at all. just truth.

you could take the hard way, and admit you were agressive for no reason. but i guess you can take the easy way and just blabla something without any meaning or sense

I donā€™t like you.

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But then, I never did, from your very first post after your inexplicable return here