F*** Boris March

yup, agression, nice of you to admit it.

i do not not like you.

You guys are funny! (I realise this doesnā€™t advance the post much)
I like Boris. Boris/Trump could be the new Thatcher/Reagan!


Donā€™t worry. Iā€™ve not forgotten to add my fifty cents here. Just busy with something else at the moment. Iā€™ll get here soon enough!!! LOL!!! (Matter of fact Iā€™m waiting with baited breath for somebody to arrive here to do something that should have been done last week and three times at that).

Iā€™ve been taking a bit of a look at President Trumpā€™s tactics and strategies re; Internal politics etc and Iā€™m coming to the conclusion that he is a Way more intelligent and able man than the Postmodernist ultra left give him credit for.

Iā€™ll see if I can get a bet on him this week to get a second term ! :sunglasses:

I would be curious as what those odds were? I suspect Biden would be the Democrat betting favourite, at least until the next round of debates Wednesday evening?

Hello everyone.

Well first of all: apologies for not posting here as promised. Truth be told: for some or the other reason I just donā€™t seem to be able to get with the program i.e. just not on top of the world since last week is all. And not for any good reason (current personal circumstances aside). Trading couldnā€™t be better, health is great, bills paid (most of them anyway), so who knows.

FINALLY my high speed line is up and running. Dunno if anybody interested in helping me test (really just want to know what the live streaming quality is like somewhere else in the world i.e. doesnā€™t help me to check it here).

As for all the posts above:

Please to see everyone getting along nicely!!! LOL!!! Makes my day to see it!!! LOL!!!


We all have opinions (and Iā€™m sure youā€™ve heard the saying i.e. opinions are like arseholes as everybody has one). And whether those opinions on based on facts or otherwise: theyā€™re still opinions and should be respected. Particularly by a bunch of men such as we are. And besides: these interactions with NON FAKE AND INTELLIGENT PERSONS mean a lot to me. So thanks.

With regard to the bets above:

Not being a gambling man myself: but Iā€™d take a punt (and a rather large one at that) on Big Red getting a second term (much as it may make my skin crawl). Unless heā€™s impeached in the interim of course!!! Man: he sure has been pissing people off since the weekend (although I have to admit itā€™s been worth a very good laugh on occasion) (and if he keeps it up I may JUST learn to like him too!!! LOL!!!).

As for our PREVIOUS discussion re: where I may or may not end up someday!!! LOL!!! Not sure Iā€™m going to pursue it. Iā€™ve expressed my views and preferences. And I have to admit that sometimes I get a bit carried away when Iā€™m on a roll. So donā€™t read too much into things.

But just one thing: I am NOT shy to admit it that of late I AM INDEED a miserable ā– ā– ā– ā– !!! LOL!!! So when something like Boris comes along: itā€™s a breath of fresh air to me (you know: you get caught up in the hype I suppose on ā€œfeel goodā€ news). I DO HONESTLY believe though that heā€™s going to do a stellar job. Iā€™ve been watching HOURS of this stuff for the past few days. And I can tell you one thing if nothing else: there is not a person that does NOT agree that he loves his country (this including interviews with his foes). And you know what: sometimes thatā€™s enough. And frankly: I think I could say the same about Big Red. No need to even comment about Putin as that goes without saying.

Must just tell you that I also watched the Russian Navy Day celebrations. Made we want to go out and buy a Russian flag Iā€™ll tell you. But I mention this because I want somebody to take a look at the video. The commentator was pathetic. But the photography was something else. And there is one particular spot where footage was being shot from a drone. But it was almost as if the drone sort of FLEW RIGHT INTO the bridge on the ship!!! I need to know how they did that!!! It really took me off guard. At first I thought the drone looked like it was going to hit the window. But it didnā€™t. Iā€™ll post the video and with the correct time for you to see what I mean.

So yep. Thatā€™s my fifty cents for now. Chat just now.


Here. Watch what happens from 39:48. How the ā– ā– ā– ā–  did they do that???

Bear in mind this was a live broadcast so there was no editing involved.

And it sure does look like a beautiful place to be.

And Iā€™ll tell you something else:

I will bet that when those crowds went home: you would be able to eat off of the floor (no litter). In SOME countries (donā€™t want to mention one in particular): with those crowds itā€™d be a monthā€™s worth of a cleaning up operation!!!

All them blokes stood to attention, looking smart - and not a one with an itchy ass ! :smile:

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Tell you one thing:

Dunno what soap theyā€™re using on those uniforms. But in better times: Iā€™m obsessive when it comes to white shirts with my suits. And Iā€™ve not come close!!! LOL!!!

By the WAY:

Is this Channel 4 over there legit???

Reason Iā€™m asking: they have LOADS of stuff on Boris and the rest which Iā€™ve been watching. But you never know in this day and age if thereā€™s a certain spin being put on things by these news outfits.

To wit:

Al Jazeera is great. But I find myself often questioning things. They always seem to have these obscure independent films on and theyā€™re always counter trend (no pun intended). RT (which USED to be called Russia Today for those that do NOT know): no brainer (in spite of their vigorous claims to the contrary) (not that I mind i.e. fantastic channel).

And something I wanted to mention.

I donā€™t know if anybody bothers to read YouTube comments on videos. As a rule I myself donā€™t. But the exchange below (from the video I posted above) caught my eye and frankly took me right off guard. Just read the comments. It is no wonder that people (countries) are climbing into each other left, right, and center. Basically started out as the SA dude (jokingly I suppose) asking for one of their shirts. And then just look where things went from there.

This is why I say: BE NICE!!! LOL!!! (And THIS not directed at ANYONE in particular I assure you).

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Ppl hate. Dumb ppl always hate.

I find it funny how history always repeats itself.

French underestimated russia
Germans underestimated russia
ā€¦ u know what ill say next so i wont say it

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Channel 4, BBC, Sky News (Our USA friends can name others) are definitely not ā€œUnbiasedā€ - See here what Jordan Peterson has to say.

And here is a brief version of that ā€œInterviewā€ ! {Note - edited to fuller version]

If you havenā€™t seen it - you need to watch this !
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Well my point had nothing to do with Russia per se.

I know. My point was about hate.

The history lecture just bonus content.

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ā€œBiasedā€ is the word I was looking for. Thanks.

Will take a look shortly (just need to go up to the shops).

OFF TOPIC though:

Anybody seen the European markets??? Apparently because of Bayer AG.

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You always manage to crack me up!!! LOL!!! Thanks for that.

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Yes im watching the dax closely. The big dip has no real reason.

A day like this is what i call ā€œsentiment dayā€. No reason for people to sell but they sell. Sentiment is bad. Perception of prices and future prospecrs is bad.

A day like today is a deciding day for the next weeks or months.

Thou im more focused on oil right now. Its a deciding day of oil as well. Without any news the sentiment of oil markets is shifting.

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If the sentiment on us indices changes as well (if) then short the dax not the dow. The dax will fall stronger %-wise.

If us sentiment doesnt change then dont short dax, long us indices. The dax will stagnate while the us indices will go up.

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Hmmmnnnā€¦ Donā€™t mind if I donā€™t take any trades based on your analysis!!! LOL!!!

NOT that Iā€™m saying that youā€™re wrong. Iā€™ve just inadvertently gotten myself into a situation where Iā€™m no longer able to trade (confidence) without the market internal data (intraday that is).

Only thing I can tell you right now is that the CBOE VIX is starting to climbā€¦ And the US Futures are down although really not by much in contrast. My guess is they shoot up at the open and tank at some point in the day (elephant in the room is Apple reporting earnings after the bell today).

$VIX.X CBOE 5m 30072019 1352

Just had a thought:

Hereā€™s a first. Weā€™re going to get kicked off of a thread for actually discussing TRADING!!! LOL!!!

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