Fast Forex Millions

OK, I have set up a demo account with FFM on it.

The account is shared with another test, Silent Sniper, but it’s easy enough to use magic numbers if anyone wants to analyse.

Broker is GKFX (spreadbetting), Netcetera VPS, both in UK, trading the equivalent of a micro account (£0.10 per pip) all standard.

I am planning to use Demo for 1 or 2 weeks and then put it on one of my real money accounts. I have to be honest, I was planning to go real straight away as well as demo but those damn spooks at Donnaforex have put me off the idea :8:

I will never buy another EA from this guy he cannot fix million dollar EA but has a different one for a lot more money. This is funny If i have created an EA that is that good i would not shared it period. i have found out learning to trade is much better then put all your hope on some EA that don’t work

Did another read through and picked it up as well. Even if some of the thread is downright slanderous and forum-rage worrthy it was interesting to read both sides of the argument. I’m going to follow the path that yourself and Johnny are doing…setup a demo account, try…if I dont like what I see then return. Meh, $200 /w a discount link and a trial is hard to walk away from.

Heh, as long as it doesnt produce consistent negative returns i’ll probably keep it…beats the stock market these days :wink:

okay so i am set up except one thing. In the pdf it asks for a user id that is assigned by William. I don’t have that I only have a receipt number. and status says initializing. I guess I will have to shoot William an email to see if he can help me with this but I figured I would first wait until the market opens to see if that is why it is just saying initializing???

I’m in the exact same spot…initializing. My theory is that it won’t connect until the market opens…but who knows. I’ve already sent support an email though.

Weird, market opens and my account goes straight go “Active” instead of the “Log onto the website and register”.

Will have to see what happens.

Edit: Actually 3/5 of the show active but 2/5 are still initializing…

Same here, straight into active mode

my id showed up and I went to the activation website and entered the info now two pairs show active and 3 are not active but it says in the manual that this is to be expected and the activation process is working.

Hi Johnny,

Mine did the same. I restarted my mt4 and the slowly registered after that. Also if you want to add a demo or live account too you need to enter the second ID number too.

I read in the Dix forum that it can take a while but definitely faster when market is open.


did not do anything yet, all charts show activated and I took some trades so… it seems I am bypassing the ID procedure.

I entered with all 5 pairs at 5% risk in my real account.
5 trades opened and closed for a 50 pip profit (3 wins and 2 losses) while I was sleeping.
2 trades are now open with 122 pips profit.
Too early to say much more but the start is promising…
My graphics directly entered into active and I had the “initializing” problem. Solved it closing and opening MT4 and went active in a few seconds in all graphs. No need to activate whatsoever.

Hi Hamno

Mind sharing the discount code/link?




Head over to She has negotiated a 20% discount when using her affiliate link.

No problem setting up for me. Activation code wasn’t required.

11 trades closed so far today. 3% risk on each pair. 2.3% loss so far, not including 3 open trades which are all currently negative.

Early days.

Thanks Oliverjames, keep us posted with the results

Did an email dig through and couldnt find the email /w the link, must have deleted it…sorry! Believe it was a 1 week offer so you might be within the window…

Had FFM open with a flurry of trades so far, some decent wins and decent losses but it appears to be holding about break even so far. I can tell its going to be an active trader thats for sure.


3% risk on all 5 pairs. If the drawdown goes beyond 10%, I’ll revisit the risk settings.

It is certainly a frequent trader. 17 trades so far today.


well so far i have -1.2% with ffm and I notice tradingshed’s account is +3% and I see he has 2 trades that I didn’t get including a sweet 4% on gu It might be a reflection of the difference between demo and real. IDK Anyway not a terrible start. I do like the fact that ffm trades often. If its winning rate is around 50% and the average win to loss ratio is 2:1 than I think these ea’s may end up “feeling” like forex growth bot. I’ll have to wait and see.

I can´t understand… why all that difference?
Everybody reporting losses but I have 7 trades in my real account with a profit of 250.2 pips or 8.76% gain.
I have 2 more open trades that now are in profit of 7.80 pips.
I’m now with 10% risk, dualmode=true and filterdepth=600.
Are we using the same bot? FFMBOTv2.1?

I have moved about with risk. I started with 10 which I did not want, just an oversight. I have noticed it opened a trade @ £5.00 per pip (equivalent-ish to 5 minilots). I have then reduced everything to 2% with the exception of GBPUSD which had an open trade. I was not sure how it would have reacted. Later on I reduced even that to 2%

Therefore, had I had the correctly chosen size from the beginning, the profit would have been just over £50 instead of £200 odd. I also guess everyone might have authenticated at different times, we use different brokers, VPS etc.

9 trades made by FFM (all now closed) for a 277.3 pips profit - 10.7% gain!
ALL pairs in profit. That places the target pretty high for tomorrow…
Could all days be like this one…