Favorite vacation destination when you're not busy analyzing charts

Hi Dushimes,
You also need to update your local searches often. Three weeks ago I found a new walking trail. They have built a new estate of homes across the road from where we live, on greenbelt land. The locals have been up in arms about this for a decade, complaining to the builders, the local, regional and national government. But it has brought younger families into the area, many more people walk around the streets, and it feels safer with larger numbers, not more threatening. I see the good side, and now I have some really beautiful and extensive walking paths that have only just been opened up to the public, previously private land that nobody could explore on. I no longer need to travel a mile or more for a decent place to walk. The Google maps picture is about 2 years old, and that big hole in the middle is now a flash flood storm take-off with a set of railings around it and on the south side is a chlidren’s playground where I rest on a park bench. People can let their dogs off the leash on the open grounds near the river, and you can walk alongside about half of the river front shown. Few people take advantage of this place. I stop along the way to do some meditation and earthing (take off my socks and shoes and stand on the grass. Who needs a big garden when this is 300 metres from your front door?


Yes, I share that feeling.
I occasionally save spots to visit later.
Some locations resemble heaven.

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Where is this amazing view located?
have you been there?

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are you working in a real estate?
However, if you look at the tourist attractions, you’ll find them fascinating.

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I have no idea why I just assumed you are Asian.
I enjoy visiting Asia, especially the Philippines, where there are some spectacular sights.

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my god.
you see trades in everything.
I admire your enthusiasm for the market.

how fascinating.
I dislike cold spots.
but you guys make me want to see the Alps.

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I was making a little joke. It is actually Nice, France, as well as being “nice”.

Nice is my favourite holiday destination and I will be there again in 3 weeks. This view is taken looking west along the beaches of Nice along la Baie des Anges. The viewpoint is la Colline du Chateau, which lies between the old town and the port.

If you know the town its possible to make out l’Hotel Negresco, le Cours Saleya, l’Opera de Nice, la Cathédrale Sainte-Réparate de Nice, etc.

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Hi, we have owned UK buy to let property since the early 1980s, and have a few lets. I never traded or flipped props but my younger son is slowly easing into the lettings management and I wish to encourage both my sons to show a more active interest in the portfolio. If that doesn’t happen over the next 3 years we will liquidate the real assets so that when I cease to exist, they will not have a burden of “stuff” hanging around their necks


Hopefully one year after that they don’t start wishing for ¨financial freedom¨.
I knew a couple and the husband had books about how to strategically play and win the lottery. As you can imagine, he never won. Yet, when the wife’s parents died, the wife and siblings sold the parents’ real estate portfolio.

Imagine chasing lottery tickets for a decade, and your wife inherits real estate then sells it all.

Little did they know they sold their fishing rod in exchange for a fish.

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When I’m off, I usually groove to some music or enjoy nature hikes. New Orleans is my go-to spot, the jazz there is :musical_note::ok_hand:!

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Bravo for you.
I will continue working while you are having a vacation.
France is a country I’d like to visit someday.
And I listen to some French music as I sit at a café and watch people go by.
And perhaps when we are near the Eiffel Tower, I will propose to my love.

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It’s impressive that you have had such long-term success with your investments
It’s important to have an open conversation with your sons about their interest in the portfolio.wish you and your sons best luck.

impressed. but I’m not the hiking type of person.

We’re all unique with our own interests and passions. There’s no issue if hiking isn’t your cup of tea. That’s the beauty of diversity, isn’t it? We all bring something different to the table.

Hikes like these?

It would be fantastic if we could schedule a hiking trip and set a date to go with the people here.

No way, I’d totally freak out if I ever ended up in a situation like that.

People here are from around the world and come from different places, so I don’t think it would be an easy job to handle.

I feel you! Just thinking about being in this situation frightens me.