Feels like no strategy really works

In a way you are correct. The things you just named 90% do not work, cause the market is manipulated. However do not be discouraged by this. Because it is manipulated, there are hints. If you really want to know if this works, I can show you that in a live trading session.

I have to humbly disagree with the point you made, regarding 90% of the things not working.

It works, if you work it. It’s always about the person operating the method, not the method who is at fault.

If you can’t score goals, do you fault the football or yourself? :slight_smile:

Are you someone who made it work or do you know many traders who made it work? If so, then fair point. If not, then your disagreement has no value.
No hard feelings.

I completely agree with him. Most of the systems for beginners are based on indicators and my experience is that they’re pretty poor at predicting what will happen, especially on lower time frames. The same with candlestick patterns.

The problem is with the human mind, it likes to find patterns, so we look at a chart and see this pattern and think it works. But ignore all the times it doesn’t work as having some reason. You have to call it in real time, it’s barely more than a coin flip chance of getting it right.

Higher time frames work better for indicators and patterns, but they take forever to play out and a lot of patterns are somewhat subjective anyway.

If you could read babypips and make money then everybody would be doing it.


Many new traders over complicate things or they trading for the wrong reasons or thrill seeking

even if DMA or ECN?

Yes. Think of it this way, your broker offers up to 500:1 leverage, maybe 30:1 if you’re in Europe. Do you think that the broker has 500 or even 30 times the deposits of all its customers sat in a current account so that they can put the trades through onto the real market? It’s not possible.

ECN is a marketing gimmick. It claims to give you less slippage because they are co-located and can put your order through to the market faster. But IC Markets (and others) say that they use ‘natural hedging’ ie half customers are long and half short to mitigate their risk.

I’m not saying that brokers don’t put money into the real markets to reduce their exposure, but given that so few people make a profit, it doesn’t make sense that they would do it. Plus the notion that they have billions sat in accounts to put each trade through is insane.

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You haven’t answer my question.

And you seem to believe in your claims. So, how did you arrive at the 99% mark?

And what work have you done to proof that 99% of the methods doesn’t work in the market?

Show me the work.

No hard feelings. Just need solid proof.


sorry but i disagree with you no one is manipulating the market its just your frustration because you are not making money in the market i give you few examples there are a lot of footballers,doctors,actors,lawyers etc but only 1% known by the world same in trading 90% people lose money as you said bcz they do not learn and they think trading is a money making scheme its not its a business and if you treat it like a business you will be fine please do not disheart the people or new traders

How I came at the 99% mark? → Needs correction → 90%. How I came at 90%? Read through Babypips, Forex factory, Forexforum, Trading View chat and Telegram groups. Make a list of profitable vs not profitable. Go head :slight_smile:
‘‘Remember, 90% of new traders don’t make it. You want to be part of that special “10%” that does make it.’’ → stated on Babypips as well.

So how did you come to your conclusion? Where is your proof?

haha 90% people of world failed in business they cant do business just have a look how many people doing jobs and how many people doing business 1 small business man have a 10 20 employees traders are same like businessman not everyone can do it its for special people like businessmen.

Okay that’s how you feel fine and I feel how so feel…there is nothing else to talk about if you disagree great

No one is manipulate it but it been manipulated it not relevant really if you spend years viewing live charts you get to know when to trade

I hope for you to eventually find out that the market is manipulated. Don’t need to believe me. Do your own research and test it out on a demo account. Nothing to lose on a demo account right.

That isn’t proof at all to show that it isn’t the fault of the player itself.

Try harder. It shows you have done ZERO HOMEWORK. And you are asking OP to contact you, so that you could show him your method that works.

What’s the method you have on hand, guriji??
Btw, I have no proof. Neither did I claim that I have any. You are the one all along claiming that what you said is the truth. I am merely disagreeing with what you said.

Show me the work you done.

i know your feeling bcz i had a bad time as well in the start but you said you are studying it and you are in paid groups from last 3 years bro how many years one spoil in university to get a degree doctor needs 5 years degree then 5 years practical so why you tired just in 3 years trust me its worth to do a trade just calm down and think why you are not making money in it and its just a advice leave every group and start study charts by yourself thanks

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You are someone who talks without proof, but wants me to proof it HAHA. Funny guy. So I explained how I did my research. Now go and look for it with your own eyes. You want me to hand everything to you? My research and how I trade? You want to do ZERO HOMEWORK. Change your mindset if you want to succeed in this business. All the best ji! I am done here. You can continue with replying to me. I advice to spend your time in doing research in stead. I am done discussing here JI.

Disagreements is what pushes humans forward. So, my disagreement still stands.

The onus is on YOU, to proof that your claim is factual.

Show me the work you have done.

That’s all I am asking.

Or is this how you discuss issues? By acting like a child?

Well, I can tell your age. Below 16.

So, show me the work you have done. Or what you said is false and cannot be proven.

Once again not willing to do the work to get the proof. :grinning:

So, what you said cannot be proven to be truth.

Got it.

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