Finish This Sentence: “You Know You’ve Successfully Learned How to Trade When ______.”

WHEN you consistently apply what gives you an edge in the market and maintain emotional/psychological check or journal in your trading business.


you became boring ,you wish time move faster

When you start to make profit and not loss

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Like I’ve said before my mind doesnt work like most people. The way I see it is ANYBODY can successfully learn how to trade in day. The problem is trading profitably. The initial question was badly phrased.


When we saw all the strategy we are Appling is making difference in aur treading.

…….the market is too volatile!

………when the market is on!” Actually Forex is such a great way to make money when the market is live!

When u have gained confidence bland can see consistency and profitability while having a stable mindset when u have any loses

I have mastered the trade game starting from ademo account to areal account

When… You developed an edge Trading SYSTEM that included your STRATEGIES, RULES and JOURNAL and stick to it. more so, trading EMOTIONLESS within the frame of your Guides.

You realize that it is a probability game

When you get a 10% gain and think, “not bad” and then take a nap.


You start the withdrawals!!!

You quit your 9-5 job.

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When one makes more profits than lost.

You’re not worried whether your trade would win or lose, cause you’ve traded the amount you won’t mind losing. :sweat_smile:

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When you equity curve is growing.

Consistent profitability


The main thing for many is Profit :grin:

you’re no longer relying on other people for your trades. (I clearly haven’t successfully learned yet lol)

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