Finish This Sentence: “You Know You’ve Successfully Learned How to Trade When ______.”

Showing ROI

You know your strategy well enough

you’re consistently profitable

your are profitable

when you make consistent small gains without any mental/emotional stress for at least one year

when you can predict the next candlestick?

you are consistently profitable

Thats wrong, you can know any strategies inside out, but not be profitable. Therefore you don’t know how to trade. I’m using ‘you’ in a 3rd person context, I don’t mean YOU don’t know lol.

you have self control

Trade your plan and take the emotions off

you earn your first $1M, trading

When you win consistently.

“You started seeing consistent growth after being disciplined and consistent with your strategy”.

When you have this rules and you stick to it… when you take a look at your past record you see less lose and huge profit… that is when you know that you know how to trade…

When you are profitable through out bigger time frame

“—when the trend is your friend”————