For those who have mentors, how did you find them?

Agree! :blush: I’ve been an advocate of self-learning. :blush: But just in case there are those who are hell-bent on finding a mentor for their trading journey, it’s great if they could also find real and legit ones.

Good job for not falling for any of those! :blush: Just to be sure, you can also ask us here just in case someone has already experienced being mentored by one of those who approached you. :thinking: Hahaha. Did they tell you how much it would cost you to have them mentor you?

Go to his Youtube, watch his videos and study HARD.

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It’s very rare I believe! Most of the successful traders build their skill by manually! I didn’t have any trainer when I opened my demo!

In general, when I was just starting to work, my good friend advised me this industry. That’s how I became a trader.

DO they trade for a living?

Yes, this is a big advantage.

so how has it gone?

For all the brilliant people out there who dont believe in the mentor business I would ask them why bother sending their kids to school? Same principle… all the information is there on the internet for free so no need for school. It is possible to learn auto mechanics via the internet on one’s own for free but how long will that take and how good will you be as against going to a trade school or being an apprentice in a garage? A mentor is basically a teacher. It truly baffles me why this is so difficult for people to grasp.

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The emphasis on “Hard” got me a lil bit intimidated. :stuck_out_tongue: Haha. :smiley: I’ll check it out! Nice to know that it’s accessible for free. :blush: Thank you soooo much!

Same here! :smiley: Hahaha. But I could imagine it would’ve been easier and faster if I were able to find a reliable mentor. :sweat_smile: I remember making sooooo many mistakes and wrong trade choices in the beginning that I would’ve been buried in debt if I wasn’t trading on demo. :stuck_out_tongue:

Interesting perspective! :thinking: I guess the difference is just that there aren’t a lot of teachers who scam their students in school. :sweat_smile: I guess that’s where the hesitation comes from.

the best mentor is your self-education using reliable resources. there are so many webinars (even those that provided by brokers), literature, courses. just be always hungry for kniwledge and remember that all comes in its time. bc this risk of scam is way too high.
also research the topics of signal trading, copy trading and MAM accounts - but be careful when overviewing the strategies

Getting intimidated by that ‘‘Hard’’ part is what will stop you from becoming profitable. When you go for it, really go for it.

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Webinars provided by brokers are the biggest scams lol

Definitely! :blush: Now, I’m feeling more fired up, tbh! :smiley: Hahaha. I’ll let you know how it goes! :smiley: Thanks again SM!

Except for the free ones! Haha. :smiley:

Still a scam as you are wasting time.

It is good you are motivated, but keep it under control. This is necessary for this business. Become too joyful and you will go broke. We are merely robots who execute what has been proven to work.

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Hmmm. :thinking: Well, makes sense since time is a very important resource. :thinking: Just a matter of what you take home from it then or what you’d rather be doing. :sweat_smile: It’s definitely an improvement if you usually just spend your time scrolling on tiktok or sumth. :sweat_smile: