Forex Growth Bot

Since Jan 25 we had 6 trades

Sell @ 1.3615 close 1.3576 +39
Sell @ 1.3620 close 1.3618 +2
Sell @ 1.3606 close 1.3625 -19

Sell @ 1.3648 close 1.3671 -23
Sell @ 1.3664 Close 1.3676 -12
Sell @ 1.3652 close 1.3688 -36

Total -49
Over the last three days it has been rough for FGB but you cannot judge an ea by just 3 days. You have to look at overall performance which has been great so far. So for me I will remain positive about this ea. For those running for the refund I urge you to give it a little while.

Interesting results. Not bought it yet, still waiting on the sidelines.


I have been reading reviews and forum posts about FGB all day and it does look very promising. Being a newbie in Forex trading I’m currently studying various manual trading systems, but I might give this bot a try too…

I have been reading reviews and forum posts about FGB all day and it does look very promising. Being a newbie in Forex trading I’m currently studying various manual trading systems, but I might give this bot a try too…

Hey Rune welcome to the thread. I hope you do consider FGB its a good bot. Im looking forward to a strong week. Maybe we will finally see GU drop like a ton of bricks :smiley:

I do not think that posting hacking material here is a good idea… FGB is not supposed to be a free software…

Try to get support from the FGB team may be they can help you :smiley:

Thanks Johnny.

FGB is downloaded but I’m still considering whether to go with a VPS or leave my PC on…

I advise to put it on your pc and keep your pc off.
I’ve had 8 trades so far, 100% loss.

both friday trades have finished in a good win for me (+30 pips both). Simply because I will never let any trade run over a WE so i closed both on the 25th support wich afterward was a good thing :wink:

just my 2 cents.

OK, FGB installed successfully last night and has so far not entered any trade. I manually secured 94 pips on the GBPUSD, so I guess there is a margin to experiment with…

for information lastest FGB version (released today) has a TS incorporated based on a percentage below the TP.

10 trades now since 24-01-11, still not a single winning trade :mad:.

If you had checked data available on the FGB website or Eugene’s account, you would have noticed that a 32 consecutive loose has already happened…

Additionnally even if Backtest on MT4 can be discussed if you perform it on 2010 you would also have noticed that a potential 15% DD is possible with a 45% winning trades only.

It has never been argued that this bot will provide à 100% winning trades but that on long term you may win.

So Wait and see as other people here on baypips and pray for the god of Fx to go on our side :o

Similar track record here, but will let it bake a while longer. I am still running on demo accts. Biggest concern is loss of power or connection and trades going a muck. Rolling power brownouts this morning in TX, effected one of my test boxes, but did not effect any trades.

hey guys. Just checking in. Actually my pc pooped the bed today. Im scanning the hard drive with my wife’s netbook to see if there is any “corruption”

As for the 10 losers. What can I say except they are small and the drawdown is definately not unreasonable. I am not sure what trades have happened in the last two days in my account. I will look into it and give you guys more feedback.

here we are all winning trades manually closed at 1.3628 on my side for a total of 213
pips not so bad ;).

I have decided to close trades due to the main trend which is still upward. I think that this move is only due to JC trichet’s speak and will not affect the long term run.

Next days will tell if I was right…

Hi guys,

I just bought the ea ( standard ). I use 2 setup’s only difference is trading partner and volatility factor.
Started it just 1 hour ago and one has opened postition on sell 1.35471 -24 so far ass i’m writing another one opend fo sell at 1.35456 -50… ( standard setup didn’t opend any positions )
I will post any changes later on this week.


Hey guys sorry i havent been posting. My computer is still offline. man what a pain in the a$$

Anyway I have no idea what fgb is doing and i haven’t traded myself in a week. I am actually suffering withdrawl :smiley: Guys please keep me posted about how fgb has been doing.

Skippy welcome to the thread.

Hi Johnnyy, I hope you will be back soon :wink:

2 trades for FGB yesterday for me 1 sell and 1 buy both winner (+52 pips) but I am still managing my trades manually and closing on support or resistance on higher TF.

I find this ea quit good for entries but if I see that we are close from S/R and the momemtum is not strong I prefer to close positions.

So it is better that someone using the ea alone post his results.

Yes, but if you apply TS and TP and set it to “true”, the robot won’t take any trades… It’s weird. I’m tempted to ask for a refund!


I tested several setting’s for the last days, i know 2 days is realy short but i have to start somewhere…

If TS and TP set to true : no trades ( standard setting didn’t make any trade also, just like Eugene ).
If you play with the setting’s you will see ea will make a lot of trades wich i think a lot of his entry point’s are OK, when
closing positions yourself you will make profit ( i had with 2 setups over 1 day ). The setup that i didn’t interfere with
( changed setting’s ) loses all his trades which could have been wins if i had closed positions myself. Some of this positions
hitted +200. Another setup also loses almost every trade but thats because ea closes very fast if he loses.

I run these setups next to each other.
And last but not least, anybody uses tradency platform ?.