Forex Price Action

The beauty about Forex is , for different personalities there are different style of trading and a good chance of making money . So if the monthly and weekly works for you , great you found your nich.

An interesting idea semmee , and worth checking out.

Anyone monitoring EUR/USD? It opened 50 pips lower from last week’s close (gap). Fortunately it favors my sell position, my question is I think this is very unusual for this pair isn’t it? I think I remember reading from this thread that we avoid charts that tend to gap over the weekend, is this pair included or the gap in this pair just a rare occurence? What’s a good advice when leaving trades on weekends?

Any one else getting the new very annoying advantage advert popup every time they open babypips now.? Or is it just me ,I hope this isn’t the way babypips is gona go now ,small thing but its irritating.

It just came on my screen too, i hate when they try to shove thing down your throat .

Hello semmee , I agree with buster48 , in that your approach is quiet interesting . Personally I only view the high TF´s , Month & Weekly , to identify the mean . My job doesn´t allow me to trade during days . Yet I found it difficult to view trade opportunities @ Monthly and therefore would appreciate some of your (historical) examples to " sharpen my eye "… Kind regards KB

Ah, work…if only we didn’t have to :frowning:

I think I’ve been misunderstood. My approach is literally the same thing as going from the Daily down to the 1HR, just on a larger scale. I trade off of the daily but my S/R lines are off of the monthly and sometimes the weekly. I place S/R lines on the daily when it favors the direction that I see on the monthly. You could perhaps try the weekly?

Sorry couldn’t really help you there :frowning:

Full profit hit

How you look like this chart? All support become resistance and opposite! Candle hasn’t closed yet but for now it looks like doji on support. What do you think guys? Is it worth for you?

very tiny signal and even if was good your gonna run into massive res. area

It just came on my screen too, i hate when they try to shove thing down your throat . tonyo44 Master Contributor and Member

Quote Originally Posted by buster48 View Post

Any one else getting the new very annoying advantage advert popup every time they open babypips now.? Or is it just me ,I hope this isn’t the way babypips is gona go now ,small thing but its irritating.

Read more: 301 Moved Permanently not getting them anymore tony do you think they’re fed up with the complaints.:31:

Guess what buster48, i am not getting them any more either, you might be right they might be getting fed up with the complaints.

I took this trade. Support is now resistance. For me this is very clear situation. Can I hear your thinking?

What type of price action did you use as your signal? Without my own chart in front of me it looks like you have a small doji at the resistance area with low volume after a series of much larger candles. Might go your way but to me there hasn’t been any clear price action indicating that the bears have control and we could see a larger penetration of the resistance area after some consolidation which could stop you out before price continues south.

Well you took the trade where there is allot of traffic , but it does have a bearish bias so there is a chance you will do fine. I would bring the trade to break even when ever possible.

Lepip, thank you for opinion. Candle after doji is signal for short. Both candles (doji + berishcandle after doji) make berish engolfing pattern. Berish engolfing on resistance is strong signal indicating that bulls are not in control. I agree with you it’s possible consolidation here but also equal chances that price goes right down.

thank you my brother.

In case if somebody of new people in forex follow me in this trade I just want to say that I’m out from tonight with profit of 52 pips. Doji on 50% fibo could means that price may go up. I won’t waiting to see am I right.

looking for advice on this guys.

been away for few days and i returned to this setup, problem is i’ve missed the swing high, but i love the setup here.
with so many confluences i really want to be in this trade as it seems a sure winner.
my issue is i’m not sure how to enter this market now that i’ve already missed the swing high.
is it still worth trading in your opinion and how would you enter this in it’s current state ?

I’ve setup on the weekly chart with an almost 1:5 ratio, but i’m very curious how others would have approached this.
should i have just waited for another setup ?
interested in your views

Jamie once the ship has sailed you’ve got to let it go. what i can give you is the 100% cast iron certainty that there will be many more set-ups like this just around the corner.