Forex Price Action

I already stripped my chart from everything. Only some S/R levels are left because I thought that is the essence of every strategy.
What you are saying is that we should think outside the box and trade the market totally different.
But where to start then? Don’t you need any kind of pattern that you can put in trading plan, because otherwise your entries would be random?
I thought it is important to find out what the mass is doing, because that’s what influences the price, and I guess many people are taking S/R in account…

Take a leisurely stroll through this thread. It gets interesting from about page 6 on, particularly where they focus on opponents & how they operate.

You’re going to have to figure out your own research studies & game plays man. Shadowline is one of your opponents as is everyone else out there shuffling & jostling to relieve you of your betting pot.

The deepest point of the pullback appears to represent the optimum value. I’d receive the best value by entering during the engagement of that area, provided I was able to pinpoint it.

However, now rises the following quandary: the market is fractal and a pullback on a H4 chart for example would be a downtrend on an M5 chart. Am I not now betting on the end of the current M5 momentum cycle should I attempt to catch the bottom of the H4 pullback?

I wouldn’t call that a quandary. I’d call that quite a nice place to be.

If you’re confident this type of execution has merit & you plan on compiling a serious testing regime to support that outlook you first need to establish where in the bigger scheme of things you intend to operate (either the micro or macro view).

Obviously that will be dictated by how much time you can devote to it, available capital, personal preference, risk appetite & your own internal instincts.
Once you’ve established that you can begin to assemble what timeframe or combinations thereof you’re going to use to operate your game plan.
That’s where your testing & observational skills are going to be required.

If for instance you’re intending to use the 4 hour chart as your primary lead & the 5 minute chart as your secondary prompt, & you’ve established a precise set up to trigger you into a deal you have to first establish what needs to happen on that primary lead in order to take action.

If your testing tells you something definitely has to be occurring in order to trigger you into a deal, then you can scan a multitude of instruments to identify it.
It’s why dancat has suggested you might wish to become very familiar with a specific set up/trigger scenario married to specific & repeatable structural behavior & widen your field of vision to incorporate a variety of asset classes.

Thanks Thalia. I have some more testing to do, it appears. After 300 simulator trades I have some decent net-positive results from my efforts of trading on a single time frame, after putting together a few pieces of the puzzle hinted at by dancat and double6. My entries are crude, but they do work. I’ve got my work cut out for me in order to refine my entry prompts for multiple time frame analysis. Shame most people will gloss over the last couple pages in this thread. They are easily the most valuable out of all 2000 pages.

IMO this is where most go wrong. The “mass” are the institutional and even though what they do cause the end result ie PA on our chart. Price is influenced by what their clients needs are. So if a client needs to sell 500M Eur for USD then that’s what the institute will do. But the institute isn’t going to do that in one lump sum. Its going to break it down into smaller parcels and haggle for a better price. Its a process known as backing and filling and it occurs most of the day. That’s why its called a market place. Where buyers and sellers meet to negotiate the best deal. That’s how they make money ie money makers. Shouldnt be to hard to follow that concept onto supply n demand. Then onto why SnR levels get broken.

I’m certainly not friends with some of the commentators here but slowly their message about how to speculate in the market is being drawn out of them and you have to listern to what it is they are saying. So with that brings respect.

Hey Jolly Roger,

may I ask which simulator you are using?

Don’t whatever you do underestimate or overlook your own gut instincts.
You more than anyone else knows what feels right from a basic level.

And whatever you do don’t try & improve or load extra hardware onto something that’s showing promise in the belief it’s going to offer you a better deal, no matter how small the sample. Just keep probing & testing with the very bare minimum framework needed to achieve your objectives.

Stay loyal to your initial findings & take note of what you’re discovering & where/how these discoveries are impacting your research, particularly compared to what you previously utilized. Also give serious consideration to what dancat has mentioned in the other thread about knowing who your opponents are & more importantly how they usually operate in & around common contact areas of the chart. Dovetail that knowledge with shadowline’s comments on random/logical levels, especially when executing via a directional type approach & see if it affords you any extra zip!

I know this flies in the face of everything you’re told & advised on these forums but continue to challenge all the commonly held beliefs & so called solid technical standards peddled around these places.
You might just surprise yourself just how little technical & fundamental hardware is actually required to get the [your] job done!

Hey ppl,

where are the charts?
I entered here to see some charts, posting about the simple charts and etc and it’s too much talk about everything else.

There are too much steps at a time for a newbie.
Even if they are ALL THE BEST, if you try to follow every one of them than the results are bad.

If there is someone profitable with PA, and nothing more, please post here and give us (for newbies) some SIMPLE charts, explaining etc. Everything else are just talking and not about the subject of this thread.

I came to a stage where I found that I read too much and practice too little.
So, some practice from the profitable ones is very very welcomed.

Hope to see this in a constructive way.


double post.

Well, a request could always go to the moderatos/admin to separate & re-locate posts 20077–20090 inclusive to a more appropriate location such as this; 301 Moved Permanently if at all possible, where it’s more sympathetic to the subject matter.

It would be criminal if they were pressured into deleting them as off-topic because as Jolly Roger intimated, if you lot only but realised it, they’re some of the most constructive posts on the entire thread.

You’re certainly probing in the right area, but if I were you I’d also be requesting some proof that those posting up these SIMPLE charts & dishing out the advice are consistently & genuinely profitable using the information presented within this thread.

If not you’re simply wasting your time, because if the regulars can’t provide evidence they’re turning a consistent profit after all this time what chance do you think you & other newbies have?

One quick question:
You are all so sure that the method does not work… did you all try it a year?
If you want proof from the people who say it works, then you also have to deliver proof that it does not work…

ha ha ha ha ha ha

You’re clearly quite new to all this but hopefully if you’re really lucky you won’t do yourself too much psychological or financial harm plodding around these threads.

If the disillusionment doesn’t force you to re-appraise your involvement in this game first, be sure & revisit these comments when you’re done trying to figure out why you’re slogging away like a trojan trying to make head nor tails of this stuff but still not getting anywhere.

Anyhow I’ll leave you to your “education” because you’ve got a lot of pages to plough through :slight_smile:

(the answers are with bold ABOVE)
I’m not trying to convince anyone about anything, but if anyone is not interested in this forum, why is it here?

Just the one built in to MT4. Run a dummy EA (or one of the included ones - but they print junk on your screen) on the timeframe you desire and then check off visual mode. You can adjust the speed with the slider or arrow keys. Record “trades” in a spreadsheet to determine if you are net profitable after you gather a significant sample size.

That’s not how evidence works, friend. The burden of proof is on those who claim they have discovered something worthwhile - as it has always been throughout history. It’s then up to you to figure out how to make it work for yourself (if you find that what they are saying has merit) or to ignore it and move on before wasting too much of your time.

Okay guys,

maybe I am having some translation problems here, but I don’t quite get why you are in this forum.
You are telling me, that the method does not work, which is fine, because I only traded with a demo account for half a year now, so I am still at the beginning of my journey and you might have a lot more knowledge about forex than I do.
I’m wondering if you guys are profitable and how you can build trading methods of sentences like “trust your gut”. If you are profitable with another technique another hint would be nice of course, as I am in here to learn (and all I’ve learnt from the last pages is, it does not work, or is this the main thing that you want to tell, that it is impossible to earn money with forex trading).
Thanks for your help.
Btw of course I know how proof works, but as none of the senior PA traders is around, that could be asked for advice, I can only ask you if you have proof for the claim that it does not work. So maybe someone can also tell me why it is so hilarious to ask if you already tried this method (otherwise how would you know it does not work) :smiley:

I sincerely hope that’s all it is but i’m beginning to wonder if you’re actually joking by some of your recent comments.

I realise these forums are a magnet for attracting the naïve & the impressionable, but even I’m amazed sometimes at the incredulity of some of you newbies.

Considering the regular episodes of turmoil & chaos caused in these places by self-professed successful “trading mentors & educators” you’d think you newbies would use a little common sense when exploring these threads & at least challenge these guys to validate their claims prior to investing large chunks of time, effort & (quite often) money.

But then, given the horrendous failure statistics attributed to the retail community I suppose it’s not so surprising you guys are prepared to dive feet first into these situations with blind faith

It it is only the nature of human to go the easy way first.
This incredulity didn’t cost me a dime, so no damage taken. I appreciate that you guys try to shake us up.
How did you proceed as you recognized that the trading strategies presented in all those forex forums are useless?
Are you guys profitable with something you worked out for yourselfs, that can’t be found on the internet, or would you adivse to stop trading forex?

Taking others (especially thread vendors & their spokespersons) on trust & blind faith in this environment is definitely not recommended, as you will find to your cost going forward.
You’ve been advised to fully satisfy yourself of their credentials prior to investing time & effort & that advice has been offered for a very good reason.
If folks choose to ignore it, so be it.

Not yet it hasn’t. The only valuable asset it’s robbing you of so far is your time.

You’ll fast forward your progress & discover which ones are worthy of merit & which ones to discard if you ask these 2 questions every time you consider expending time & effort on a lengthy thread headed up by an equally impressive looking cast.

Hanging around well-meaning individuals who only wish “to help” is all well & good but isn’t going to cut it for someone who has aspirations of taking this any further than hobby status.

One or two of us see what you don’t from the other side of the screen every single day of every week throughout the year.

If you could actually see the reality of what plays out including the financial misery caused to client’s accounts by hanging on the every word of some of these muppets on these forums you would fully appreciate why you’re being advised to conduct much more due diligence before willingly investing your valuable time & hard earned money.

Choosing to trade forex or any other asset class is a decision you have to make after you’ve satisfied yourself it’s a viable proposition.
Only you’re qualified to draw that conclusion, but at least give yourself a fighting chance by surrounding yourself with genuine, credible individuals & one way of achieving that is by using your common sense in filtering them out.