Forex Price Action

Thank you soultrain for your perspective. It is your right to voice your opinion. Now that you have said what you feel you need to, I personally would like to kindly ask that you either leave the forum or begin to contribute to the main purpose of this thread, which is Price Action and discussions of Price Action. I understand where you’re coming from, but this is not the place for your arguments. I suggest you create your own thread or take your opinions to another thread that will happily welcome them. I come here to discuss Price Action with fellow traders, not to argue about what works and what doesn’t. There is a whole forum for that. Thank you for being considerate and respectful to the thread and to our fellow traders. I wish you good luck and success in all your ventures!

Kind Regards,

You’re joking right?
This is precisely the place to voice that type of warning.

Hey guys the last time i looked at the threads name, it read " Forex Price Action". I don,t see that in the last 10 or so post. I am waiting to see when this stops and we can get back to business as Pippin it Old School so nicely pointed out.

That’s somewhat a contradiction of terms dont you think?
Because until you’ve established those presenting & orchestrating this approach (which includes the accompanying “price action”) are actually managing to generate a profitable track record, the whole thing is pretty pointless.

2000 pages and no proof of results:60:

Babypips should make it mandatory that all thread starters in the trading system section should have to post a link to performance results.

That is a superb & very sensible suggestion/idea.
Unfortunately the site admin wouldn’t go down that route because virtually all of these instructional threads would resemble a ghost town & barely manage to attract views into double figures let alone the thousands.
It would also impact negatively on their advertising revenues. :wink:

But i bet it would certainly open folks eyes to the reality of what actually goes on behind the scenes :slight_smile:

Now come on pip old chap (Joey)you cant ask people to leave a public forum because their ideas don’t agree with yours,hearing different points of view helps us grow as humans and also traders.If we just listen to folks who’s ideas agree with our own we can never hope to learn.Whether soultrain and Mr jolly are right or wrong (and I believe them to be right mostly)is neither here nor there,what we should do is listen to their valuable opinions as we do yours (and I do think its valuable.)As Ive said previously I don’t trade by Jonathon’s rules and use this forum to note levels people point out and trade from them sometimes if they fit my criteria. Good luck with your learning Joey I wish you well.

Glad to see your still at it Tony.

Hello Buster,

I am not asking him to leave because I do not agree, I am asking him because this thread is dedicated specifically for [B]PRICE ACTION[/B]. Whether you believe it works or not is [B]IRRELEVANT[/B] - it is extremely disrespectful to those who come to this thread to learn and understand and share their ideas with like-minded individuals. Are you so concerned about YOU and YOUR OWN ideas that you cannot respect someone who is simply looking to learn and practice something new? I am all for you and everyone else to voice your opinions. But there is a time and place for all things and I will tell you right now that this is not that place. I feel very disrespected simply because I use Price Action and that is a very sad thing considering I am in the RIGHT place to discuss it. I know I am not the only one who is displeased with what is happening in these forums and, like I had said before, that is why I don’t come here often and stick to the member’s forum. You can trade and believe whatever you like, I am just asking that you show [B]RESPECT[/B] to the purpose of this thread and those of us who use it as a tool to become better traders.

And for all you newbies, these fellows do make fine arguments for their point, but [B]DO NOT[/B] let them ruin your hunger for new knowledge by letting them convince you that this or that does not work. It is a very high possibility that they have tried it and it did not work [B]FOR THEM[/B]. But [B]THEY[/B] are not [B]YOU[/B]. Every trader is unique and has their own personality and ultimately will trade completely different from the trader next to them. Take everything with a grain of salt, but discover what suits your style and judge everything based on [B]YOUR RESULTS[/B], not someone else’s.

The Best to You,

The only person I care about who is managing to generate a profitable track record is [B]ME[/B], and so far, I am very pleased with [B]MY[/B] results. Do you not understand that it is not the [B]SYSTEM[/B] that makes a trader successful, it is the [B]TRADER[/B]?


Well done [B]you[/B].
Then perhaps [B]you[/B] could lead the way & be the very [B]first[/B] participant in +2,000 pages to attach a [B][U]myfxbook or equivalent[/U][/B] to your account & confirm to all your like-minded, curious fellow price action buddies who stumble across this material that it actually does indeed provide a [B]consistent[/B] source of [B]profit[/B].

Once you kick it off all the other [B]successful[/B] participants will surely follow your lead & before long the thread will be [B]awash[/B] with irrefutable [B][U]evidence[/U][/B] that this price action approach does indeed do what it says on the tin!

He walked right into that

I already know this isn’t going to change anyone’s mind, but for the sake of transparency:

PriceAction | MyFxbook


And no, I highly doubt anyone else is going to follow my lead because my fellow successful traders are not trolling around newbie forums trying to prove themselves to people who have already disqualified themselves from attaining success in trading. No one cares what you believe. Sorry.

The Best to You,

Wow dancat you set up Pippin it Old School for that one.

Kudos to you, lets see if anyone else follows suit

a [B]demo[/B] account is at least a start, which is a darn sight more than the long termers have provided, so yes…as eddieb commented, good on you.

geez but it’s like pulling hens teeth to get any of these gurus/regulars to confidently & transparently back their own claims & alleged skill sets.

You’ve completely missed the point of the whole scenario Joey.
It has nothing at all to do with anyone trolling anybody.

The man Pippin it Old School came through with flying colors , nice.:slight_smile:

Now if we can get back to the purpose of this thread…

I wasn’t able to catch this one but here is a superb example of a super high probability play. This is a 1HR chart, but these are the types of signals we want to be playing - large, super obvious, and rejecting a key level (flip level in this case). Price has already made it down to the FTA and from here you could have moved your SL to BE and be riding on a free trade. Price is now in consolidation looking to make its next move and because of the size of the signal and how key this area is, there is a good chance price may move down to the recent lows, which is where I would have taken the rest of my profit.



Safe Trading,

God give me strength.

Look dan, if you’re trying to get the long-termers to show proof of their success, you might as well just consider this method a lie and that it does not work. It’s going to save you a lot of time and arguments. You may not see it as trolling, but you are disrupting mine and many other trader’s learning processes with whatever it is you’re trying to prove. Let’s just say this method does not work and leave it at that. This way, we can all go back to our lives.