Hello and welcome to the thread!
firstly when starting PA trading you want to keep your closest eye on the majors such as EURUSD etc and then as more experience start adding other pairs to the bow.
The two pairs you have highlighted are both CAD pairs and so will move similar due to they having the same currency in them. Just wanted to make you aware of this in case you were not. (keep in mind I have no idea if you are a 2 week traders or a 10 year trader but all mys posts are aimed at helping someone if not the person they are sent to).
I wanted to write something for everybody I have seen a lot lately in here;
Traders are flawed because of their emotions and this will always be the case! The human brain and mind can be a far superior object compared with a computer because it can change and adapt without even knowing it. In saying that the human mind will often let the trader down. There is something I refer to as the gap which I have not spoken of in here but will now. Stay with me as I go through it as it will be worth it for you. Another person I know who talks about this stuff is Mark Douglas and I recommend you read one of his books called trading in the zone. Most have heard of this and if they haven’t read it they need to. I learnt a few things from M.Douglas and like most things twisted them to suit my personality an
When traders trade on demo they trade with the correct mindset. They are never in fear of losing money and they tend to make the correct decisions. There is no pressure and each trade is a new trade. They are not burdened by any losses they have had or overconfident when they string a few winners together! Traders will in nearly most cases achieve better results on a demo account compared to live trading.
When a trader goes live they all of a sudden are burdened and freaked out about losses or get overconfident when they win! They will risk too much or little. They will fiddle with trades doing things like taking profit even though price is clearly still moving in their favor. They do all these and much more because they are now out of the perfect mindset!
The gap is the difference between what the trader can achieve on the demo account and what they really do in live trading results. The gap is how much the human mind is holding the trader back. The smaller you can make this gap the better trader you will be.
An example of this gap in play is traders fiddling with trades which has happened a lot lately. I am not talking about price gets to the area you had highlighted before the trade and you manage it accordingly. I am talking about traders flying by the seat of their pants and making it up as they go along! They will see something and jump out of the trade or take profit etc This is the GAP at play!!! Every time you let the gap in you will make bad decisions. Whilst that decisions may work out this time, the human brain is flawed in this way and overall the gap will widen because of these bad decisions and you will not make nearly as much money as you should!
Is there a way to fix this? Yes and it is so so easy. Before you enter you trade get the public trading plan I made up and write a few things. These are going to include exactly where you manage your trade. For example you may have “When price gets to xxx I will take full profit” or “If price fails to break this level I will move to BE” etc etc
This will take away the need to fly by the seet of the pants and in the end help make better decisions. Traders will always make better decisions when out of the market rather than once in a trade.
I hope this help and makes sense. As always let me know if any questions.
Safe trading,