Forex Price Action


We are all in the right track, thanks to Homma and now Johnathon. :smiley:


Trying to say Johno has Japanese ties?!

What’s more weird than Jesse Livermore committed suicide is that his wife had been married 4 times before, and all 4 previous husbands had committed suicide. Foul play anyone? and I digress… I think Jesse Livermore was plagued by the same issues we all face, and that is breaking our trading rules once we start making serious money. Then once he lost it all, he got serious on his rules again. What’s more impressive than the money he made was how many times he went from broke to millionaire, and in how short amount of time he did it. If you calculate the % gains he would have had to make to have such huge gains in short amount of time it’s mind boggling. And he went from broke to millionaire almost half a dozen times, lol.

We know from his biographies that he lost his fortune the first 4 times by breaking his trading rules, but the last time he lost it is a complete mystery. Maybe he was secretly investing in bitcoins? lol.


1.5 HRS until NY Close- 2BR. Will be looking to go long above VBRN 10.


I don’t have it on my watch list coz’ the spread my broker offers for it is ridiculous. What’s your spread?

It’s huge…but if that VBRN can be broken, I feel it’s worth it.

xxx/Jpy trade ideas.

Gbp/Jpy H4 2BR
(hasn’t quite touched down but came very close)

Eur/Jpy H12 Pin Bar
(support is sharpish)

Usd/Jpy H6 2BR

All pullback scenarios.
Run it through your filters, might spot an A+ Setup in them.


Eur / USD is the best

right or wrong ?

(Are these actual charts? mine look totally different)

Edit: I guess you mean EUR/JPY because that’s how it looks

Well, eur/usd is one of the best.

Correct, just edited it.

which one is better?

These are Ideas, pull up your blank charts and draw out your S/R lines.
Then do your fine tune process and tell me which one is the best or maybe there is none.
Challenge it buddy.


This is the way i see it and I would appreciate your comments

Eur / JPY

S/R @ 132.07
Entry @ 132.4
TP 1 @ 132.76
TP 2 @ 133.2


S/r @ 99.15
Entry @ 99.6
TP 1 @  99.97
TP 2 @ 100.5

S/R @ 156.6
Entry @ 157.4
TP 1@ 157.84
TP 2 @ 158.27

Best one is Eur/Jpy

Looks decent, but I think one of the main requirements for a 2BR is shorter wicks in direction you don’t want the position to go, longer in the opposite. The long wick on the Bullish candle negates this as a trade for me.

PB closed under my resistance.

Didn’t pull back quite enough.

Don’t rush a thing, nothing much happening now anyway.


Looks like you want to enter them all?!
Make sure you keep your risk management in check and don’t over expose yourself.

Very best of luck!

I looked at 'em quick before I head out. No go for me, but, o, so so close on each…Trigger finger is itchy, but it’s going in my pocket. Thanks for sharing Kas! Check out my original reply to you @ 6:21 EST, I edited the post with what I saw.

the problem I have with those pairs is that on my charts they are either not touching the S/R levels I’ve marked or they closed below a level & I feel like I’d be trading right in to trouble IMHO.

I asked you guys what your thoughts were on AUDUSD & AUDSGD earlier. I scrapped off the AUDUSD because I’m concerned about the key area right below the level I’d like to enter.

Now I’m looking at AUDSGD & I’ve attached a 12HR chart. Price broke through resistance but closed below it. My concern is the 1.17000 level because I’m considering shorting it. Then my first area of concern is where I’ve marked the red.

What other concerns can you guys see? I swear if no one answers quick you’re all getting in to trouble :18:

I think the GBP flavor is the best of the bunch. It had pulled back to that 3 year high resistance point, with a strong rejection. Overhead is the last swing high and then you have to zoom out about 3.5 years to find the next major resistance areas. It also has a strong trend on it’s side. Runner up is the Euro flavor, but its downside is the overhead resistance and the fact is it still inside of an overall range.

Hey Krugman, my GBPJPY 4H chart doesn’t show a PB. Here’s what I see:

Edit: 7:22 pm EST:

Zoomed out to adjust S/R:

PB is on the 8 hour chart