Forex Price Action

take a look at the pin bar on DJ130 D1

Actually thought it looks quite nice, but:
-not as big as previous bar
-a lot of traffic and small S/R levels on the left side

  • could have closed stronger
    So unfortunately it’s a pass for me…again…
    Is it true that there hasn’t been an A+ signal on D1 for weeks now?


P.S.: It looks pretty much the same with SP500 and NQ100

Hi, thanks for your comments, the thing for me is that in a pullback (the one we are waiting for to form a swing high/low to enter the trade) I always se traffic, minor S&R levels that I believe I must set as TP while entering a trade, not easy for me finding one without traffic. This will exist either in the current pullback or in the past. What do you think?

As usual guys :58:don’t get caught out on non farm payroll today, trade safely.

Hi again, what do you think about this setup, would you have played it (BEEB)? It looks good for me but what about the traffic? Besides I’m having some problems while marking HKL specially when market is volatile and hence there are too many spikes, any tip ? Thanks

Anyone catch this?
Aud/usd hr 1.

UsdCad D1

This was a nice setup but the news put me off.

Hi westpest can you please share your spread indicator? looks pretty clean…

I now Price action is an effective trading strategy, but I do not understand it properly. I tried for a long time and I also spend so many days researching on it, but still cannot perform price action. I wish, I could do so

Hi Westy,

Yes, i took this. Got out at the resistance level you have marked, and it went higher to a weekly resistance level. Took around 50 pips, so still ahead. Took the aussie trade south too off the H1 PB for a good profit. All with the techniques learned here.

P.S. I’m loving reading the whole thread. Newbies can go to page 1 where the whole method is explained very well. I’m Up to page 40 2012 lol, but i’m a slow learner so happy to take my time.

Does Johnathon, Bhop, Dudest still post here? Haven’t seen Johnno around. I imagine he’s busy.

Thanks Johnno and everyone here, including baby pips for a great method and thread. G

Hi Dani.

Have you read from page 1 of this thread? Keep reading and demo trading. Don’t give up. This method is simple and you will get it eventually. G

Hi Guys,

Yes we are certainly still around. Johnathon I know has been suffering migraines the last couple of weeks and hasn’t been on either forum much. Unfortunately this is a condition that has plagued him for some time and periodically he will have to have a few days off.

The reality is most who do end up joining on the FSO forum tend to post mostly over there. I’m sure folks start with the best intentions of wanting to continue to post on both but human nature is such that they tend to gravitate to just the one site.

What I can say is the best part of this thread is that we continually have new traders pop up and make fantastic contributions to the thread, Westpest being case in point. I have just spent half an hour scrolling back through the last 30 odd pages and their posts are quality. It comes back to what we are always saying, clean charts, obvious support and resistance zones combined with clean PA signals, so thank you West for your valued contributions as well as all the new contributors to this thread!

Just out of interest how many took the GBP/JPY Daily PB from a couple of weeks back? I thought it was easily the pick of all those false break signals on the Yen and is now playing out cleanly. It never need get more complicated than this. I’ll definitely try and pop by this thread more often with afew more observations.

Hi Bhops, nice to see you here posting again. I took that trade, however it was a counter-trend one so I exited my full position at 50% Fib retracement, how will you manage that trade? Thanks


I’m glad that you guys are still around. I started reading the thread some weeks ago and already finished a few hundred pages, so I saw people coming and going, but I still learned a lot. I guess I will join FSO when I’ve read the whole thread :slight_smile:

About the setup:
I loved the signal, but wasn’t sure about the key resistance, because price hasn’t been there for a long time.
Also my trading plan forbids countertrend so I skipped it.


Good to know you guys are still around Bhops. Thanks. Wishing you a speedy recovery Johnno.

The GB/JPY was counter trend, so i didn’t take it either, even though it was a big PB. I will wait and take a trade on the way back up if PA presents.

Like you Trends friend, i’m reading this whole thread and absorbing every nuance.

Good trading and best wishes all. G



Just a short question: Do you use a broker with flexible or fixed spreads?
I am wondering, because I read that some of the followers don’t trade during Asian Session or so, cause spreads get high. So I was wondering, why they use a broker with felxible spreads. Isn’t it dangerous because the broker could increase his spread to hunt SL. With a fixed spread, that’s not possible…
Really looking forward to hearing your opinion about this

Good discipline. When you are new to this methodology it is always wise to stick with the trend. Keep reading and practicing and hopefully this will all start to ‘click.’

Everyone is different but a hint for how I do it, I’ve taken 50% off now and the rest I will let run to try and move down to those other lows.

2BR on Gold

One could say that it is against the trend, but I think gold is in a range. Maybe the body should be smaller (of PB)…
What do you think? Anyone taking it?


I was thinking that bhops ,so many new traders with great ideas and charts to keep this thread alive …but so many older ones falling by the wayside or not posting anymore. Its good to see your still around anyway.

A fantastic contribution would be a profitable live myfxbook account minimum 1 year old trading this strategy. Pasting charts in here is a thing a monkey could be trained to do. No offense to anyone, I hope.