Forex Price Action

Instead of asking for peoples results why don’t you study the method for 1 year and find out for yourself, or is that to much like hard work.
Give 100 people the same trade idea, only some will make money, some will lose money and some wont enter for whatever reason.
Some will go into profit and not bank it, some will go into negative and cut the trade short before it turns around.
Its all down to the individual.

That maybe so, but as MrBurger suggests, the absence of even [B]one verified account[/B] from all the regular contributors speaks volumes about the likely mid to long term profitability of this trading style.

It’s highly likely no-one on here can boast anything more than perhaps a breakeven or negative expectancy trading this method, if they’re lucky.

If newbies could see at the very least 2 or more regular contributors (including the op) evidencing a profitable broker verified track record utilizing the information presented here, it would at least offer some encouragement & credibility to the content delivery & presentation.

In fact it should be a minimum threshold from thread vendors & their cohorts when kicking off these price action threads, because if they can’t or won’t provide verified documentary evidence of a successful track record then it really should begin to ring very loud alarm bells.

Hi TF.

I’m not sure. I’ll look into it. The spreads don’t really worry me too much as they are small on most pairs i trade. I’m much more interested in PA, levels, and good set ups. But i suppose it’s something to keep an eye on for sure.

P.S. aud/usd looks like it’s at a swing high on 4H and 1H. Might be a short there in lne with trend? G.

In all fairness double 6 does have a point and I"ll start the ball rolling after 2 years using this strategy I’ve only ever broke even,how about you other guys ,time to fess up maybe.Im not having a go or siding with anyone ,just being honest,PS I still think some of the new guys are posting some great stuff.

I will say this, after trading for over 4 years, i have tried many systems and lost allot of money learning. what i have learned is NOT one system will make you money by itself long term. The person must be able to adapt to market conditions and use what ever tools will work better at that time. This can be done by putting in the time and effort to trade and be elusive among other things.

Thanks Tony as always constructive posts from you.Once again I’m not having a go at Jono or this thread ,people get disheartened from time to time when things don’t go as they’d hoped ,and its good to know that others trading the same way are doing ok,which I think is what “double 6” is getting at. Happy trading to all.

That’s not in doubt at all.
I agree, there’s a plentiful supply of well-intentioned commentary, charts & information flow flooding this & similar price action threads on the site from new & old members, but unfortunately good intentions rarely equate to profitable trading.

The only sure fire way of confirming any of this stuff actually workd even in the medium term is to see concrete evidence via broker statements or independent verification.
And that needs to come from the thread starter and those regular posters extoling the virtue of the thread content.

Again, if everything posted here (& elsewhere on similar price action threads) is kosher & as good as they claim there should be absolutely no objections whatsoever to a few of the more established & apparently successful exponents evidencing this success by regularly posting proof to back up these claims & offer credibility to the method.

I’m just going to throw in my 2 cents on the topic at hand, if anyone wants to hear it. I know Jonathan has addressed this a few times and probably doesn’t want to any more.

While I can’t tell Burger or Double6 that I am profitable by trading this ‘method’ or ‘system’, that is primarily due to not trading live, nor trading this ‘system’ exclusively. From what I have seen of those few trades I have made in a practise account using this system, with good money management (which I don’t have) and choosing only the best (not over trading) The trades I have made using this ‘system’ have been, for the most part, profitable (In the practise account world)

Now, to the point I want to make. You may have noticed that I have put ‘system’ and ‘method’ in inverted commas. That’s because I truly believe that these words aren’t relevant to what Jonathan is trying to do.

You pick up any book on forex, go to any website, or otherwise find information on trading foreign exchange, the one thing they will say, one thing they all have in common, is “Price has a tendency to respect previous support and resistance lines.” If you have ever read, heard, or seen anything to do with trading Forex you would have heard those words uttered in one form or another.

That is what this thread is about. It’s about [I]learning [/I]to find [I]relevant[/I] support and resistance, [I]leaning[/I] to see whether the market is going to respect that resistance, pass straight through it or has yet to decide.

Jonathan, in this thread, hasn’t shown a method. He has given a (free) education into the most basic, the most fundamental aspect of trading Forex.

In regards to whether you can be profitable using what you learn here: (Analogy time!) If you play soccer, you don’t get to be a professional just because you know the fundamentals of the game. You can’t make it to the world cup just because you can correctly and accurately kick a ball. But if you want to make it to the world cup, you’d better be able to correctly and accurately kick a ball.

The same applies, I think, to any profession. You can’t get by knowing just the basics, but you’d better know the basics if you want to get by.

This thread doesn’t give you a method. This thread provides you with a [I]comprehensive[/I] education into what everyone agrees is the single most fundamental concept of trading Forex. Treat it as such and you’ll do fine.

Edit: Sorry that was way longer than I had intended. Thanks for reading.

Anyone taking the 2BR on GBPJPY D1?

You’re rather missing the point, but i completely understand you’re merely defending your mentors. Like a lot of others, you’re undoubtedly heavily invested in this stuff & you’re reluctant to press these guys for evidence they can actually do what they claim in case you’re disappointed in the results.

If someone wants to commit a year (or more) of their life attempting to discover if a particular trading style or approach is both suitable & financially viable, then so be it. But before taking that commitment on it’s not unreasonable to expect (& even demand) to see regular evidence being proffered by those contributors who are [B][U]giving the impression[/U][/B] they’re consistently profitable trading that approach.

Note; I said [I]style/approach[/I] rather than system or method.

In fact anyone who [B]can’t[/B] or [B]won’t[/B] provide a successful track record whilst instructing or advising other forum members on a specific style or approach, should be viewed with suspicion & avoided at all costs, because it casts serious doubts on their credibility.

He’s also implying that by trading this style he & one or two of his closest buddies are consistently profiting from the information he’s dispensing to thread followers.

When folks are giving the impression they’re trading a consistently profitable account utilizing this wonderful information whilst [U]soliciting custom for their commercial enterprise[/U] [B]without providing[/B] even an ounce of verifiable proof then you have to suspect they have something to hide.

Yeah, & it’s probably wise to check that those teaching you these “basics” & implying they’re running a profitable ship can actually do what they claim. Otherwise they’re no more competent than those they’re attempting to teach.

haloooooo anyone in here :(?? blast I wish Id brought my torch cant see a thing, nope looks like everyone has buggered off.


nice of you to say that. But I think I will just keep posting charts until someone wants to say something about them :smiley:
About the being profitable thing:
Of course it would be nice if one of the senior Members or Jonathon himself could post some prove, because I think it would be highly motivating. But somehow or other, I will try it myself and mayber in about half a year, you can see my trading history in here :wink:


Hi trendfriend
Good on you buddy,all we can do is keep at it, If no one cares to show how they’ve done over the past year so be it ,great work with what you’posted so far,I wish you well with your trading.

So looks like there has been a 123 reversal on audchf. Maybe someone can confirm.

Not trying to be a jerk, but I’m not clear what kind of signal you think that may be? If you’re looking at the last candlestick as a pin-bar, that’s way too small to be viable. If you’re looking at the two fuller bars previous to that, that’s not a reversal signal. The Bullish bar does not engulf the previous Bearish. If anything, I would view it as more of a possibility of a continuation of the recent downtrend than a reversal.

I would definitely not looking to go Long in the present movement either. Trying to catch the tip of a reversal is a great way to lose a ton of money. It’s always better to wait and see what the next movement brings. If it sets a new high-high and low-high; then look to go long.

Just my 2 cents!

Have a read of jonos correct criteria of a 2 bar reversal here The 2 Bar Reversal hope that helps

okay so this was my thinking, hope it makes sense. There was definitely a PA signal, but I have to admit the 2BR is a bit small, but I guess one could accept it because it is with the recent trend.
Because this is the pullback after the break of strong resistance, I think this should be buying at a swing low.
As we can see now the trade never got triggered and the low of the 2BR has been taken out, so it’s no more valid.
So that would be my 2 cents. I’m really glad that we can discuss those setups, so thanks for that :wink:

Hey peeps,
just saw the BEEB on EURGBP D1

Although the signal is not that big I think it’s sufficient cause it’s with a strong downtrend. Also the level is quite nice I guess.
TP would be set at blue line with some part of the position left to let run with the trend.
I’m only wondering if it is okay to trade a Friday’s bar?

On GBPCHF a PB formed.

The prob is, that it doesn’t stick out and it would have been better if it had closed above the support.
On the other hand I don’t think the trend is changing, so could we take this one if we set the entry a few pips above the support line?
Looking forward to your comments

I love the level but it doesn’t quite engulf the previous candles and I would have preferred this to happen around a Wednesday or Thursday. I suspect this will continue to barrel down.

What are your thoughts on silver daily folks? price printed a PB on a significant level, with the trend, at the swing high, do you consider this PB big enough?