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I know… I don’t know why all the trades are in the negative… Help!!!

I dot know if I can ride it out anymore than this. It keeps getting worse.

I know… So much loss :frowning: I should figure out how to trade on my own without following someone’s signals probably.

no risk no gain , stay clam , there is good times and bad times

It’s never happened before that every signal went the opposite direction. I know there are losses. But this so far is a very big loss

This idiot again. Haven’t you been reported enough for trolling peoples threads.

Let the immaturity commence.


This idiot again. Haven’t you been reported enough for trolling peoples threads.

Let the immaturity commence.[/QUOTE]

Stop harassing me. Lets keep the negativity out of this thread and keep it on track.

Just pointing out the obvious. Anyone with a pair of eyes can see what you do all day.


Just pointing out the obvious. Anyone with a pair of eyes can see what you do all day.[/QUOTE]

Stop harassing me. Can we get back to the signals please? Stop the negativity :frowning:


Just pointing out the obvious. Anyone with a pair of eyes can see what you do all day.[/QUOTE]


[QUOTE=“Erhnam;533935”]no risk no gain , stay clam , there is good times and bad times[/QUOTE]

Getting back on topic again… Ignore the trolls and negative posters.

What do you think I should do with my negative trades Erhnam…? Should I just wait till more signals are posted or keep them open?

monday might kinda slow , as its start of the week.

[QUOTE=“Erhnam;533970”]monday might kinda slow , as its start of the week.[/QUOTE]

Ok good! Should I add more to my positions to average in?

I think the only reason this happened guys is because of the huge gap in the market. Triggering positions and then the price now going against it! If I was you guys I would think about hedging my positions or to close positions altogether at the best possible price. Wish you all the best of luck <3

I think I will average in actually… I must follow the signals as they are published, otherwise there doesn’t seem to be much sense following them at all. It will turn around!

I wish loveislife would calm us down by saying something ASAP

[QUOTE=“forex1;533982”]I wish loveislife would calm us down by saying something ASAP[/QUOTE]

He’s really good… Very generous for giving us these free signals. He will come around I’m sure.

Yea I am thankful for his signals. I just wish he was around more lol

Down 300+ pips, gonna cut my losses and hope for better luck next week :slight_smile:

You think it’s a smart move to get in the trades NOW?