Forex Weekly Signals make 500 to 3000 pips per month

Thankyou Loveislife, yesterday i entered 8 of your recommendations and made $900 last night! I have been searching a long time for some good recommendations!! Thankyou for your hard work and giving freely !! God bless you!! Have an awesome day :5:

Hi all,

Just a quick question, are both the buy stop and sell stop supposed to be placed as pending orders and be left until the end of the week? Or is it more of a one cancels the other order?

P.S Great Work Loveislife786

did you read the rules,…???,…go back to post 2

Thank you very much loveislife! Today I’ve closed my trades because I am already happy with it. :wink: GOD BLESS YOU MORE AND MORE!!


did you read the rules,…???,…go back to post 2[/QUOTE]


If you are referring to post 2 point 1, then this can be interpreted as the type of order that needs to be used, not to have 2 pending orders per trade. For your information, obviously I have read the post but to me it was unclear that is why I asked, so in future if you have nothing constructive to say, then don’t reply to my question.


Thank you so much for the signals!
Look at the percentage i gain per trade! impressive!
Will keep supporting and following ur signals :slight_smile:

Hi, it’s my first week to ride loveislife signals and what I did was placed and order for both. And what happened is when I hit the entry price the trading starts but the other order was not cancelled. So I manually cancelled them as it was obvious that it is not going to hit the target price this week. Actually I was doing it wrong :D. It was made clear by loveislife prom his previous post what you need to do which is to wait for the market price to go below at least 30 pips from the entry point before you place the buy stop order. Do the same with the sell stop. Loveislife previously posted that ALL TRADES MUST BE CLOSED BEFORE THE MARKET CLOSES AT FRIDAY. But as for me I already closed my open trades because I am happy with the profit and I will be out of town on friday. Hope this helps. Happy trading!


Hi, it’s my first week to ride loveislife signals and what I did was placed and order for both. And what happened is when I hit the entry price the trading starts but the other order was not cancelled. So I manually cancelled them as it was obvious that it is not going to hit the target price this week. Loveislife previously posted that ALL TRADES MUST BE CLOSED BEFORE THE MARKET CLOSES AT FRIDAY. But as for me I already closed my open trades because I am happy with the profit and I will be out of town on friday. Hope this helps. Happy trading![/QUOTE]


Thank you very much for the information, it is much appreciated!


@ hassanf ur welcome :5:

Which mean I wait the market to go '30PIPS ABOVE my BUYSTOP. and 30PIPS BELOW my SELLSTOP? Is that correct?

Vijiam you are welcome to start your own thread with this finding please run a demo and we will watch but we are here following Loveislife Thank you Pk

So this means we do not place our orders pre open. We need to watch the screen or set alerts. Is that correct?

This is what I do. When I receive the signals I simply enter it in my account as pending orders. Then I wait until the target has been hit. That is it.

So I made good profit thanks to loveislife again this week. I was happy at 800 pips so I closed my orders since I am going out of town and might not have internet available. I am very happy. His signals are really amazing and the BEST I have seen.

thanks again!

Forex1 - I also did that and set the orders pre-market and pending and made a good profit

peterk - Quick question. How can you put orders before the market opens? When I try to do it it won’t let me. I have to wait until the market opens then I can submit the orders

[QUOTE=“forex1;535889”]This is what I do. When I receive the signals I simply enter it in my account as pending orders. Then I wait until the target has been hit. That is it.

So I made good profit thanks to loveislife again this week. I was happy at 800 pips so I closed my orders since I am going out of town and might not have internet available. I am very happy. His signals are really amazing and the BEST I have seen.

thanks again![/QUOTE]

Forex1. Which mean u straight put everything in on Sunday? Do we need to check the pips whether is it 30pips above or lower?

Because I was kind of confuse with the rules. I read all the rules few times and couldn’t understand it. Sorry.

Lets say. If the tips showed EURUSD buystop, and sellstop.
Do we need to put both in? Or just one of it?

Another question, is the SL and TP Set by ourselves or follow the signal? Thank you so much.

I will answer in 3 parts…
1st of all i m happy that a least u try to find some things that u not understand and its good for a trader who want to be success full trader but still my strategy is secret and and i dont attack on u for your post because i dont think that u want to make trader negative work on that may be you find your own good strategy that work good…

2nd Keep your post as no traders will negative because may be u see its a loser market and almost up to 90% losing money so every one want a good system or any thing that can help them to make money what strategy it have what the main scene behind this but traders only want to make money and i am helping them make money , here a lot of traders trading with my signals also some old members why because Every one here to make money never mind whether it come from i also not saying that my system is the best system in the world but my system is able to help traders to earn a good monthly income …
3rd with my system signals traders make bout now at the end of this week i hope 3000 pips in a month so did u know a system that produce so much pips only it take only 30 to 50 min in a month to put orders i never seen may be some one have but as i search i never find and I am so happy with it that traders making good cash If they make good cash then i also make but at the end its Traders View …
The point is that if some things helping traders to earn good money so plz also appreciate it may be in long term future i also tell my strategy but for know try that traders did not be negative and if trader thinks that my strategy is no good and may be fail so either they left my thread or i will my self closed the thread but if they lose some thing using my signals…
Also I am newbie trader not an expert trader and I am much satisfy that many traders make good cash…
I have 1 question to u that what i the reason behind you want to try to show my strategy because i say that i want to keep it secret is u think that signals are not good or its no long term strategy?

I put everything in the system on Sunday. I usually don’t check if the 30 pips are above or lower. I just simply enter the signals.

And you enter BOTH buystop and sellstop.

The SL and TP I I follow what loveislife gives us, which is SL -100 and TP +200

hope this helps, if not feel free to ask me and I will try my best to answer

Thanks Loveislife

I belive, following someones signal blindly will not make he/she a sucessful trader in long run.

if he/she blindly follow someones signals, then he/she is just trading in the dark - and that can be very

Trading the markets actively is an amazing career and like any other business not everyone can succeed.

To succeed in trading, trader have to take responsibility.

Trader need to understand the logic behind his trade.

All traders should educate themselves further on an on-going basis. But when it comes to planning, entering and exiting a trade, those decisions are a trader’s alone. If he/she have to ask someone else he/she should not be trading.

you tell me onething… what if at some point, you stop sharing your signals. when that happens, who will be impacted?

I belive, people who follows someones signal blindly are losers. though they make profits temporary… time will say.

This is just my thought.

Thats why I am asking again and again to learn there self to trade becaise i can show only direction i am not one of those people who wants that people never learn and then only pay for there signals
But this also has a other side that all traders can not have time to trade there self , many traders did not sit and view trading charts every time to enter a good trade
some have there other business so have no time to trade there self but want to earn some good extra money Mny traders and peoples contacted me for this and these are there reason and these are valid reasons…
In this market all can not trade and gain success there self Only some
Its my point and thats why i running this thread and i am happy to help them and soon i will start also some extra money but my AIm is sill that only they can use my signals as a help not any one can depend me on for life but as till i am here i will help them and i have no idea to go from there
Your point is Valid but also my Point is Valid thats why i am getting so good response…