Forex Weekly Signals make 500 to 3000 pips per month

metin was only trying to help us learn. this forum is educational as well and a lot of people want to learn. lets stop hating on others.

[QUOTE=“ash1809;540229”]Metin go open your own thread and stop spoiling it for others . Why do you have to dig into somebody’s business and find faults? Nobody is forcing us to use these signals. I certainly am using them at my own risk . If you are such a genius go develop your strategy .[/QUOTE]

Perfect example of a hater.

Let’s make peace and pips. Cheers :slight_smile:


It’s a lot of work now to answer all these questions. But the burden is on me so I have to.


When I first posted my idea on your strategy I openly stated that I had nothing against you even when you declined my offer to discuss your strategy publicly and you too have been kind to me in answering. Even though your fanatics displayed an unfriendly behavior, I did not care because I am not here to make enemies. I am only here to learn and exchange ideas if I ever can in a respectful manner.

No, I did not contact chibecanforex myself. Because I don’t have a Facebook account. It was Wohlex who showed me the links on Facebook. But this should not come as a surprise to you. If you did not ignore Wohlex’ post here when he said these are not your signals but you only copy them from another forum, you would not have to be in this position to explain yourself. I don’t consider myself the bad guy here, nor Wohlex. Because it wasn’t me or Wohlex but you who could but did not prevent this from happening. Again I still don’t have any bad opinion about you. The only problem is I haven’t been patient and you haven’t been good in handling the communication here. I admit my own fault and on my part I am sorry if I hurt you.

I was hesitant at first about posting my previous post because some members would be disappointed if you stop sharing the signals. But this is your fault I think because you said you would leave this thread if we discuss this strategy elsewhere. If you did not discourage such an attempt and allow members here to discuss it freely, I think none of this could happen.


As I said earlier in my first post, I have offered my idea in a bona fide spirit and no worries, it’s all right. Thank you for being so open and sharing your thoughts.

@ others, friends, enemies 

After my previous post I have received a lot of positive feedback and some questions.

I’d like to answer all but first I need to clarify one thing. [B]I am not a real trader myself.[/B] My profession is not even slightly related to the forex market. I am just learning forex trading on my own for 2 years by reading stuff on this forum, free ebooks, watching videos and I’ve been practicing live trades with micro-lots trying to survive my tiny account which I fund every now and then.

Just because I made remarks on any strategy doesn’t mean I am an expert. I feel compelled to explain this because if you have expectations from me like a professional, I would hate to disappoint you. Yet I believe we should discuss it all because there is a lot we could learn from each other. For instance sami2330 has offereed his valuable insight and I expect more of it from you all. Now I am going to open another thread but please bear in mind that I am not different than any of you and I don’t want to sound like an expert who intends to teach you which I am not able to. And I don’t want to position myself in the center of the new thread. Please join and share your opinions. And let me say it straight forward, if you have any expectation of making thousands of pips, more and more pips than you make here by following the signals on this thread, I am not promising any thing of that sort.

Whoever wants to share their experience and discuss this strategy, I’ll post the link here after I open the new thread. Now let us give the herd here some peace so they depasture comfortably.

Discussion On Stop Order Strategy

Neither is at fault, and both were trying to be helpful. It’s not wrong to question strategies, and it’s not wrong to not want to share your stategy. Metin, you did the correct thing making your own thread. Loveislife, I hope you continue on with this thread as well. Wishing you both the best and lots of pips. Can we please all drop the subject and move forward? Thanks

Good News For All…
As i tell from starting thread that we are working on a robot So we just finished it and its ready now…
We are going to its beta testing and u all are welcomed to use this free for 1 to 2 weeks from next week…

What it do?

When u have this robot u just place on it any chart that u want to get signals and it show the signals…
It works on all currencies pair and Gold , Oil and other and give u signal for all when ever u want the signals…

Now wait is over and now it will be in your hand to get signals …
and tell us what u think or is any problem in this …

So R u all ready for it …

Well Done! Loveislife

Signals and now a Robot all FREE…!

With you all the way my friend, this is a nice add on to my own trading. Nice to see genuine people helping others and even if you do make this a paid site at least you have let traders try your signals without charge first, many would like to make a quick buck out of what you have done already.

You have done what you have set out to do, look forward to hearing more…!

Hi loveislife786, week or two is not good time for quality betatest (i am programmer, so i know it:) ). For better betatesting u need more time or much more ppl (yea, including FB followers and others - maybe…). Sorry for my english, i am not native speaker.

Oh shoot. Every currency related to JPY just went red.

Hi all,

I’m new here and trading the signals this week.
I have a question concerning the re-entry: the EUR/AUD was stopped out, so should we re-enter if it comes back to 1,4330? Is that what the rule means?

Thanks in advance!!

Dear I know 1 week or 2 week is not much time but we already testing it from over a month now so again we want that all traders test it and use it then tell us if they get any problem or bug because we think its now ok …

[QUOTE=“loveislife786;540384”]Good News For All…
As i tell from starting thread that we are working on a robot So we just finished it and its ready now…
We are going to its beta testing and u all are welcomed to use this free for 1 to 2 weeks from next week…

What it do?

When u have this robot u just place on it any chart that u want to get signals and it show the signals…
It works on all currencies pair and Gold , Oil and other and give u signal for all when ever u want the signals…

Now wait is over and now it will be in your hand to get signals …
and tell us what u think or is any problem in this …

Down 300 pips…reali bad week

[QUOTE=“forex1;540495”]Down 300 pips…reali bad week[/QUOTE]

Let’s think positive. There’s two more days ay?
We are on the same boat bro.

this system doesn’t take in consideration the average daily/weekly pip movement in different pairs…

For example EUR/USD, Order at 100+ pipmove… than you put +200 Tp? are you guys for real… do you even trade and look at the chart? you know how often a 300 pip in direction move happens in EUR/USD? about 1 in 10weeks.

This strategy was “INVENTED” somewhere in nigeria?

There is no chance in hell this “system” is profitable in 3-4months…

You guys have been lucky with a kinda trending market… and even those “2-3kpips” uve made… is easily lost in 2weeks…

And considering the minimal lot size ur using to be able to trade all those pairs and shizzle… those 2-3k pips sound big
but profit wise “not a big deal” and drawback will eventually put ur equity in P/L MINUS!

But the worst is yet to come, because this “loveislife” guy…who stole this system from a nigerian prince (lol)
Is now making an extremly complicated EA, with the help of USA federation called NASA…

Its gives signals “TP 200, SL 100” “GET RICH”

Then he will sell it in, charge commission on a “stolen” strategy…make a pakistan salary on selling signals

That´s all folks!:41:

You seem to have something against foreign cultures? So what if it’s made in Nigeria

[QUOTE=“HassanF;540580”]You seem to have something against foreign cultures? So what if it’s made in Nigeria[/QUOTE]

Nigeria is well known for the 419 scam and as an attorney I have seen quite a few cases of this scam. Anything associated with Nigeria reeks of scam as their reputation is tarnished. The Nigerian government does pretty much nothing about it. Even if the person behind the signals is legit the mere word “Nigeria” scares most people.

[QUOTE=“cnpforex;540593”] Nigeria is well known for the 419 scam and as an attorney I have seen quite a few cases of this scam. Anything associated with Nigeria reeks of scam as their reputation is tarnished. The Nigerian government does pretty much nothing about it. Even if the person behind the signals is legit the mere word “Nigeria” scares most people.[/QUOTE]

Yes that’s understandable - but first of all the guy posting the signals for free isn’t from Nigeria. People using these signals are not being forced to use em so I don’t understand this guys issue. If he doesn’t like the signals he doesn’t have to start talking about people’s races. If he had the balls to put up his own picture and name - I’m sure people would have a lot to say about him.


Yes that’s understandable - but first of all the guy posting the signals for free isn’t from Nigeria. People using these signals are not being forced to use em so I don’t understand this guys issue. If he doesn’t like the signals he doesn’t have to start talking about people’s races. If he had the balls to put up his own picture and name - I’m sure people would have a lot to say about him.[/QUOTE]

Did loveislife post a picture of himself?

Hi Traders …
Every time i come on thread still negative people going around and saying against me …
Its now more then harrassing to any one and i cant bear it more…

From now i dont even reply such a … person who i know already a member of baby pips because if u see he just sine up some hours ago and go to direct my thread and say all … and its showing from his talking language that he reading my all old posts and know about me and FB page , so now some people trying that i get negative and close the thread because from such these posts traders get negative from me…

What i am going to say that such people pay 100$ to 200$ or even more to signals provider or copy trader and if then they trade wrong and washed there account they say nothing…
or some fund managers who also giving signals here because people go to them and manage there funds and then such type of manager wash there account then they cant say even 1 word to them …

Did i mention in any post from starting that i provide free signals for life and tell me that did i lie to any one is our signals did not show u such amazing performance from last 4 weeks and now u have also our FB page that Metin mention if u check out that u may see result up to 6 months there and every week results with real people comments …

I am not 1 of those who only try to sell his product that is good or bad , I want to be very clear with every one and telling the truth from start…

Why did people not understanding that all fingurs are not equal…

I want your support who believe me and want to see me here for long time

And for those negative people who dont want to see me here just report my posts , report my thread also report my id and do what ever u can …