Forex Weekly Signals make 500 to 3000 pips per month

[QUOTE=“loveislife786;540607”]I am not 1 of those who only try to sell his product that is good or bad , I want to be very clear with every one and telling the truth from start…


So you aren’t selling the “robot” you are programming?

[QUOTE=“loveislife786;540384”]Good News For All…
As i tell from starting thread that we are working on a robot So we just finished it and its ready now…
We are going to its beta testing and u all are welcomed to use this free for 1 to 2 weeks from next week…

What it do?

When u have this robot u just place on it any chart that u want to get signals and it show the signals…
It works on all currencies pair and Gold , Oil and other and give u signal for all when ever u want the signals…

Now wait is over and now it will be in your hand to get signals …
and tell us what u think or is any problem in this …

So R u all ready for it …[/QUOTE]

[QUOTE=“ILovePizzaMore;540605”] Did loveislife post a picture of himself?[/QUOTE]

It says he’s from PAKISTAN and unless you can’t read, that ain’t Nigeria my friend.

[QUOTE=“HassanF;540623”] Yes that’s understandable - but first of all the guy posting the signals for free isn’t from Nigeria. People using these signals are not being forced to use em so I don’t understand this guys issue. If he doesn’t like the signals he doesn’t have to start talking about people’s races. If he had the balls to put up his own picture and name - I’m sure people would have a lot to say about him.[/QUOTE]


Did loveislife post a picture of himself?[/QUOTE]


It says he’s from PAKISTAN and unless you can’t read, that ain’t Nigeria my friend.[/QUOTE]

So he didn’t post a picture of himself?

[QUOTE=“ILovePizzaMore;540624”] So he didn’t post a picture of himself?[/QUOTE]

does it look like he’s posted a picture of himself? You need glasses. Look at his bio and skype etc and you’ll see where he’s from for yourself.


wtf is your problem you wanker, does it look like he’s posted a picture of himself? You need glasses. Look at his bio and skype etc and you’ll see where he’s from for yourself.[/QUOTE]

you were telling the other guy that he should post a pic of himself… Implying Loveislife did…

[QUOTE=“HassanF;540623”] Yes that’s understandable - but first of all the guy posting the signals for free isn’t from Nigeria. People using these signals are not being forced to use em so I don’t understand this guys issue. If he doesn’t like the signals he doesn’t have to start talking about people’s races. If he had the balls to put up his own picture and name - I’m sure people would have a lot to say about him.[/QUOTE]

[QUOTE=“ILovePizzaMore;540630”] you were telling the other guy that he should post a pic of himself… Implying Loveislife did… [/QUOTE]

So how can he imply that loverislife is from Nigeria?


So how can he imply that loverislife is from Nigeria?[/QUOTE]

How can you tell the other guy to post a pic of himself when loveislife hasn’t either…?

No not for now we will not go for any thing pay or else till then people here in thread are not satisfied …
Yes we have planned but only if this works great and traders here say yes its good…

I have already many members contacted for buying services but we dont go for this beceause we still wana see every one happy here …

You are quoting my posts but not the negative ones who using bad words against me …

If u ever check my skype profile go and see my real adress and mobile number showing there …

I am not here to scam and we will find who is going to scam any one…


No not for now we will not go for any thing pay or else till then people here in thread are not satisfied …
Yes we have planned but only if this works great and traders here say yes its good…

Not for now… But eventually you will.

[QUOTE=“ILovePizzaMore;540634”] How can you tell the other guy to post a pic of himself when loveislife hasn’t either…?[/QUOTE]

I’m not concerned about loveislife. I was referring to the guys racist remarks. If you’ve got an issue with me speaking up - message me directly and we can sort this out without disturbing the thread.


I’m not concerned about loveislife. I was referring to the guys racist remarks. If you’ve got an issue with me speaking up - message me directly and we can sort this out without disturbing the thread.[/QUOTE]

Mmm… All I was asking is if loveislife posted a pic of himself since that was what you were essentially implying. A simply “no” from you would have sufficed.

Enough is Enough what u r trying to show u also have not ur pic in ur profile showing ur real face so u r scammer also many here did not have there real pic in profile so they r not real … come on be a positive trader
and if u want to ask some thing then just PM me people follow this thread for signals not for useless posts so plz no more posts…


Enough is Enough what u r trying to show u also have not ur pic in ur profile showing ur real face so u r scammer also many here did not have there real pic in profile so they r not real … come on be a positive trader
and if u want to ask some thing then just PM me people follow this thread for signals not for useless posts so plz no more posts…[/QUOTE]

Read my posts before you assume that you know what I am saying.


Did loveislife post a picture of himself?[/QUOTE]


So he didn’t post a picture of himself?[/QUOTE]


How can you tell the other guy to post a pic of himself when loveislife hasn’t either…?[/QUOTE]


Mmm… All I was asking is if loveislife posted a pic of himself since that was what you were essentially implying. A simply “no” from you would have sufficed.[/QUOTE]

So where did I say you were a scam?

Plz respect my words no more post if u want to tell or ask some thing then PM plz …

‘ILovepizzamore’- I dont understand what your problem is? Do you lead such a sad pathetic life you have to jump in and add fuel to the fire whenever you get a chance? You have contributed [U]nothing[/U] of worth to this thread. I support what metin did about questioning the signals, analysing them and trying to improve on them- but your presence here is of benefit to no one. The mods seriously need to do something about you.

Ilovepizzamore. Give it a rest! You must have a very shallow existence if all you can find to spend your time on is worthless comments.
I have seen your posts on many threads and they are always petty, negative and disruptive.
If you’ve got so much to say start your own thread, post your own signals and we can come and harass you. Most of us here are just trying to TRADE. We are not interested in childish squabbles. We want to make money and help each other along the way.


Plz respect my words no more post if u want to tell or ask some thing then PM plz …[/QUOTE]

Lol I have zero respect for people who aren’t traders… Just posting signals that their friend is giving them… But it’s not worth my time to point out the blind leading the blind on this thread.

Good luck.

if it’s not worth your time then what are you doing here? maybe stop posting and go away

[QUOTE=“mdujhr;540675”]if it’s not worth your time then what are you doing here? maybe stop posting and go away[/QUOTE]

Good one…

Good luck :slight_smile:

you’re still here… can’t help it?