ForexPeoples Daily Technical Analysis for USDJPY

Daily Technical Analysis for USDJPY - by ForexPeoples.Com | Tuesday, May 21, 2013

since last two daily candle ago, i still see that momentum bearish still on USDJPY - and yes, if then strong seller can break down again to bellow the 102.05 = that’s will be good time for plan sell. let’s see first for that break down for plan sell. :slight_smile:


Daily Technical Analysis for USDJPY - by ForexPeoples.Com | Wednesday, May 22, 2013

the price on still look bearish. for me if USDJPY then can move to bellow 102.07 = make a plan to sell is good act. let’s see for that break down happen first - then after that truly happen = sell is better. :slight_smile:


Daily Technical Analysis for USDJPY - by ForexPeoples.Com | Thursday, May 23, 2013

for USDJPY = bulls still look on here. but for called nice buy plan again today = please make sure first that strong buyer group was also break up too to more 103.73 (with strong break up movement) then. :slight_smile:


Daily Technical Analysis for USDJPY - by ForexPeoples.Com | Friday, May 24, 2013

for USDJPY - this look to become more bearish again but weak. and for me - if seller on this pair can break down again to more bellow 100.82 = take a sell is better to start. but - as long as price still move on inner yesterday candle, just wait and see is more wise act for till now. :slight_smile:


Daily Technical Analysis for USDJPY - by ForexPeoples.Com | Sunday, May 26, 2013 (analysis price for next opening price - tomorrow)

most price for USDJPY on still look to still down / bearish. and yes, this good for sell then if truly, the strong intraday low at 100.83 can be break down by next seller. make a plan to sell = yes good act then after break down price to 100.83. :slight_smile:


Daily Technical Analysis for USDJPY - by ForexPeoples.Com | Monday, May 27, 2013

for me - if today price candle on USDJPY can more break down again to bellow the 100.66 = yes, take a plan to sell is good act then here. so, for now, we can just wait and see first to break down price to bellow that 100.66 for plan nice sell on this pair, then. :slight_smile:


Daily Technical Analysis for USDJPY - by ForexPeoples.Com | Tuesday, May 28, 2013

bulls on look here. after the break up happen to that intraday high at near 101.30 = yes, take a plan to still hold for buy is better act here (USDJPY) - just it. :slight_smile:


Hiya FP, what’s yer target/profit point on USD/JpY? :slight_smile:

Daily Technical Analysis for USDJPY - by ForexPeoples.Com | Wednesday, May 29, 2013

this also look to more bulls again probability. on USDJPY daily chart = clear can be see : if then 102.51 can be break up too by strong buyer = take for search buy is nice plan then. :slight_smile:


Dude, did you see my last msg to you yesterday?

Hiya FP, what’s yer target/profit point on USD/JpY? :slight_smile:

Daily Technical Analysis for USDJPY - by ForexPeoples.Com | Thursday, May 30, 2013

the bearish also can still probably play on this USDJPY - so, please note : if then the candle can break down again to bellow 100.71 = take a sell op will be good act then. :slight_smile:



Looking at the dailies usd/jpy chart and macd hist (12,26,9), I saw a macd hist bearish divergence on may 23 where usd/jpy touched new highs but macd hist traces lower highs. Noticed this wasn’t mentioned much in forums and would like to know if I am looking at it right?


Daily Technical Analysis for USDJPY - by ForexPeoples.Com | Friday, May 31, 2013

for me - the USDJPY also on look to bearish too. and yes, if the last intraday low at near 100.46 was can be break by seller = nice sell then here. now, let’s see first for that break down price to 100.46. :slight_smile:


A very negative sentiment coming from speculators emerges this week from the Cot Fx… the right soil for the contrarian. Short in the opening of EurJpy on Monday.

Daily Technical Analysis for USDJPY - by ForexPeoples.Com | Sunday, June 02, 2013 (analysis price for next opening price - tomorrow)

down price still on USDJPY = for me - if this UJ can also move again on bellow that 100.46 = just be a seller! - that’s wise idea of course. :slight_smile:


Daily Technical Analysis for USDJPY - by ForexPeoples.Com | Monday, June 03, 2013

most USDJPY trend is still down till now. and with clear can be see = if the 100.22 can be break down too by next seller = be a part of seller will be wise decision then. :slight_smile:


In the last seven sessions of trading, UsdJpy has fallen 6 times, certainly not a good sign. Attention to the break of 100 that would produce a significant fall up to 97.

Daily Technical Analysis for USDJPY - by ForexPeoples.Com | Tuesday, June 04, 2013

most price move on USDJPY is still down. for me - if the USDJPY on today price move also can break more down to bellow 98.86 = that’s mean - good for start sell - ok, let’s see for that break down first to 98.86 for better plan sell op then. :slight_smile:


usdjpy has to go up up :slight_smile:

Break of the support of area 100 by UsdJpy that requires a confirmation today. If it resumes the fall, then we can estimate a first target in area 97.