ForexPeoples Daily Technical Analysis for USDJPY

A very strong support area for EurJpy. I think that the market will attempt to build a base here. A fall below 125 would formalize a bearish head and shoulder with devastating consequences for Japan.

Daily Technical Analysis for USDJPY - by ForexPeoples.Com | Tuesday, June 18, 2013

trend of USDJPY now look flat. price move slow near pivot 94.53. with this condition, of course, take action for just wait and see is better. :slight_smile:


Daily Technical Analysis for USDJPY - by ForexPeoples.Com | Wednesday, June 19, 2013

bulls momentum = yes look here till now. and i see - for plan trade on this USDJPY = take plan buy is better - but, make sure first that buyer group on this pair also was move and break to more above fibo price (95.76). :slight_smile:


Daily Technical Analysis for USDJPY - by ForexPeoples.Com | Thursday, June 20, 2013

for USDJPY - this pair on still bulls. for me - we can take a part to be a buyer again, and before that, make sure that today buyer was move and break more to 97.02. :slight_smile:


In Asia, everybody is selling the local currency, not just the Japanese. Here is the Asian Index:

Daily Technical Analysis for USDJPY - by ForexPeoples.Com | Friday, June 21, 2013

for USDJPY till now on still look sideways but can probably to still can up bulls again if buyer also can break up to above that 98.28. ok let’s see first for that break up for plan buy. :slight_smile:


Daily Technical Analysis for USDJPY - by ForexPeoples.Com | Sunday, June 23, 2013 (analysis price for next opening price - tomorrow)

the bulls also on this USDJPY and of course, take a buy op will be better then - with make sure first that buyer here was able break up to price 98.28, then. :slight_smile:


Daily Technical Analysis for USDJPY - by ForexPeoples.Com | Monday, June 24, 2013

for this USDJPY - i see bulls can be here and good for buy op then if the last candle here can also still move above that intraday high 98.13 = so, yes, take action for buy is better here with sl bellow 97.64. :slight_smile:


Daily Technical Analysis for USDJPY - by ForexPeoples.Com | Tuesday, June 25, 2013

for USDJPY - be aware with down trend - for me = if today price on this pair can move more down again to bellow the 97.21 = take a sell is better act. :slight_smile:


Daily Technical Analysis for USDJPY - by ForexPeoples.Com | Wednesday, June 26, 2013

for this USDJPY - bulls also on can probably play today here. in my opinion = make a plan to buy is good idea after 98.06 can be break by next buyer. let’s see. :slight_smile:


Daily Technical Analysis for USDJPY - by ForexPeoples.Com | Thursday, June 27, 2013

this just look to sideways - price on USDJPY till now move slow near that intraday pivot 97.73. just ignore first this pair = better. :slight_smile:


Daily Technical Analysis for USDJPY - by ForexPeoples.Com | Friday, June 28, 2013

the momentum bulls on USDJPY on still look bulls. for me, as long as price then here still can hold move on above 98.57 = take a part to be buyer, yes better. :slight_smile:


Daily Technical Analysis for USDJPY - by ForexPeoples.Com | Sunday, June 30, 2013 (analysis price for next opening price - tomorrow)

still nice bulls - and still good for buy if this USDJPY can still move above the 98.57. ok, be ready again to be buyer = better. :slight_smile:


Daily Technical Analysis for USDJPY - by ForexPeoples.Com | Monday, July 01, 2013

the USDJPY also on bulls. for me - we can take the buy op then after 99.45 break by next buyer (on today). let’ see for that break up 99.45 first, then we can plan start buy. :slight_smile:


Daily Technical Analysis for USDJPY - by ForexPeoples.Com | Tuesday, July 02, 2013

the USDJPY pair till now on still look up bulls - for me, if on today price move, buyer also can break up to above the strong intraday high at near the price 99.85 = take action for buy again here is more better idea then. :slight_smile:


Daily Technical Analysis for USDJPY - by ForexPeoples.Com | Wednesday, July 03, 2013

for USDJPY till now, i still see bulls here. and good for buy after make sure first that buyer was break up to above 100.75. on other look, we just wait and see first if candle price today still move slow bellow 100.75. just it. :slight_smile:


Daily Technical Analysis for USDJPY - by ForexPeoples.Com | Thursday, July 04, 2013

this truly on down movement and good for plan sell then if today price on USDJPY move down again to more level price 99.25. please take a time to wait and see first for that break down - if you need to take sell again here (then). :slight_smile:


Daily Technical Analysis for USDJPY - by ForexPeoples.Com | Friday, July 05, 2013

the bulls also on here and yes, for me - take a part to be buyer is better for USDJPY - and make sure that break up was happen then to that 100.52 (for plan buy). :slight_smile:


Daily Technical Analysis for USDJPY - by ForexPeoples.Com | Sunday, July 07, 2013 (analysis price for next opening price - tomorrow)

nice bull for USDJPY and look still bull too - i mean, so, if the candle then can still hold move on above last intraday high at 100.15 = make a plan to still buy is better act then. :slight_smile:


Daily Technical Analysis for USDJPY - by ForexPeoples.Com | Monday, July 08, 2013

the bull on here - the last candle on this USDJPY still on support buy and yes, take action buy is better with make sure price then can move above the 101.22. :slight_smile:
