ForexPeoples Daily Technical Analysis for USDJPY

Daily Technical Analysis for USDJPY - by ForexPeoples.Com | Tuesday, July 09, 2013

for USDJPY, bulls also still here but weak. i say weak bull if buyer then still can not break up to above 101.53. so, if we want to buy again here, make sure that 101.53 was break up by next buyer. just it. :slight_smile:


Daily Technical Analysis for USDJPY - by ForexPeoples.Com | Wednesday, July 10, 2013

till now, USDJPY just look to flat. yes, no nice idea to take op on this flat condition. wait and see is still more better. :slight_smile:


Daily Technical Analysis for USDJPY - by ForexPeoples.Com | Thursday, July 11, 2013

most price move for USDJPY = yes on down = today we see the bearish candle can able break to more bellow important line price at 99.40. take action for sell is better if price still can move on bellow 99.40, i see. :slight_smile:


Daily Technical Analysis for USDJPY - by ForexPeoples.Com | Friday, July 12, 2013

the USDJPY pair on still down. today - we can pay attention to the intraday low level at price 98.26. take sell is better after 98.26 can be break by next seller. :slight_smile:


Daily Technical Analysis for USDJPY - by ForexPeoples.Com | Sunday, July 14, 2013 (analysis price for next opening price - tomorrow)

the USDJPY can call down bearish - if next seller group then can break to more bellow fibo 98.26. just it. :slight_smile:


Daily Technical Analysis for USDJPY - by ForexPeoples.Com | Monday, July 15, 2013

momentum on USDJPY is still down (although weak bearish). after see to the candle daily formation, yes, if seller also can break to bellow 98.67 = be a seller is better plan. :slight_smile:


Daily Technical Analysis for USDJPY - by ForexPeoples.Com | Tuesday, July 16, 2013

this just to still flat. USDJPY now move weak near the intraday pivot 99.78. just wait and see action first is good act, of course. :slight_smile:


Daily Technical Analysis for USDJPY - by ForexPeoples.Com | Wednesday, July 17, 2013

most price on USDJPY is still down - for me, make a plan to sell will be good act if seller break to bellow 98.88. the last daily candle on support down i see. :slight_smile:


Daily Technical Analysis for USDJPY - by ForexPeoples.Com | Thursday, July 18, 2013

the USDJPY pair till now on still play bull - we see - if on today move this pair can break up to above the intraday high (near 99.94) = take a buy will better act, i see. :slight_smile:


Daily Technical Analysis for USDJPY - by ForexPeoples.Com | Friday, July 19, 2013

for USDJPY - this look bulls, and good for buy. today buyer here was success break to above intraday high at 100.65 = also i see, tcci average 20 and 80 on look support bulls trend = be a buyer today = better. :slight_smile:


Daily Technical Analysis for USDJPY - by ForexPeoples.Com | Monday, July 22, 2013

be ready for sell. for me = if USDJPY today can move down again to more 99.80 = be ready to sell is good act then. let see, brothers. :slight_smile:


Daily Technical Analysis for USDJPY - by ForexPeoples.Com | Tuesday, July 23, 2013

the USDJPY on still look down trend. for me = as long as seller here then still can hold move bellow the 99.28 = it’s down zone and good for sell plan. :slight_smile:


Daily Technical Analysis for USDJPY - by ForexPeoples.Com | Wednesday, July 24, 2013

look at daily tf here, yes, clear that USDJPY on more to down again. i see if seller then can move again to bellow 99.13 = make a plan to sell op is good action then. the last two candle on support down. :slight_smile:


Daily Technical Analysis for USDJPY - by ForexPeoples.Com | Friday, July 26, 2013

price on USDJPY is look nice down and now become more nice down after we see that seller was break to bellow 98.88. tcci average 20 day also on support down till now. :slight_smile:


Would this price level be a strong buy signal now?

Daily Technical Analysis for USDJPY - by ForexPeoples.Com | Sunday, July 28, 2013 (analysis price for next opening price - tomorrow)

for USDJPY, yes, i see this more to look more to down again after on last friday we see the candle was success break down that 98.88 = and yes, for next plan trade here, we can search again for sell = better. tcci average 20 day on also support down, i see. :slight_smile:


I also think that UsdJpy might fall further. Let’s say 94-95 as a target.

Is there the same feeling on the EURO/JPY pair?

Daily Technical Analysis for USDJPY - by ForexPeoples.Com | Monday, July 29, 2013

the down trend on still here and yes, if USDJPY then can still move down bellow 97.95 = make additional plan to still sell op is better act. :slight_smile:


Disastrous retail sales in Japan (-0.2% in June), increase the long Jpy. Big trade on ZarJpy fell below 10.00, over 4000 pips in 4 sessions.