Full time dad looking for guidance on trading

I had this problem a lot. My entries were getting better, and I would have two nice trades going.

In the mean time, I’d be taking bad trades left and right.

I took trades that the odds of being wrong were too high. But all I could think about was, “well, what if I’m right?”

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Thank you so much for the information you’ve provided, I’ve also been told that FXchoice and Hugosway are also brokers available, have you heard anything about these two? You seem very knowledgeable about Forex and I greatly appreciate the help you are offering. So while I’m doing these courses I’ll set up a demo account. But let me ask you this, what broker is the best choice to go with, keeping in mind I’m still a baby noob, that will benefit me the most?

Sounds like a fun learning process, but did it help you to become profitable?

You keep asking the same question in many other threads. Basically you’re using the BP forums to solicit students into the ICT method and bash the online BP online course.

If you and all these ICT students were profitable, as you so claim to be, you’d set up on your own online learning portal and stop asking promoting ICT on Babypips as incessantly as you idiots do.

I do not know if all these ICT students are profitable, nor do I care. I am simply asking if BP helped them to become profitable or not. If you do not like that question, then that is your issue mate.

The answer is self evident if you take the course yourself. But you haven’t.

You have the alternative of opening up a discussion thread and dissecting course content you think isn’t suitable for profitable trading but you don’t.

Instead you prey on new members like you do here and here. You prey on new member posts, try to instill doubt on the online course content to offer ICT as an alternative. That’s just plain solicitation.

I have went through BP. One thing very toxic I notice is as soon you are being critical about ICT, BTMM, BP or whatever in forex…the groupies need to go in attack mode asap. I am not going to discuss about me not being able to ask questions or not. If you do not have a valuable answer, then I am not going to waste my time discussing with you.

Fine, lets’ say I’m toxic and irrational. If you feel that strongly about the online course material on BP then by all means open a new thread to discuss with the wider community.

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I do think that BP is not very helpful, however there were a handful of traders who replied to my question of becoming profitable mainly cause of BP. I would like to do more research before concluding this as nonsense.

Then it’d make only more sense to open a new thread and build a survey. You’ll have a good sample size of respondents and generate a healthy discussion around it. That, IMHO, would be a very constructive alternative.

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True. Need to find out how open a survey here. Thank you.

If you’re serious about it you can try out a survey like this:

That’s be a great conversation starter tbh.

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Sweet! Appreciate it. I can use this as a good example.

Understanding that it’s a probabilities game and that staking the odds in your favour as much as possible is the aim of the game is a a lightbulb moment.

Babypips course is a good one to start with. I have heard many people saying it’s quite easy to understand and beneficial too. I have recently started with it.


you actually followed up and created a survey! That’s cool.

For that, I apologize for accusing you of soliciting students for ICT. It looks like I was clearly wrong about it.


Chris lori
Stacey burke

They all teach a version of the same secrets. Youre welcome

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If you humble yourself maybe youll start making some money and not be so bitter. Youre critical of people giving away the truth for free. The ego blinds us. Youre stuck

No, that’d be your ego. You are blind only to ICT and that’s pathetic. You don’t know about other traders, what they do and how they go about it. Go humble yourself.