Ahhh…you must be referring to Zeitgeist The Movie…lol

Zeitgeist - The Movie


I think this coming Monday will be the last day we can trade?:eek::confused::p:D

:eek: OH NOES! Not secret information.

:rolleyes: Oh lord,… bwahahaha.

Wow, I appreciate the response from all sides, true it would be hard to imagine some of the unimaginable things many of you seemingly easily put aside. It gives me pause to reconsider going to far or to fast and miss out on the fun. Yet I will dare to speak of odd or even conspiritorial thoughts, even as I keep them at arms length and be factual. I assume each wants to hold on to our opportunity, thats why I brought it up. We all are investing in what our founding fathers set up and are putting time/money/energy to make it a reality. When I begin to see the outlines of pieces of puzzle people have laughed at for 35 yrs., I will pause and even fight for my right to trade honestly and freely. I am grateful for the thought that it may be years away if at all. SO, DON’T TOUCH MY PIPS! LIVE FREE WITH MY PIPS OR DIE! :slight_smile:

OK, I will reply this way…

Firstly Percypipster is another alias of mp6140, so beware.

Now as for the new world order - it is very true, and the secret societies in it such as the Freemasons, Illuminati, Club of Rome, and other satanic organizations are all behind it.

No these are not wand waving weirdos.
They are very intelligent people.

[B]Clint has hit the nail right on the head with his hyperlink.[/B]

Moves behind the scenes are happening very rapidly.
The new currency will be fully electronic, in a sophisticated version RFID chip implanted into every human being.
It will be carbon based because of world climate change.
The electronic RFID chip will be hailed as the solution to all the financial woes of the world.
Everything can then be electronically tracked.
No more stealing, money laundering, tax evasion, losing cash, etc etc.
Economies can be regulated by computer.

Is this all nonsense?
The chip implant is already being done in parts of the world.

[B]I would like to give more information but already I am coming under ridicule.[/B]

Unless people are really open to listen, it is better [U]I shut up[/U] and let you see the one world currency suddenly come in for yourself.
Yes, it is going to happen very soon.

How soon?

Keep your eye on the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem.
It is destined for removal and the third Jewish temple built in its place.
The corner stone is already made and items for the temple are ready.
This removal will probably be the major breakthrough that will bring a false peace in the Middle East.
The Jews will get their temple and the Muslims will get something else - not sure what.

When the Dome of the Rock goes, the electronic chip should be here and with it the one world currency.

I am an old man.
In my lifetime I have seen the world go thro incredible changes.
I do believe I will see the one world currency.

[B]Do your forex trading while you still can!![/B]

[B]Russia to propose Global Single Currency Reserve at G20 Summit[/B]

The Kremlin published its priorities Monday for an upcoming meeting of the G20, calling for the creation of a supranational reserve currency to be issued by international institutions as part of a reform of the global financial system.

The International Monetary Fund should investigate the possible creation of a new reserve currency, widening the list of reserve currencies or using its already existing Special Drawing Rights, or SDRs, as a “superreserve currency accepted by the whole of the international community,” the Kremlin said in a statement issued on its web site.

The SDR is an international reserve asset, created by the IMF in 1969 to supplement the existing official reserves of member countries.

The Kremlin has persistently criticized the dollar’s status as the dominant global reserve currency and has lowered its own dollar holdings in the last few years. Both President Dmitry Medvedev and Prime Minister Vladimir Putin have repeatedly called for the ruble to be used as a regional reserve currency, although the idea has received little support outside of Russia.

Analysts said the new Kremlin proposal would elicit little excitement among the G20 members.

“This is all in the realm of fantasy,” said Sergei Perminov, chief strategist at Rye, Man and Gore. "There was a situation that resembled what they are talking about. It was called the gold standard, and it ended very badly.

“Alternatives to the dollar are still hard to find,” he said.

The Kremlin’s call for a common currency is not the first in recent days. Speaking at an economic conference in Astana, Kazakhstan, last week, Kazakh President Nursultan Nazarbayev proposed a global currency called the “acmetal” – a conflation of the words “acme” and “capital.”

He also suggested that the Eurasian Economic Community, a loose group of five former Soviet republics including Kazakhstan and Russia, adopt a single noncash currency – the yevraz – to insulate itself from the global economic crisis.

The suggestions received a lukewarm response from Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov on Saturday.

Nazarbayev’s proposal did, however, garner support from at least one prominent source – Columbia University professor Robert Mundell, who was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1999 for his role in creating the euro.

Speaking at the same conference with Nazarbayev, he said the idea had “great promise.”

The Kremlin document also called for national banks and international financial institutions to diversify their foreign currency reserves. It said the global financial system should be restructured to prevent future crises and proposed holding an international conference after the G20 summit to adopt conventions on a new global financial structure.

The Group of 20 industrialized and developing countries will meet in London on April 2.

[B] U.N. panel says world should ditch dollar [/B]

Reuters.com - World News, Financial News, Breaking US & International News

A U.N. panel will next week recommend that the world ditch the dollar as its reserve currency in favor of a shared basket of currencies, a member of the panel said on Wednesday, adding to pressure on the dollar.

Currency specialist Avinash Persaud, a member of the panel of experts, told a Reuters Funds Summit in Luxembourg that the proposal was to create something like the old Ecu, or European currency unit, that was a hard-traded, weighted basket.

Persaud, chairman of consultants Intelligence Capital and a former currency chief at JPMorgan, said the recommendation would be one of a number delivered to the United Nations on March 25 by the U.N. Commission of Experts on International Financial Reform.

“It is a good moment to move to a shared reserve currency,” he said.

Central banks hold their reserves in a variety of currencies and gold, but the dollar has dominated as the most convincing store of value – though its rate has wavered in recent years as the United States ran up huge twin budget and external deficits.

Some analysts said news of the U.N. panel’s recommendation extended dollar losses because it fed into concerns about the future of the greenback as the main global reserve currency, raising the chances of central bank sales of dollar holdings.

“Speculation that major central banks would begin rebalancing their FX reserves has risen since the intensification of the dollar’s slide between 2002 and mid-2008,” CMC Markets said in a note.

Russia is also planning to propose the creation of a new reserve currency, to be issued by international financial institutions, at the April G20 meeting, according to the text of its proposals published on Monday.

It has significantly reduced the dollar’s share in its own reserves in recent years.

Persaud said that the United States was concerned that holding the reserve currency made it impossible to run policy, while the rest of world was also unhappy with the generally declining dollar.

“There is a moment that can be grasped for change,” he said.

“Today the Americans complain that when the world wants to save, it means a deficit. A shared (reserve) would reduce the possibility of global imbalances.”

Persaud said the panel had been looking at using something like an expanded Special Drawing Right, originally created by the International Monetary Fund in 1969 but now used mainly as an accounting unit within similar organizations.

The SDR and the old Ecu are essentially combinations of currencies, weighted to a constituent’s economic clout, which can be valued against other currencies and indeed against those inside the basket.

Persaud said there were two main reasons why policymakers might consider such a move, one being the current desire for a change from the dollar.

The other reason, he said, was the success of the euro, which incorporated a number of currencies but roughly speaking held on to the stability of the old German deutschemark compared with, say, the Greek drachma.

Persaud has long argued that the dollar would give way to the Chinese yuan as a global reserve currency within decades.

A shared reserve currency might negate this move, he said, but he believed that China would still like to take on the role.

Tymen, have you been smoking something you shouldn’t? At your age?!

There’s so many things wrong with your conclusions, I don’t know where to start, so I won’t. But think about it Tymen, half the world can’t even afford decent food and water, I hardly think they’ll be rushing out to get RFID chips implanted in their skulls.

Yes RFID will become more prevalent, yes it’s possible we’ll get implants in the future, no it won’t be hailed as a financial solution as it’s a mechanism for payment not a currency in itself, no there aren’t lots of organisations like the Freemasons plotting a new world order though it makes for a good book, yes its possible the Yuan takes over as the world’s reserve currency in our lifetimes, no it’s not likely everyone else gives up their sovereignty etc etc.

Well, hello MP!

I thought you had given up and moved on, guess not.

Why do you insist on calling him Tyman instead of Tymen? Just curious;)


I think your thoughts are quite interesting, but I think that you underestimate the difficulty of succeding in such a project.

Things that must be agreed by many member states usually show very slow, if any, progress.
Look to the UN or EU for good examples.

A common currency is still lightyears away, even if those in power are getting ideas.

[B]Germany after World War I[/B]

I’m so glad that I have a small fortune in German marks. I have 100 million marks stashed away in a secret location. This modest fortune is surprisingly easy to store — it’s all on one piece of paper, printed in 1923.

Unfortunately, at the time my 100-million-Reichsmark note was printed, the exchange rate for the German mark vs. the U.S. dollar was 1 trillion marks = 1 dollar. Or, to put that into forex lingo, DRM/USD = 0.000000000001

(What’s a DRM? Who knows — I just made that up.)

So, in 1923, my “fortune” in German marks was worth one one-hundredth of a cent. I wonder what it’s worth today.

By 1923, the German currency was so worthless, due to hyper-inflation, that the German government left the back side of all bank notes blank, just to save ink.

For an excellent article on the German hyper-inflation of 1922-1923, check out this essay by “Adam Smith”:

Commanding Heights : The German Hyperinflation, 1923 | on PBS

[B]The U.S. after Obama[/B]

Get ready for something similar in this country, thanks to the anti-capitalists who now control the U.S. government. If you think that the socialists in power now are seeking to rescue and restore American capitalism, I think you’ve been tricked into drinking the official Kool-Aid. Forces are at work to destroy the U.S. dollar, to “level” the economies of the world, to discredit the concept of national sovereignty, to place all military forces under “international” control, and to set the stage for world government.

So, trade your beloved currency pairs while you can. I’m sure I won’t have to wait until [I]2023[/I] to acquire a [B]100-million-dollar[/B] note for my collection.


We’re going to need a world government once alien worlds start attacking us. Their world armies will pummel our nation-based armies. Hopefully secret forces are uniting us under a one-world flag as we speak.

With all due respect, don’t blame the US financial disaster on Obama.

The current US economical model was largely created by Reagan. The reason that the US is where it is right now has nothing to do with Obama. That should be pretty clear, huh? You do know that abroad many call the US - the richest developing country on Earth, right? Reagan’s and his successors’ way of building society has had a very divided result.

For me as a non-American it was and still is difficult to understand how a grade A moron like Bush junior could win/steal the presidency. That could never, trust me, have happened in my country. And still, we have our fair share of dum politicans here as well, but nothing that can compare to the Texas clown.

Put blame where it belongs: those that allowed things to slowly get out of hand for years until it finally crashed and burned. Who ran Halliburton… cough, I mean the US the eight last years…? ( Yeah, I know Halliburton is Cheney, but it illustrates my point on what sort of leadership Bush has represented)
So, if you dislike “anti-capitalists” so much, enjoy the legacy that your “capitalists” have left you.

Personally I doubt seriously that a 200 year old guy like McCain would have been up to it, so let’s just hope that Obama can perform those miracles that the US so badly needs. If anyone can, which I doubt.

With the dollar value I have no argument with you, I share the belief that one might soon need bigger wallets to fit in those 100.000$ bills.

It was NOT created by Reagan. Most of what is happening because of the collapse of the housing market.

The collapse happened because of banks giving out mortgages to people who weren’t qualified credit wise and would eventually default.

You might blame the banks at this point, like most people who are ignorant of the facts.

Fact: the U.S. government, in particular the Clinton Administration FORCED banks to give out mortgages that were high risk, they passed legislation that would financially punish banks that did not. They did this to get poor/lower middle class democrats to support them.

Everyone deserves a house, right? This is America! Wrong, you don’t deserve a house if you are bad credit risk and it’s likely based on your past history you are going to default.

This created a time when everyone could get a house almost regardless of credit rating or income history. The banks did it, but only did it because the democrats literally forced them too.

The banks then rolled up these mortgages into financial instruments and put them into the stock market This is the toxic assets everyones talking about. Everyone thought these mortgages would be worth lot of money as stock, as the market tanked they became next to worthless.

As usual the democratic part of the U.S. government screws everything up, then blames businesses, the economy and banks for things they were directly responsible for doing.

IMO, this is all on purpose so that they can say, “See, see, these banks and big businesses are screwing everything up, we need to get our greedy little hands on them so we can control them right.”

As usual democratic politicians brainwashes the middle class into thinking the reason things are bad is because large corporations and banks are fing them over, and that is the reason you don’t have money. Wake up, banks and businesses aren’t fing you, they create jobs and the economy. It’s the fing government that needs to get it’s hands out of everyone’s pocket’s.

If you follow history correctly, following what Reagan did for this country we had one of the best economies and a literal economic boom.

I do not blame Obama, but putting the country in huge debt to get out of a lesser debt, is straight up stupid. Everything he does leans towards a lot more government control and socialism.

Unless the governemnt is prepared to give people federal jobs, it is impossible for them to create jobs. Businesses flourishing creates jobs, yet he want’s to tax businesses to the point that their is little reason, or avaible capitol to them, to flourish and grow.

He wan’ts to create a welfare nation, where no individual makes more than 30k a year regardless of running a business or education and depends on big government for just about everything.

He is either very evil or very misguided. Capitolism and the ability for an individual to rise up from literally nothing and become rich from their own initiative is the single thing that can be pinpointed as making American as economically strong as it has been in the world.

Don’t be fooled by obamas nice smile and fluency in public speaking and pandering to what people want to hear. He is seriously fing up this country worse than what it was before he got in office.

Well, you’re part right and part wrong.

First, it was indeed Reagan’s administration that began the path that has ever since been walked down. He was the creator of the new doctrine for American society.
The core idea was that everything - from health care to military operations - should be run by private businesses.

Ironically, the demise of US power began about ten years later. Coincidence?

The fact that societies with large social inequalities in income, education, even access to quality health care, tend to become unstable is now taking it’s toll on the US.

The roots of the current crisis began long before Clinton attempted to relieve poverty by forcing banks to provide loans to those that should not get them.
Then however, banks found these loans to be very profitable at least as long as the real estate price kept flying. At this point, they didn’t need any forcing anymore from the long gone Lewinsky-lover.

Don’t make the mistake of thinking that the current crisis was just caused by the bad real estate credits. This was just the precipitating factor.
Take a long and hard look at what’s happening now and you may realize that American Dream you refer to of being able to start from scratch and get rich, first of all remains a dream for all those living in trailer parks, second works as a smoke screen to hide all that is bad.

I’m just saying that for being, supposedly, the richest country in the world you have huge problems with poverty. How does that add up?
I’m all for capitalism, but not at all costs. This is where I think that Reagan went wrong many years ago. It’s not swearing to state that free health care for all is reasonable, for instance. In fact - anything else is pathetic IMO. If you had said that to Reagan though, he’d likely have called you “Commi bastard!”.

Thank you for warning me not to be blinded by Obama’s charm. I’m pretty much immune though to stars and fireworks. I don’t like some of the things that he’s saying either, such as suggesting that he may take the US into another era of protectionism. But he’s saying some sensible stuff also and that’s worth listening to.

But, don’t be so quick to call him a socialist and don’t be so quick to shoot down his ideas. After all, after Bush it can’t really get worse, can it?
For the love of God, please agree with me on that at least, or I shall abandon all hope of you, ThePhoenix!

Ya cause communism and FORCING everyone to be financially equal worked out so well for the soviet union. I’m sorry but IMO, you are tottally wrong and don’t have a clue what you are talking about.

P.S. we have lots of poverty is A: because it’s a huuuuge country. B: It’s a Capitolist country, which means the strong survive and prosper and the weak and lazy get what they deserve. C: Even though it’s capitolist we give out huge amounts of welfare which only drains the countries coffers, raises taxes and promotes welfare abuse. Their are whole generations of people who refuse to work over here because they can get by, by getting handouts from the government because they know how to work the system.

P.P.S. The american dream is far from dead. I am 37. I came from a single parent family where my dad worked as carpenter. He worked his ass off half the year and when laid off lived on unemployment. When I was grown, even if I had great grades, their was no money for me to go to college. I was not elligable for student loans or handouts. So, I went to work at several different jobs.

Eventually I started my own businesses (S) from scratch, without money from the government. They make my living for me. I could be considered upper middle class I guess. Now, among other things I am learning forex as another business opportunity.

Anyone in America, IMO, who whines and complains that the American Dream is dead and that they can’t make it, is just too lazy or doesn’t have what it takes to pull themselv’s up by their bootstraps.

The sad truth is the average person is whiney, lazy and would rather live their live unconsciously from cradle to the grave. Most would rather be told from the start what they are going to do with their live and where their place in life is. Most people are just to fragile to actually try something and fail and keep trying.

I know this for certain, no one in their right mind wants big goverment. Do you want to give up every aspect of every major choice in your life, just so you don’t have to worry about the lazy & stupid sheeple being poorer than they would like? Think about it.

Why should healthcare be provided free by the government? Because some very ass backwards people think it’s a good idea?

Government is supposed to govern, not provide, manipulate and control.

If you look at all the major problems in the U.S. just about all of them are because of the government. They have their fingers in too many peoples pies.

Health care providers are seperate business entities. They can charge what they want for their services. Why should it be free? That just goes along with the notion that everyone should be able to have house, no matter income or credit status.

Businesses that provide a service charge for that service.

You want to talk about free healthcare? Are you aware that their are large amounts of border state hospitals that have had to shut down because they have had to give free healthcare to immigrants who have no insurance?

That’s what free healthcare leads too, a crappy healthcare system.

Now, a national insurance plan as suggested, that might work. IF, and this is a big IF, they can get everyone to pay into it.

I mostly agree with that! I also come from a background with parents who fought to make ends meet.

But, wouldn’t it have been nice if society was constructed in a way that rewards those who, like you, fight to make a good life for themselves.
But also, that those like you (and me) could get a little bit more help along the way. Trust me, the lazy and stupid end up in the gutter where they belong no matter how many handouts.

I’d say that the US may be slightly to far to one extreme and I admit that Sweden is a little to far on the other extreme.

I just think that it must be possible to reach a better balance in society, not just American or Swedish - but generally.

I’d like to see a world where those with ambition are free to fulfil those and where the weaker ones can still live their lives in a decent though spartan manner.

If we are all born equal, shouldn’t we all get an equal chance in life? Well, fact is that we don’t - not in Sweden or the US or in Cuba for that matter.

This is and has always been the great political and philosophical divider:
How to build a society that cares for both kinds - the strong and the weak. Obviously it’s difficult since no one has yet succeeded very well:
Communism tried and failed miserably
Extreme capitalism will also fail if it disregards the humane perspective to much.
As usual, the golden middle path walks away as the winner… Only time will tell if Obama heads towards that path or if he get’s lost in the left wing, so to speak.

To give you some perspective: I understand that you view Obama as a pretty leftish politician. In Sweden he would probably place himself sligthly to the right of the middle on the political scale. Strange, huh?

It works quite well in many countries, my own included.

If we are supposed to be given an equal chance in life it has to be logical that children born with or who aquire some health disorder be given good medical care, regardless of their parents’ wallet, IMO.

Immigrants are of course a whole other matter that needs to be dealt with. Public health care is for citizens and no one else. Otherwise things can of course get screwed up bad. There’s a difference between caring for your citizens and just doing plain Mother Teresa stuff…

Health is separate from other things, such as the right to have a car or a house. You know why? Because one can not choose their own health.

However, I’m not against making smoker’s pay for their own cancer treatment and the such situations.
But any of us can find ourselves in need of expensive medical treatment with no blame to ourselves for that. I think that a civilized society simply can’t allow people to die or suffer because they can’t pay up. It’s morally wrong.

Did we get this thread off track or what:D