Nothing wrong with a healthy debate.

Guess I just wanted to know if I should pursue fx at this time or ?

Atleast we will can still trade currencies universally. Atleast the powers that be wont universalise currencies at the next integalictic space meeting. We dont even get a seat on the board at the [B]Galaxy [/B] Trillion summit held ever million years. Universally our currency is quiet weak and getting weaker -as we are only one small speck of star dust and we dont hold much weight universally - they cant understand why we cant get our act together - they think we are a bunch of ‘arrogant morons’, their exact words.
I’ve been having fun trading intergalactic currency pairs for the past few years. I am currently buying Andromeda galaxy gublion (&) which is about 2.2 million light years from earth. Add another 0.1 million for the farside. There fundamentals are way stronger than ours (way way way stronger)
They have been shorting us for the past million years - they think we are all doomed heading straight down that forming black hole (big black hole cover candlestick pattern forming on the million year chart). They think our faces are stuck too far up our ass holes.
I’ve been long the Andromeda galaxy gublion for the past decade by the way…The milky way is doomed…i cant wait for them to come and beam me out of here…before it is too late.

Mee too! Don’t get me started on this guy.:eek:

BUT!!! You got one thing wrong.:mad: The Bush clan is a bunch of Yankees that transplanted to Texas.:stuck_out_tongue:

No wonder it’s always dark even when the lights are on.:rolleyes:

I haven’t read the rest of the thread but had to comment on this. Government moves at a snails pace. There’s no chance of a world currency happening anytime soon. I don’t care what sources you have. If you had legitimate sources, then that information would be all over the net now and in the hands of the media…which would explore it.

The risk of deletion of a post or thread is small compared to the relative impact of a transition to a world currency. I don’t discredit what you say, but question your sources.

The move to one currency would risk so much. Currencies are a basis for the strength of a country. Without currencies, it makes judging a country and it’s investment potential increasingly difficult. No person if their right mind would suggest this while the world is staggered in 1st world, 2nd world, 3rd world countries.

When the day comes that everyone is as technologically advanced as everyone else, then their might be a world currency. But currently there is too much difference between each country for their to be a consensus on one world currency.

If anyone is interested, this article written in 2002 is an explanation of the Austrian (Hayek, Mises) theory of “boom and bust” cycles, bubbles, etc. especially related to interest rate management by central banks. I found it very informative. If only I had found this in 2002…


[B]Thank you Clint, for your support.[/B]

For the rest of it, I knew I would receive a lot of rubbishing.

I maintiain what I say…

A new world order, one world government is rapidly decending upon us.
A one world electronic, carbon based, RFID chip powered currency is coming to pass soon.

Because of the rubbishing, I cannot see the point of continuing posts here.

However, I leave you with a little video, of interest.
This video is [B]not the basis for my beliefs[/B], but it is short and of good quality so as to make it presentable.
Further, it is filled with interesting historical facts.

For many, this video will only provide entertainment value.

[B]But that is why I now cease posting here.[/B]

The video…


Nope…I like [B]Zeitgeist[/B] waaaay better…lol

:smiley: :smiley:

Well…so far looks like world currency has [B]1[/B] vote:

“[I]From China, PBOC Governor Zhou yesterday called for a new Super Currency to replace the role of the US dollar as reserve currency. Zhou stated that the current economic crisis “calls for creative reform of the existing international monetary system towards an international reserve currency with a stable value, rule-based issuance and manageable supply, so as to achieve the objective of safeguarding global economic and financial stability.” We expect China rhetoric on currencies will be destabilizing and negative for sentiment. On a side note both President Obama and Fed Chairman Bernanke quickly dismissed the concept of a global currency. [/I]”

The above was taken from DailyFX:


clear, concise and most important it fits self interests of gov and the “follow the money maxim” If they want to tax forex, why would they do anything to slow it down?
like smoking. we don’t care if you die just keep smok’in, just show us the money to pay the lobbyists and pols. Any one read Animal Farm? orwellian double speaks, pc, lying, immoral, kill you, your family and grand kids with taxes, kill your country. But just keep me “looking good” , “free meal, penecillin, glutonous take-out” oh and not believe a long shot “green without science, same as evolution”. Other side same just give me the money, so I can not live to my platform tenets, let alone the B of rights or constitution or for that matter break contracts cuz the guberment says its ok to retro tax cuz we like the power and americans are illiterate, dumb, ignorant and worrying only for themselves also and their next 6’er and yes I screw everyone else without fear of retribution. oops got a little exited there. those are all lies and non-sense, it could never be so.

Let’s see what the G20 meeting brings. Very scary stuff indeed.:eek:

From what I read in the german media, China, Russia, South-Korea, Brazil, India and South-Africa are already supporting the installation of de facto fixed foreign exchange rates based on the Special Drawing Rights of the IMF. Russias Prime Minister Medjedew (spl?) said today that he wants to bring that up on this weeks G20 meeting…

So was there any real verdict to the summit or any answer to whether it’s worth putting in years of practice to a market that may disappear?

I kind of wandered back looking for indications myself. I gave it all up for the single currency reason myself, but enjoy the whole forex thing so I thought I would see what the opinion on this was.

When you look at the housing market and possible control of people, there are coincidences. The easiest way to control people is through money, and a more effective way is through debt. With the old belief of your home being a long term investment and a very good place to put your money, an unfathomable devaluation of home prices is a great way to destroy wealth, immobilize people and ultimately control them by creating more debt then the home is worth. It effectively punishes even those folks that are diligent with their money, and puts them in a position to need government help. I suppose the same thing for those retired previously living off of 401k’s and such. Much of that wealth was also terminated, creating poor out of the diligent, now needing handouts as well.

If you have one currency and little place for speculation, you eliminate another opportunity to create wealth on an independent scale, or any faster than what a fair wage brings home. If your debt is always greater than your income, your a slave to the system.

Edacsac: Continue in the forex, what you learn from forex transfers to the other markets as well, both in the technical and fundamental aspect. (I still believe VSA belongs within TA). If that which Tyemn1 refers to comes about you have two choices, take it or don’t. (Rev 14:9-11)

Tymen1: There is an avenue “Off topic Central - The Melting Pot” (Mat 18:20). Who cares what anybody thinks, and i do believe you have a calling.

With that said, have you Acts 2:17?


hope expert trader will give a good tips or info about forex trading. some of newbee make a mistake in their step.

may questions is

how to be good trader in the forex market? is it the correct way to jump in this field?


[B]About the Author[/B]

Forex Trading Software � Software Application For Forex is a top-rated product in the Forex Trading niche. Read more about Forex at Forex Automatic Trading Robots

Creating wealth on an independent scale? With Forex? Sorry m8, but foreign exchange trading is speculation. A zero sum game. No wealth is created by speculation. Your gains are someone elses losses (if not a speculator, then the societys as a whole). If I’d have to put it into some drastic words, I’d say us speculators are vermin. And there are very good reasons to eliminate excessive speculation abilitys with regulation.

I dont mean to step on anyones feet here. Everyone is entitled to have an opinion and I am learning this stuff myself. But for other reasons and with a different “morale legitimation” than “creating wealth” I guess. :wink:

There was an important statement made by China at the G8 Summit

"We should have a better system for reserve currency issuance and regulation, so that we can maintain relative stability of major reserve currencies exchange rates and promote a diversified and rational international reserve currency system,� said Mr Dai, according to the Chinese foreign ministry.

I wasn’t addressing any moral considerations, although I do agree that speculators sit closer to vermin then selfless folk. But if you are good, you can create (take) enough wealth to handle all your needs and some of your wants with forex. Many folks do; they just take from the losers. It’s all really a gamble of sorts. It’s just that the winners work inside reasonable probabilities. But you are correct, no wealth is actually created from scratch. And if everyone was a good trader, there wouldn’t be any money to make I suppose… My bad in the wording I chose.

So I wonder what that means really. That the chosen reserve currency(s) should be immune or at least resistant to price fluctuation? Would that statement lead us to believe that the forex markets would be in danger if that statement was realized?

Or is that statement based on China being stuck with falling US dollars as their reserve currency. Or could it be the fear of chinese exports being worth less to a ongoing weaker dollar?