Fx traders challenge - 100 live trades

GBP/JPY Finally Back Long in a "Group C Trade
The Bull Crown I mentioned on my video in this previous post, appeared to have formed and I have now traded it.

I will discuss this Bull Crown in my next video when available

Happy trading :slight_smile:

Correction Update of Spreadsheet :frowning:
I have spread in the premium and holding costs into the trades to adjust the overall results of -$300 we are at currently in our Demo Account last balance being $4,700 with one open trade (G/J)

I will create my video over the weekend.
We are still bullish on the G/J with a challenge to "stick around for at least 800 pips! :blush: ā€¦if we can ā€¦

happy trading

In this video I discuss live the opening of this long trade and the technical reasons for it.
I also will question my current ā€œBreak Evenā€ ruleā€¦

USD/JPY: +120 pips ā€¦
GBP/JPY: +160 pipsā€¦
AUD/USD: New tradeā€¦

I will be updating via a video today or over the weekendā€¦

USD/JPY +150pips GBP/JPY +200 pips and growing

In this video I discuss my plan for these two winning trades were we are now "free-rolling"
We discuss the AUD/USD and EUR/USD as we awaitā€¦

PS After being down -6% we are currently approaching +20%ā€¦these are the times we remember why we love trading!

Happy trading

USD/JPY & GBP/JPY Long Trades Closed at +180 pips / Now Short
Now we have exit and reverse both of this trades.
I will make a video analysis on the Short Trades if possible

Long GJ,. Closed UJ
unfortuantely I couldnā€™t update my video or this forum earlier neither could applied the changes to my demo account only to my live account. So here we will have a ā€œdivergenceā€ in results from my demo account t(which I use to publish my trades as it mirrors my live trades) so be it.
anyway, I will leave the demo to be stopped out and show a lossā€¦I am sure I will recoup in the demo though!
happy trading

GJ Long Trade: Exit at +40pips 142.22

GJ Short Trade on the making?
Wont have time to make a video prior to this set up but I will do a review and tech analysis on why I felt this worth trading short.
Watch the upcoming video to also see where we will be turning back into bull ā€¦as I see an upcoming crown in the makingā€¦
happy trading :slight_smile:

From Bear to Bullā€¦GBP/JPY Real Time Trade: Ascending Triangle

Hi dear traders, i wish I stuck to my ā€œforecastā€ā€¦or maybe not.
We had a couple of mixed signals, and a bit of whiplash. We survived it by still being ahead on our live account, but our Demo account took a hit.
To summarise a bit what happened, all to do with the G/J

Sometimes when we stick to our trading method (the trading selection part) we have these situations, specially when the market is in a very tricky junctureā€¦

I am back long, however, taking a risk based purely on my bullish bias of a few videos ago. but I suggest to ā€œwait for the completion of the current ascending triangleā€ which is considered a bullish continuation pattern. Due to day commitments, I sometimes need to take a ā€œgambleā€ and go with my intuition, and this is pretty much one of those times.
So happy tradingā€¦

ps: I am not turning back into bearish even if the market reverses. As much as I am bullish, I still have in back of my mind the possibility of the gbp to retrace back to about 140.30 area which is the 618 of the most recent upswing and behind the broken Day Down Trend Line, however, that is due by end of weekā€¦if so happens in which case this ā€œascending triangle in the makingā€ never completedā€¦and instead the gbp wouldā€™ve travel to form a Bull Crownā€¦on a larger timeframeā€¦

In Summary:

  1. Long Entry if the current Ascending Triangle breaks out: one 4hour or 2hr candle close above 142.33 with the stop at least at 141.60
  2. Long Entry if the current Ascending triangle doesnā€™t complete, the pound heads towards the 618 (140.30 area) to form a right tip of a new bull crown ----UNLIKELY

Happy trading :slight_smile:

Long GJ Class ā€œDā€ Paid Off +140pips!
Unfortunately my video on this active demo trade comes a bit late.
I traded a beautiful 786 Hammer on the GJ for a nice 140 pips and up 20% so far on this month real account, whilst my Demo account is lagging behindā€¦I havenā€™t been able to perfectly mirror my trades on the demo, but I rather have this situation than the otherway around!

So, here we explain the trade (I am out of it already on the real account at +140pips) but I missed closing the demo at that time, so we are leaving the demo trade at b/eā€¦

In any case, this video demonstrate a beautiful ā€œDā€ day winning trade! Watch and enjoyā€¦

PS: We are waiting to re-enter (in our live account) and to add to (in our Demo) since after further analysis I believe there will be a nice entry coming up soonā€¦ I hope I can make such entry on a real time videoā€¦but like I have mentioned I am busy outside trading which is making it a bit difficult at the moment. Having said that, those of you that have watched and subscribe to my channel already have the tools to pick up these type of trades anyway!!

Happy trading! :slight_smile:


Real Time Trades: GBP, EUR
we are back on the horseā€¦racing towards a win or a lose? we do not knowā€¦in this video I go thru my current two trades which we just entered and also manage our risksā€¦
stay tuned for either a re-entry (in event of getting stopped out) or top ups (as our trades get further confirmation)

happy trading :slight_smile:


In this video we continue adding to our active long and managing our risks and profitsā€¦
stay tuned for further entries and upcoming review of the other open trade: EUR
happy trading :slight_smile:

Real Time Trades Update & Review +130pipsā€¦
we review the progress of our three positions on the GBP and also our fourth position on the EUR
We also review what we missed out on the AUD ā€¦a group ā€œBā€ tradeā€¦:frowning:

ps I am quite happy doing the videos, it has helped me be ā€œmore disciplined and centeredā€ with my trading which in turn it has reflected in appro 28% increase in my bank so far this monthā€¦
can I improve from last months 40%? we will have to wait and seeā€¦

happy trading :slight_smile:

Real Time Trade: GBP/JPY Now Closed
we have chosen to close our GBP positions on further analysis. I shall make an update video
of the Exit Long and Reverse Short tomorrow during the Tokyo sessionā€¦

happy trading :slight_smile:

It is just about determination that we need to have, as it is not possible to get anywhere if we are not determined, so we just need to focus on that part. I believe itā€™s not just Forex but every business thatā€™s challenging, so we need to make sure we do hard work and trade through proper plan, as it will ensure good profits for us and also will make us work smoothly. If we do these things correctly then we could gain plenty.

Hi fellow trades and diaryā€¦
I havenā€™t been able to prepare my latest real time trade video on the G/J. And currently my broker site is down for scheduled weekly maintenance. So my video should come out on Monday during the Tokyo Videoā€¦

So a quick update:
G/J: Currently Short
E/U: Currently Long and going only for a few pips (75)

Happy trading and a great weekend to all

Finally able to run my analysis and make the video on the wayā€¦
happy trading :slight_smile:

All trades closed. Awaiting for new set upsā€¦

Wow after not being that clear on my views on the GBP, what a nice set up we have here in the formingā€¦I have not come across with such Crown formation that appears to be forming hereā€¦
I will be posting an updated video tomorrowā€¦