Galaxy Trades Forex Army's Matrix

Yup! Will contact you via email :slight_smile: Always glad to welcome more beta testers!

By the way, how long does it typically take to get a reply?

As fast as I can manage to do so :stuck_out_tongue: Terribly sorry if I kept you waiting too long, have a lot on my hands. Just dropped ya a private message!

Remember doncht its had work maintaining an army of minions when your the supreme overlord lmfao all the best you lot in 2015. In all sincerity i do hope for continued success. Still advocate priority based trading systems but

Latest Galaxy Trades Manager update!

It allows you to have one setting for passive trades (red/green zones) and this is activated by the P.Sell and P.Buy buttons.

It then allows you to have one setting for active trades (white zone) and this is activated by the A.Sell and A.Buy buttons.

That way, we can enter active and passive trades without needing to constantly change our TP and SL levels :wink:

Special thanks to everyone who suggested including this feature!


Lol you seem to have something against me investing my time and effort getting to know each and every beta tester and guiding them through the learning process of using the system properly.

In any case, it is really rude calling your fellow babypippers as ā€œminionsā€ and lmfao-ing away. Like I said, if you ainā€™t got anything good to say (or rather, anything of any value), then please donā€™t go around loud-mouthing your nonsense.

I would start by mentioning your lack of spelling, but this is a location for talk of trading. Those who are learning from Desmond, including myself, are looking for open education and striving to better ourselves.

I hope that you are an excellent trader, and do it as a full-time profession. Otherwise your opinion is not worth much.


[B]Q: What kind of system if the Galaxy Trades System?[/B]
A: It is a high accuracy scalping system

[B]Q: How much time do I have to commit to trading this system?[/B]
A: I tend to trade during the NY and London overlap for around 2-3 hours everyday, particularly avoiding Fridays. News releases is a good time to trade too but be careful with the crazy ones like Non Farm Payroll. The amazing thing of this system is that you donā€™t have to be glued to your monitor every day, you just need to commit 2-3 hours and thatā€™s enough to build a healthy stream of side income

[B]Q: What time frames does this system use?[/B]
A: 1m, 5m, 15m, 1h and 4h. Yup you read that right. And thatā€™s the power of this system : it analyzes every time frame and gets the most powerful fibonacci levels and S/R lines and adding it with a multi-timeframe momentum analysis, it makes it the most powerful system around.

[B]Q: How often does this system trade?[/B]
A: There are high risk and low risk trading strategies. The higher risk strategies occur more often. On a daily basis, I trade around 3 times for low risk strategies and perhaps 2 times for high risk strategies.

[B]Q: How much returns can I expect from this system?[/B]
A: I target a modest 2% a day based on risking 1% on every trade.

[B]Q: What brokers do you recommend for this system?[/B]
A: Any broker that allows scalping and has low spreads + fast executions
Q: What currency pairs do you trade with this system?[/B]

[B]Q: How do I get access to the system?[/B]
A: PM me

[B]Q: How much is this system gonna cost me?[/B]
A: It is free.

[B]Q: What is the Galaxy Trades Manager, Wave, Matrix, Alert, High/Low ?[/B]
A: They all work together to form the Galaxy Trades System

[B]Q: How much capital do I need to start off? And leverage?[/B]
A: Any amount is fine. Use a low leverage of 1:50 to 1:100. You rarely would use up all the leverage anyway as you are trading very very few positions at a time.

[B]Q: Why are you creating this awesome system for everyone?[/B]
A: Because everyone deserves a chance to create their own financial freedom no matter where they are placed in this world. I also believe strongly in teamwork, which is why I strongly advocate using the Live Forex Trading Room when using this system. Be accountable to one another, trade together and profit together. After that, we enjoy life together.

[B]Q: Is this really the best forex trading system around?[/B]
A: Find me another system that forecasts accurate fibonacci points across 5 time frames, combines it all together in a neat matrix with an in-built super dynamic red/green zone that triggers high probability retracement trades. On top of that, add in multi momentum arrows within each time frame across 5 time frames for each currency pair. That essentially fits around 20 charts of data into one matrix.

You bring this to a public forum for your own personal gain

First, Iā€™m a dyslexic bi-polar Gemini. Please excuse my spelling and you caught me on a bad dayā€¦

You need to learn how to research and be an active member no matter what your experience level is. If you did you would know that Iā€™m no pro, not even close. I make things from milk. But I ask you this. If you had two young kids whom will keep you up to 10 or 11pm tonight, are you prepared to get out of bed at 2am to manage your trades in the final 3 hrs of trading. No. Well guess what, I am! And while you look to self proclaimed gurus for ā€œopen educationā€, I paid to get access to a trading firm, their sell side research and formed an alliance. Iā€™ve also paid to go spend 4 weeks with them. Imagine that, 240 hrs of literally working along side those actually trade millions, not the few thousands you and I have in our accounts. Oh and did I mention the 67 page trading plan I had to summit for acceptance into their program.

Guess thatā€™s why I went from a 14% gain in the first half of this financial year using a system readily found here to a 20% gain in the first week of the second half. Mind you the yen was very generous at the beginning of this week. But you noobs wouldnā€™t know that because your over-exposed on the dollar.

So to sum it up commitment, networking and investing in yourself (in turn and I canā€™t stress this enough self -belief) are the keys. Qualities I guess the army is lacking even if the generals donā€™t.

But my opinion doesnā€™t matter and nor it should. In this game you answer only to yourself. So best you head of to Bunnings and get a hammer, nail and wood. Your boss needs them.

Please Desmond is doing his best by giving people opportunity to trade with expert advisor that the gurus would have placed a high cost to buy, but I donā€™t understand why you are discouraging him. Please I believe if you canā€™t support the noobs with you knowledge and trading strategy, allow Desmond to continue is good work.

Oh boohoo, enough of your sob story. Do you want some tissues? Do you want some recognition for your little rag to barely riches story? I guess dyslexic bi-polar Gemini is not your only disorder. If you can take a step back and realize how blindingly proud you are and how delusion you are in thinking youā€™re the absolute best, you would realize youā€™re being a complete douche.

Oh hurray for you, you get to spend some time with trading gurus, and now youā€™re better than everyone else. You have the winning formula, you have the holy grail and no one else nor any other strategy in the world can ever come close to your prowess. Good for you there. But guess what, they taught you everything except humility and respect for others. They might have taught you a good strategy and system, but if that has resulted in you laughing down at everyone, then I pity you and your self loathing heart.

You made 20% gain, fantastic. Let me clap for you. And did you just call everyone noobs because they didnā€™t trade a system the same as you? We didnā€™t even have to care about the over-exposed on the dollar because we trade a high accuracy scalping system. Do you research before you embarrass yourself any further. I believe you should be going to every other trading strategy thread and laughing at them when they over-expose themselves on the dollar. Thatā€™s what you like, right? Laughing at others, blowing your own horn, playing your pity story, getting on your high horse. Dude, Iā€™ll be straightforward to you : no one likes you here. Now go back to ā€œlearning not to be an absolute douchebag 101 for dummiesā€ and once youā€™re done with that book, come speak again. I can bet your next post would be twice as long blowing a 100x bigger horn.

You wake up late to trade when you have 2 girls you keep up late? Oh what, such commitment. Iā€™m sure everyone is impressed. But guess what? In here, I advocate spending time with our family and loved ones and to work on a system that allows us to similarly trade 2-3 hours a day to build a healthy side income. So how is that any different from you? We have people in Australia who get up equally as late at the NY and London open to trade while they have families. What makes you so almighty and great?

So do everyone (and i seriously speak for everyone) a favour and get off your high horse. You are a good trader and I really appreciate that, not everyone is blessed to get to spend time with the pros and are able to trade well. Be less of a prideful jerk who looks down on others and their circumstances and if you want to do your part for the community, then try encouraging others who are commiting every second of their day trying to help others get profitable. If you want to continue blowing your trumpet, please go somewhere else. I have no respect for you, honestly. In the meantime, go get tested for any extra mental disorders you have.

Buddy, donā€™t worry about him. He suffers from a mental disorder and is just trying to get our attention by acting pitiful and blowing his trumpet. Letā€™s focus on whatā€™s more important : training ourselves, improving our system and trading well.

After doing a bit of research it looks like this EA is simply a gimmick by an introductory broker to get clients to sign up with their not well known and poorly reviewed partner broker (fxchoice). Sure the EA is free but to get it you are seemingly forced to open an account with FxChoice.

If galaxy trades is the typical introductory broker, they would get a one time payment from FxChoice for each client that opens an account through them, or a residual payment per trade that the client makes. So yes the EA is free, but it is highly unlikely that Galaxytrades remains uncompensated. Therefore if this is the case, this thread is more or less profit seeking advertising.

It is a pity that you canā€™t comprehend that Iā€™m just trying to help people here. Have you heard of cashback forex? They work as a team and are strike a deal with the broker of choice to get better rates for their users. I realized that we needed a broker that allows scalping, has tight spreads, accepts US and non US clients, has a good reputation and allows me to discuss getting better terms for users of the Galaxy Trades system. So after many discussions, I have struck a deal with them so that they as a group would be getting ALL my rebates so everyone of the members of Galaxy Trades team can benefit.

It never occured to you that I never asked anyone ever to open a live account. It is just simply a demo account they use too. It never occured to you that I have other users who use their own brokerages too although sometimes the price feeds are different. It never occured to you that I may have spent close to $20,000 of my own money getting such a system to work and have turned away every offer to donate money to me. It never occured to you that heaven forbid I make even a single cent from developing this system as you are hell bent on being in the justice league.

I canā€™t be bothered with guys like you. The naysayers. Say what you want, Iā€™m just going to dedicate more of my life to helping the people who need help and want help. Who want to finally be profitable in forex and who want a group of people to call brothers and sisters in trading. Flame my thread all you want, youā€™re dead to me now.


Good luck.

People offer to donate money, my brothers my sisters, sounds like a cult and we all know whom benefits out of a cult

Oh yeah and Global has far more to offer the community than youā€™ll ever have. @Global much respect my friend

Cash back, rebate, " donate" sounds like a scam to me.

Sounds like Galaxytrader doesnā€™t know how to take criticism and or objections from other members here. The responses sounds very defensive and so unprofessional. Instead of explaining the ā€œproduct and servicesā€ in a more constructive way rather than bashing people out not to mention calling ā€œnamesā€ in a public forum where everyone can see it. What a good way to attract customers doesnā€™t it?

If you will response to my post and calling me names,I would prefer to be called " Ladybug"ā€¦

p.s #in your face
P.p.s #douchebag

How can I get the matrix galaxy ?

I remember seeing posts from Desmond back in December of 2013. He had an idea and over the course of more than a year that has turned into The Galaxy Trades System. Iā€™m guessing he put a lot of hard work into it.

I hadnā€™t been keeping up with this thread the last few weeks. Instead Iā€™ve been over at the website beta testing with others. Itā€™s an awesome thing he has. I am more of a swing trader because of work, but I have found this scalping system to be highly profitable and add in the fact that in a few months there will be a good number of traders who are comfortable trading the system and everyone discussing trades in real time. I thought I was doing good swing trading. Now I see lots more profit in my near future (as I have already transitioned to a live account with this strategy; I am having very high win percentages)

These last few pages are sad. So much nonsense to be honest. Iā€™ll leave it at that

Desmond sent me info on a broker he recommended. I believe the reasoning behind it was so that if everyone has the same broker, then everyoneā€™s charts would be exactly the same. Would keep everyone on the forum on the exact same page rather than having slight variances between traders. It can make a difference when you are scalping like we are.

O, and I really enjoy my broker FXCM for a number of reasons. They have been good to me and after thinking about it, I am sticking with them. I havenā€™t heard Desmond once trying to talk me into switching over since he initially mentioned it. But if there was a link to make a new account with FXCM that was gonna make Desmond a little bit of commissions, well great for him. He deserves it. Itā€™s no cash coming out of my pocket anyway.

Although we are on different sides of the world, Iā€™ve been Facebook friends with Desmond for a few months now. Seems like a genuine nice guy. I encourage anyone who has there doubts about him or the system to check out the site and trade with us one day.

Thanks Desmond for hard work. Iā€™m excited to be trading along side you for a long time to come