
hey amigo! I haven’t seen you around in a while. You still out there somewhere making pips?

Hola TalonD amigo!

Thanks for your concern. Of course I’m still swimming with the SHARKS.

And very busy studying the PAMM mechanism and it’s tricks.

But MORE important, enjoying my little princess, cause first year is the most amazing time with kids.

Hope with you everything is OK and see you!

Best regards

“Me quedaré, me quedaré, siempre cubano me quedaré…”

Good to hear cuban!! :smiley: I was also wondering where you disappeared to, then I remembered you just received your blessing from God! :smiley: Enjoy!

There are a lot of “unlucky” people in this game and they don’t stop swimming in these waters. So, I think, HOW a “lucky” like me can stop ???

So mister market ALWAYS remember

sigo siendo el mismo […]
un poquitico más pega’o que antes,
un poquitico más duro que ayer

Happy pipping!

Y ahora vengo como vengo, tengo lo que tengo y sigo ahí,

Best regards

“Me quedaré, me quedaré, siempre cubano me quedaré…”

And why stop?!

Lucky you CP! I’m becoming one of the unlucky ones

No amigo.

[B]You wanna something? Go get it! Period![/B]

So mister market, four Spanish words for you: “O tú o yo”

Tú sabes que somos de calle,
aquí hay UN CORAZÓN,
si, de fuego. Las reglas
del JUEGO las pongo yo

Cuida’o wao wao
siempre andamos READY pa’l que esté fantasmeando
Baja pa’ cá, baja pa’ cá

Best regards

“Me quedaré, me quedaré, siempre cubano me quedaré…”

So mister market, I must to tell you another thing. I’m conscious and I recognize that I’m NOT stronger than you or more powerful than you by ANY means, cause I am NOBODY. You can beat me, knock me down, BUT, can you knock me out? That’s the challenge I do. Come and knock me out if you can, TRY to do that. If you cannot do it, then I will for sure beat you and kick you as hard as I can. I for sure can’t knock you out cause here you are the big boy and the powerful one, BUT beating and kicking your *** makes me stronger and helps me to endure whatever you bring to the table.

Trading is NOT a science, is an ART and I am an artist, capiche?

Yo sí nací pa’ esto, yo sí que tengo el ARTE

Yo no sé pa’ qué tú inventa con UN LOCO como yo

Best regards

“Me quedaré, me quedaré, siempre cubano me quedaré…”

That is magnificent bro! :smiley:

See? So mister market dance with me and relax and take it easy!

[B]no soy karateka tampoco samurai, pero si me retan verán que aquí HAY
no soy perfecto porque soy humano, pero soy CUBANO[/B]

[B]A lo cubano, botella en mano y AL GRANO
Loco, yo soy en esto como en el karate Bruce Lee[/B]

Best regards and CUIDA’O

[I]“Me quedaré, me quedaré, [B]siempre cubano[/B] me quedaré…”[/I]

Nice moment! Are you breaking the 84 level and going to the 88 level mister market?

Last time you were there in January 2010

Is OK, let’s see what will happen

A pesar de todo lo que está pasando, sigo sin nada que temer yo
sin temer a perder
Porque hay que tener bien claro que lo claro no es tan claro, te lo aclaro, ¿queda claro?

Best regards

“Me quedaré, me quedaré, siempre cubano me quedaré…”

Come on mister market, you can do it!

¡Cuida’o! ¿Que qué? Que te coge la corriente

Best regards

“Me quedaré, me quedaré, siempre cubano me quedaré…”

Hola CP, still hanging around this dump? :smiley: Weren’t you going to do some kind of pamm one time? Still doing that?

Hola TD bro!

Not very sure I understand what you say cause for me Babypips is NOT a dump.

Weren’t you going to do some kind of pamm one time? Still doing that?

I have two PAMM accounts, one public and one private (for a very closed group of MY people). The public one is planed to run until December (one year) and then will be closed and maybe(?) in January I’ll open a new one. Still not sure about it cause I don’t need that really. I mean “investors”, I have more than enough without them with their fears and greed, just my owns:

[B]SOLO es mejor[/B]

Best regards and take care!

[I]“Me quedaré, me quedaré, [B]siempre cubano[/B] me quedaré…”[/I]

What happened mister market? So strong was the 84 level?

Don’t worry, next time will be.

And regarding me also don’t worry, everything is OK.

Remember that the formula of my crazyness is relatively quite simple:

[(fear + greed) < (courage + control over greed)] + discipline + patience x2 = profit > loses

Let’s keep dancing!

Es imposible pararme, tienen que MATARME pa’ que esto no siga

Best regards

“Me quedaré, me quedaré, siempre cubano me quedaré…”

So? Breaking or not? That move was strong!

Go, go, go mister market, you can do it! And tomorrow is NFP day :wink:

Happy pipping!

¿Lo mío? ¡No hay lío!
¿Quién tú eres, Batman?
Oye locol, ¡yo tiro DURO como Chapman!

Best regards

“Me quedaré, me quedaré, siempre cubano me quedaré…”

I simply LOVE when you go crazy mister market (I love REAL NFP days). And seems to me that you’re not so interested in breaking the 84 level by the moment

Ven, ven, ven, pa’ que tú veas como este tren

Best regards

“Me quedaré, me quedaré, siempre cubano me quedaré…”

So mister market, do you remember this:

-300 pips drawdown CAN’T knock me out (you can go scaring with that other little fishes, NOT my remoras)

SO, TRY again. Your move…

[B]sin perder el tiempo, SIEMPRE trabajando
y al que se ponga bruto, lo estamos bajando[/B]

Best regards

[I]“Me quedaré, me quedaré, [B]siempre cubano[/B] me quedaré…”[/I]

If you do it as a full time job, it’s no game. I can look at football, basketball, etc etc as a game (from a fan point of view), but if I was a professional player, I wouldn’t look at it as [B]just [/B]a game.