GB politics discussion thread

For millions of years mass migration has been occurring, It’s part of our nature

Mass Migrations across the World-System’s History

Moving has been an essential human characteristic since the beginning of history. From the worldwide expansion of hominids departing from Africa 40.000 million years ago to the actual massive migrations of populations, humans have demonstrated that settling is as intrinsic to our nature as it is changing our residence.

Mass migration

Immigration from Europe accounted for about 40% of the total United States population growth in the late 19th century. It has been argued that the term should include other mass migrations that occurred in the same period since similarly, large numbers of people migrated long distances within the continent of Asia, most notably during the Pakistan Movement and the subsequent partition of India in 1947.[

For millions of years, cultures with distinct identities and characteristics have been occurring, it’s part of our nature, etc etc etc.

Every culture have distinct identities and characteristics, that has not stop mass migration


Jusk ask the Native Americans, or the Australian Aboriginals. The fact that they once had very distinct cultures, with their own identities and unique characteristics, did not stop mass migration from Europe totally destroying those cultures and the people who belonged to those cultures.

Mass migration has always happened. No questioning that. Why even make such an obvious point actually, unless you were trying to infer that it isn’t anything to be concerned about, just because it has always happened?

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Just pointing out mass migration always happens, not that there is never a problem, but it has happened in many forms both good and bad, like what you stated, and in forced migration, doing slavery.

The question now is why is mass migration such a big topic, Is it because of what you stated, and now that this is happening in western countries?

Because the West once had a distinct culture and identities, with unique characteristics that one could argue was worth preserving. But those cultures are being destroyed, with the full intent of those who are making sure mass migration happens.

Is that what’s going on now?

so the other cultures and identities with their own characteristics was not worth preserving?

Yes. Western cultures and identities, which are being actively attacked and eroded, were worth preserving.

Yes, The destruction of the Native American and Australian Aboriginal cultures were a huge loss to humanity.

so no other culture matters only the culture of the west?

I don’t know I’m just trying to figure out what’s going on

How about gtf with your loaded questions revealing your loaded presumptions?

Had you read the rest of my post, which consisted of 2 whole sentences, you would see that I don’t believe that the West have the only cultures that matters. It just so happens however, that I am a product of and belong to a Western culture, and I quite like the way it was, but hate what it is turning into?

Is that allowed?

Yes i have read it and thanks for pointing out American and Australian Aboriginal cultures were a huge loss to humanity. doesn’t take away they was pretty much wipe out by being attack and eroded like you said about the western culture.

In other words it happens

I want to make it clear that history is simply a historical record, no one should feel sad, ashamed, or guilty, sht happens, the only difference now is that we get to see it in real time and there will be a strong resistance to it.

This guy is talking about a single global order, I like to know what are the current global orders?

‘We need a single global order’ says Macron at APEC summit

President Emmanuel Macron describes current world order as “a jungle”, posing the US and China as “two big elephants, trying to become more and more nervous”. Speaking at the APEC summit in Thailand, the French leader urges the “cooperation of a lot of other animals” and calls for a single world order.

Global governance: present and future

Klaus Schwab: Eye on global governance

Did this guy just say we must integrate the population

APEC events have also become hubs for movers and shakers around the world. Among them is Klaus Schwab, the founder of the World Economic Forum.

Aye - this is true for a huge number of people, I often wonder does “culture” change in a changing world and perhaps the older we get the more that challenges our thinking.

On a GB note - this past week there was much debate regarding the Royals and race.

Happens a royal lady-in waiting asked persistently a young black lady “where are you from?”.

At a reception in Buckingham Palace on Tue past Lady Susan Hussey (83) insisted " where are you really from?" when the young charity worker had first answered " here, the UK".

Asked further “what nationality are you?” she answered - “I am born here and am British.”

Sadly the 83 yr old was not satisfied with this answer she needed to delve further, she wanted to know what part of Africa.

Culture evolves and evolution is nature’s way of strengthening.

The "Young ? Black - yes ‘Lady’ ? - dubious description at best !

This is how the “English” female in question dresses

and the “Charity” she runs

Here two Black English men discuss the issue - see whether you agree that her ‘complaint’ was a legitimate issue or whether she is a plain ‘racial Grifter’ ?

"The Stupid Royal Racism Grift | feat. Fr Calvin Robinson - YouTube

(PS - the “Abuser” is 83 years old and thus clearly not up to speed on how to defend herself against such malicious and vindictive woke nastiness from the "young black lady" in question !!


They are both ladies - one is white and has a title “lady” the other is black and has no title - yet both are equal.

One is aged maybe 30ish and the other is maybe 80ish - and surprisingly they each have a different dress sense.

Funny ol’ world we live in.

Unasurprisingly then - you choose not to watch the vid and therfore cannot address my point ! :rofl:

No surprises - happens I have a habit of figuring who is giving me their opinion before I decide whether to take that opinion into my thinking.

No disrespect intended to the good reverend.

Also happens I enjoy your opinions - not saying I agree with them all - but nonetheless I’d say we could have good craic over a pint or two without coming to blows :slight_smile:

Edit: Emmerdale now on - time to relax.

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You won’t want to take this one into account either … But some with a more enquiring disposition might do ? and perhaps “the Palace” might consider asking the good “Lady in waiiting” to forgive their own lack of enquiry !

"The Royal Race Grifter, Exposed - YouTube

Aye I did - for the 1st 4 secs, then the guy on the right said “got Lady sacked”.

Happens Lady Susan quit - also happens that both ladies had a good meet today where the span of 50 years and ethnic backgrounds came together as one humanity.

The statement from the Palace today is way better than all the youtube warriors combined:

Lady Susan has pledged to deepen her awareness of the sensitivities involved and is grateful for the opportunity to learn more about the issues in this area.

Ms Fulani, who has unfairly received the most appalling torrent of abuse on social media and elsewhere, has accepted this apology and appreciates that no malice was intended.

Back to what I posted 2 wks ago:

Are we older guys up to the challenge?

A statement from Buckingham Palace and Ngozi Fulani, Founder of Sistah Space | The Royal Family