GB politics discussion thread

Powerful, Never thought about that :+1:

Just thought I’d post here if @tommor doesn’t mind.

England won today at Headingley - and they did so fair and square - well done.

Never say die :slight_smile:

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Thought I’d revive this thread - I remember Tom posted a few years back that Keir Starmer would have to do a lot to get the British voters behind him, wonder has he done that or is it the case that the current UK govt have done so little that there is no other choice.

Then again there is Nigel and his Reform party.

There are lots of promises being made right now - we get to vote on America’s Independence Day - now who would have bet on that?

General election live: Rishi Sunak refuses to be drawn on questions over election betting allegations - BBC News

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I think it may be more that the current UK government (and its recent, not dissimilar predecessors) have done so much - in various negative ways - that there’s no alternative.

Several advisors to and close connections of the Prime Minister, apparently. No surprise there.


That’s why we trust our politicians :slight_smile:

I remember Nigel standing in front of a huge billboard depicting a huge line of ppl & stating that he’d put an end to immigration to the UK if we’d vote for Brexit - & then i read 1/2 hr ago he is bemoaning the increase in immigration numbers to the UK since Brexit.

Politicians do it - blow with the wind - and we fall for it every time.

On Independence day we’ll do it again & Starmer will be PM (elected as such for a change in UK) - his deputy will be unsackable and life will be brilliant.

Oh - & stocks will continue their merry way North helped by events yet to come later this year on the political front.

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I hear you, but would still far prefer to have lunch with him than with Starmer.

Lol - not into the lunch thing but i know i could have a pint or two and a bit of craic with Nigel but with Starmer - like taking a cardboard cut-out to the pub for company :slight_smile:


Neither of them would pay the bill for lunch. But Farage would make it very clear that he’s not paying a penny. Starmer would tell you firstly that he’ll be paying the bill, secondly that you’ll be paying half each, and soon after you’ll realise he’s slipped out the back door.

Either way, you’re screwed.


Maybe so. I think he’s not so short of money, now (as he once was). He can drink two bottles of claret with lunch, though.


I forgot to mention that Sunak was also coming for lunch - but he had to leave early…


Lol, now he tells me.

There’s always a catch. (Mind you, at least he can afford to pay for lunch for all of us? If he’s still there when we get the bill …).

Likely not - the Telegraph ran a headline very recently ‘how to leave the UK and keep your money’
The article is aimed at the wealthy amongst us, the rest will just have to pay the bill (increased taxes?)

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Thank God for spreadbetting, then.

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Nigel Farage welcomes the new President of EU ! Before Farage acheived Brexit for the UK ! (only 1 minute and a half but well worth the watch)

Link is green writing


Now that Farage intends to Save the uk from the Globalist Elites again - and has re-entered UK Politics - the same “Damp Rag” description has been brought out of retirement again for “SIR” Starmer ! :rofl:

Farage sells out the National Exhibition Centre (Birmingham England) - yesterday noon.

He’s not wrong, mind you! These guys do seem to have the charisma of a damp rag. :sweat_smile:

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Odds on Reform Party number of seats gained ;

VERY Interesting indeed !


So they are saying - 0-4 seats - most likely at 4/5


20 or more seats is only 4-1 !

So let’s do a “Back of a fag packet” guesstimate

To get bacl £20 or more (plus stake)

You would need to bet

0-4 seats = £25
20+ seats = £5
5-19 seats = £20 ( for the first few you wpould need to stake £2 per outcome to get better than £20 - after that £1 per stake win minimum £ 20 on this spread would need a £20 stake) gets you a £20 win or better - I have to say that what the bookies seem to be saying that anything up to 20 seats is pretty certain !

More than 20 seats they think is not very likely but they are certainly not ruling that out ! -8)

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Farage will surely win Clacton? Who’s the other one who might win a seat? Big gap from 9/2 up to 10/1, so the market thinks another one is “quite possible”?

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Hi, I added to my post after your reply with my own thoughts - :sunglasses: :

Im pretty sure Ashfield ? (Lee Aderson) is a great chance then Richard Tice (Boston ? - or somewhere up that coast) - Those are the 3 we absolutely need to see in Parliament - and will form a great Pivot for future consolidation and advancement. _ I’d love to see Ben Habib ( Wellingborough) win as he too is a great asset - but note they are saying in excess of 20 is by no means out of order !

Good point - but to bet on exactly 2 seats (9/2) is Less profitable than betting 20+ (4-1) - so they’re saying more than 20 is More likely than just 2 !

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