GB politics discussion thread

I can publish this without fear that @peterma
might listen (he only ever listens to his own doctrine)

“Lies, Damned lies, Statistics and Computer Models”

Peterson on the need for Climate change Emergency action ! (recommended for @Trendswithbenefits in particular)

-rather nicely put methinks !

Lol - we don’t even have to wait for Nigel ! - (linkis green writing - just a quickie !

Note for those who don’t know - This is Starmer’s idea of the best in his Party to be “Foreign Secretary” ( responsible for presenting the uk and our interests abroad - meeting and negotiating with Foreign Leaders - he had said some prettyy dreadful things about Donald Trump for instance !

“Neo-Nazi sympathizing Sociopath” - I believe were his exact words ! (Time Magazine)

A complete “Diversity Hire” if ever we saw one ! :rofl:


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Are all minorities who are hired going to be labeled diversity hires, which is another way of saying don’t hire them?

“I am concerned when I see Iranian drones turning up in Ukraine. I am concerned when I see shells from North Korea being used here on European soil. And of course I’m concerned with the partnership that I see Russia brokering across those authoritarian states. I think that China should be very careful about deepening those partnerships over the coming weeks and months.”

16 phone calls incl US Sec of State - 3 meetings with FM’s in Poland, Sweden & Germany

The new FM for UK, David Lammy is in the job only a few days and is wasting no time it seems.

Maybe his Harvard days have helped.

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Lammy’s all over Europe, Starmer’s all over the UK. The time to make a tour like this is as soon as you’ve been appointed, so nobody you meet can expect anything, nothing has gone bad yet, you have a ready-made excuse to get out of anything if you’re cornered. It’s like “showing the flag”.

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Predetermine someone’s downfall can prevent the mind from seeing any good deed in a person


Link is green writing ! ;


That is very possible !

Affirmative action should end at these schools, which would benefit Asians more, I say let the smartest win out, regardless of how the school population looks

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Agreed - it would also benefit Ashkinase Jews - but you are right - Competence and ability should be the one and only judgement about who enters which Colleges and who gets the jobs !

Otherwise - those of the “classes” which are promoted under a system of “Affirmative privilege” will always be regarded as inferior - even if they Do actually happen to be Competent and able.

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I’m just not sure we should allow this geezer to be our diplomatic representative in the world !

  • Oh - Latest news - apparently ;-

Lamy has now “softened his views” ! :roll_eyes:

I suppose when Lammy was so undiplomatic about another country’s democratic processes he never expected to be Foreign Secretary. And neither did I.

He’s the dimmest bulb in the house.


He certainly comes across that way.

Also seems to have the habit of giving strong opinions first and finding out the facts only much later (if at all), not a great approach in public life.


He can’t keep his mouth shut. We should be in for some great entertainment.

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