GBP/JPY Equity Building Profitable trading strategies

Still 24 minutes until open here so it could sink further before then.

I can’t see nothing until 6 central.:mad:

I first stumbled on here trying to learn how to be a baby pimp.:smiley:

After going through the school I figured all this currency crap is worthless, “How do I become a baby pimp?”.

So I figured I would give this currency stuff a try and here I am.

Not that I judge anyone’s views on anything (world views, religion, who makes the best apple pie, etc…) and I feel everyone is entitled to their opinion, but it feels like this thread is getting a bit out of hand with the negativity and off topic conversation. I feel that this may not come to a resolution amongst our community members and just peacefully “agree to disagree.”

Therefore, I plan to return this thread back to the topic on hand, “GBP/JPY Equity Building Profitable trading strategies” and remove some of the posts that has lead to this heated exchange, as well as the posts that we have deemed as solicitation or have no relation to currency trading.

Let’s stay positive, continue to help one another and if there are any questions, please feel free to pm me or email us a <[email protected]>. Thanks!

Well if you won’t be the judge, I will. My Grandmother makes the best apple pie and I will defend that to any means necessary with any that differs.

This thread has been put on probation.:eek:

I was only gone for a day and see what you guys did.:smiley:

Now behave.:slight_smile:

Don’t make me turn this car around… because I will.:smiley:

Didn’t two more banks go bust?

I can’t find anything about it.:confused:

At least not very much. She is propped up by something.
There is no telling on a Sunday night what can go on as trading is thin until frankfurt & London comes in.

But she looks certain to fall. But it sure couldnt hurt getting a loss leader anywhere really. The trick is not to scale in down too closely thus avoiding TMTH.

I had to reset my chart. NJ is moving up nicely from its gap down open, but GJ has just went down a little. but 214.50 sure isnt a bad place to get a LL and at least get in, but on the down side I’d space them from there at least 50 pips or heck 100 on the first one, I am pretty certain she is going to hit one of those lower fibs before breaking backk upwards. I will post a chart later.

And thanks pipcrawler from returning us to our regularly scheduled program, some how we got caught in a commercial/mean loop.

And the management changed slightly, but they didnt go bust :slight_smile:

She is suddenly eyeing the northern border. She may come down to 214.00/213/79/80

from the looks of the 12M chart she is looking like is getting ready to rebound up!

Yeah I know they are getting free money.

You know what botters me even more about that bill besides the bail out that is getting us more in the stink inflation wise.

It’s the pork that was slipped in. That pork is going to take away more freedom than the pork in the patriot act.

We are dumb sheep.

Name the worst bill ever “The Patriot Act” and we will make it a law based off the name alone.

My IBFX feed is hosed. No trading for me until they get it fixed.:mad:

Yay! The cavalry have arrived :slight_smile:

Ummm … I have a feeling YOU have never been to China. My daughter just returned from 6 weeks in China and … I think you may need to complete a few more years of grade school before you are ready to comment intelligently on world affairs. We will wait … see you in 2013. :cool:

If UJ breaks above 108.00 GJ will follow and really start moving faster upwards. I am off of here.

didnt get too low overnight. She is in a tight range overnight. We will see how it goes today but expect GJ to rise, we may have some slight slide over the next hour or so but after that expect the rise.

I have not checked the news, but if there isn’t anything more coming,
don’t expect guppy to hang around 214 all day she wants to bounce off 216.

Speaking of Audits, everyone will be audited, All your actions will be recorded in the book and judged according to the thought and intents of your heart. I have to say bad communications corrupt good manners.
And just a few wrong words and in comes the Crocs. Quite literally when you say mean & evil things you create negative angels, who more times than not end up turning back around on you and bitting you in the arse.

For now I am going back to the quiet river.

I am looking forward to a very excitng and profitable week.

I want to thank all tohose people who have participated in this forum thread over the last few months. I am not going anywhere.
I just ask like I did in the beggining,Thta everyone speaks like intelligent adults, not a 12 year olds and eveyone has common courtesy for others.
If you cannot treat others with human decency here, you are not welcome.
I do not need to threaten or promise anyone here anything, but be assured
whatever you say and do here that is wrong, WILL absolutely cause you MORE harm than good. Not because of anything I need to or WILL do, but you get the idea I hope.

[B]“The gem cannot be polished without friction, nor man perfected without trials.”[/B]


I have your SMA’s on my chart but am unsure of their meaning. Do you use certain tf for their application? Do you use them as indicators for trend? I know I am asking basic questions but I am really new to forex and am trying to add to my forex toolbox every chance I get. Thanks. Jerry