GBP/JPY Equity Building Profitable trading strategies

gbp/chf destroyed
surprising action going on. I was looking at the GJGC overlay last night it looked really werid!

in deeper on NJ eeek!!!

Andrew is pretty much right on with his understand of my trading methods.

The idea here was to get people to change their thinking and change their trading results, I added more thoughts for clarificaton of the last few days.

I feel OK holding onto NJ LT I have 32 1k Lots and I am way up there at 12.54%.

IT is here that you FIGURE out how far you can go down as clearly I have TMTH. So to do that you do 32 x .09 (price per pip for NJ) so I am playing 2.88 per pip, so almost $3.

So If I have available, useable margin left of 700 which is my balance - my drawdown + my interest. then you have 700 divided by 2.88 which is 243 pips before I am at 100% 78.26 - 243 pips = so down into 75ā€™s.
Looking back there was lows on 3/17 and one the previous August.
Sadly if we run down more I am going to dig my heels in for the long haul.

Things are looking up economically, I gave away $400 so far to people in need.
Its going to be a great month!

NFP wont be as bad as expected and expect GJ to shoot for the moon.
Yen strength cannot continue.

Figure out UJ and GU and you will get a greta understanding of GJ.

4xStar, you should check out your web page.

I know ā€¦ forgot to pay the domain renewal on time :eek: It should be back up soon, wthin an hour or two I would guess. Thanks :slight_smile:

Sheā€™s getting cheap, but may have plenty more room to fall.:eek:

I got one real high (214.05). Bummer.:stuck_out_tongue:

and two more on the way down.:slight_smile:

Someoneā€™s about to be an Honorary FX Man.:slight_smile:

From IKH point of view:

She is just hanging aroung within the cloud, so far the bottom of the cloud (Senkou span B) hold the test for now (212.00). From there she can ride the bus either to the north or rather she goes on holiday to Mexico ?? If she goes south next drop down level to defend is rising trend line at 209.00 -donā€™t get TMTH as this can be possible there. Maybe spacing the entries every 100 pips for mini accounts or using the excel sheet to check the drawdown. I just wondering, we need The Expert to speak. :smiley:

I have been demoing this system and have realised that it actually takes a little bit of maintanance to keep up with the buy orders! The way I have been doing it is buying 3 times for every 100pip drop So for eg I would have buy orders at 212.75, 212.35 and 212.00 then 211.75, 211.35, 211.00ā€¦ I close the .75 and 35 entries at 40 pips and I leave the .00 entries to run and move the stop loss up to lock in 100pips. That way I can use them as security for big drops but take the bigger gains in a ranging market. This system is working well for me I think as long as I keep the risk smallish. There is alot of pips to be made with all the bouces if one can keep up with the buy orders.

I agree ā€¦ in demo mode, the trick is to always buy in groups of 3-5, take profits on all but one at (in my case) +20, +30, +40, +50 and let the last one run. Sometimes I take profits at +5 if price action seems stalled. I do not have a set interval to buy, I just watch for what look like good dips.
My account is now $1,074,000 up from $500k and I buy 7 lots at a time x 5 positions = 35 lots. Making money faster as it builds. I started buying 1 lot at a time, then when I passed the $750k mark I increased to 5, now 7.
Even a 5 pip profit gives me $350.
At the moment I have 4 older positions at 214.90 and 4 more at 213.90, all lower ones are cashed out. Now it gets interesting because if she drops to the 209ā€™s and then does not return to 215+ anytime soon ā€¦ some predictions are that she will go back under 200 :eek: ā€¦ so I will have to see how to manage that scenario if it occurs. Interest is building but not enough to cover a major dd.
Well, that is what this account is all about ā€¦ to see what would happen in a ā€˜worst caseā€™ scenario.
A pullback to 209.40 (the 200 ema on daily) would most like be followed by a retracement back up, at least to 211-212ā€¦ so I think I would watch price carefully there & if it looks like the next move is back down, then I will just close those higher positions. I see no point in riding them down to below 209.
I ā€œthinkā€ I would put a 500 pip max drawdown on positions, that is a $35k loss per position, which is not nice but not that big a deal in a $1m + account :smiley:
In a $10k account, playing micro lots, that would be a $350 loss per position.

My aim is to thorougly test this to develop a set of guidelines that can double an account within 2-3 months (my demo acct took under 8 weeks to double). IMO the minimum to start would be $5k with a micro account and one would have to be careful until the account reaches $7,500. After $10k, still trading micros, there should be plenty of money not to worry about normal ddā€™s, though perhaps the 500 pip cap would still need to be in place.
By this formula, a minimum of $50k would be needed to switch from micro to mini and $500k to switch from mini to full.
However, starting with $10k and doubling every 3 months would yield $1million in 21 months. I can wait :smiley: :cool:

4xStar: Are you trading this in your Zulutrade account yet?

Given the gain/loss you are talking about, would it not make just as much sense to use short hedges on a drop? Instead of increasing your lot size, you just take a short hedge at the same time (instead of 5 lots, do 4 long/1short). This should help to let you weather a drop in case it goes against you and goes below 209? It should help to protect your margin a bit while you wait for the upward bounce.


Iā€™m assuming you trade out of the shorts before EOD to still capture those long interest rate payments

No this one is too volatile for zulu, as a provider I am trying to make sure ddā€™s are as small as possible.

Given the gain/loss you are talking about, would it not make just as much sense to use short hedges on a drop? Instead of increasing your lot size, you just take a short hedge at the same time (instead of 5 lots, do 4 long/1short). This should help to let you weather a drop in case it goes against you and goes below 209? It should help to protect your margin a bit while you wait for the upward bounce.


Iā€™m assuming you trade out of the shorts before EOD to still capture those long interest rate payments

You know, I agree totally ā€¦ the problem is finding the correct ratios. I was thinking a 3:1 ratio of long to short ā€¦ like 6 micro lots long and 2 short. But I am still not sure if it is better to do this or to just short the G-Swissy. It is something I am still trying to work out, if I find some sort of formula that seems to work well, I will certainly let everyone know!
I may start another demo account just to test this out.

Another problem is ā€¦ what if it goes to 209, bounces back to 211 but then continues down to 206, 204 or below. It could happenā€¦ At that point better to just be flat and if one were short the G-C, could ride that one down instead.
So ā€¦ hedge? or set a firm stop loss? I donā€™t know yet.

My personal opinion is that you need to be more careful and aim for less gains. I work out what I can risk doing the 3 trades per 100 pips and be able to comfortably face a 2000pip drop with no stress. imho this is the way to trade it. With the 2 trades you will get consistant profit and with the other trade it will not matter if it does not return to the start. I trade a similar system live with the gbp(though I hedge) and I trade very small ammounts but consistantly get 15% a month and I am happy with that. Just my thoughts

go Guppy Go !!!

That is what I made up my spreadsheet for, to caclulate how much dd can be tolerated according to acct size, position size, leverage etc.
But ā€¦ a 2000 pip dd?? That is what I am now starting to question myself about ā€¦ do I really want to ride such a dd? Why not get out at -400 or -500 pips, sit out another 1k pip drop and then get back in?
I donā€™t have a clear solution for this yet ā€¦ still working on it. But preferably Iā€™d prefer not to ride through a large dd and I donā€™t want to short her either. :confused:

BTW, 15% per month gain takes a $10k account to $1million in about 30 months ā€¦ not bad :cool: :slight_smile:

Do you still have the spreedsheet on your web site?

you do need such a drawdown. why do u get out at -400 or -500? what if it went up right after you get out? u will be asking what if it went dwn all the way n never get up. the ans i can tell u is that it is impossibleā€¦ plus dun 4get what rram said. u muz haf lost leaderā€¦ i do not have lost leader. i got lost squadron. coz whenever i feel the price cant go upo anymore n i equity is in positive, i gif up my lost squadron. u may not need to have lost squadron or lost leader. u may need lost group or lost battalionā€¦ different people have different management but with almost similar conceptā€¦ hope u can understand what i sayā€¦

When I was rolling it was VERY hard to keep up with the limit long entries as I was doing them as many as 10 10K lots per 100 pips. But that leads to THTM for sure unless youa re deep with margin.

It is a very adaptable system and as long as margin is closely smartly managed it is almost too easy.

GJ is looking to move higher. She has been bouncing down. I am long from
212.75 or so in the demo acct, but it is averaging down since it is a FIFO FOREX ACCT. I have 9 standard lots averaged to there TP set to just above 214.00 Of course if she can dip back into 212.20 or even 212.40 I would buy another. But she is acting very explosively I think and she is bound to break
at any time. UJ is strong. GU has to be near its bottom so expect a big move up here in GJ before week end.

There seems to be a little bit of this crazyness going around.
How is GJ going to go to 209? We could touch down to 209.91 possibly
in London tonight, but They wont be able to run it down that low.
It would be a wonder if she could even touch 211.50. Heck I am hoping for 212.20 which doesnā€™t even seem likely. But the strength during londons open
is huge and often it gets run down 100 pips then turns around and goes back up 269 pips, so study those charts in that 144 london open window,
for several days weeks or months, and if the light doesnā€™t go on you may have failed to pay the power bill.

212.20 ish showing strong support.

Are we going to be in the money!?!?!?!:slight_smile:

or another break down fast to discount land???

My margin is good, so I am fine.

On the other hand I have all these usd/cad shorts.
I donā€™t like this pair and now I know why.

Techā€¦ overbought
Iranā€¦ showing their butts
Hurricaneā€¦ showing up in just the right places

Oilā€¦ Down WTF:eek:
usd/cadā€¦ up WTF:eek:
Mytwopips accountā€¦ down:mad:

See, she doesnā€™t alway look like u/j. She looks like the cable sometimes. Like now.