GBP/JPY Equity Building Profitable trading strategies

211.60 now with minor support.

Will she bounce, or keep diving?:rolleyes:

Thereā€™s gotta be a bottom soonā€¦ Looking at the weekly and monthly TF, theyā€™re both top heavy and on the monthly, weā€™ve just bounced off the 61.8% Fib from 250.91 - 192.56. Are we heading on another leg down?

Watch out for this one dollar bears. I expect that it will be higher than expected and possibly right at or slightly higher than 50.
It is only forcast to come oiut at 48.6 up from 48.2 careful here
or you will MISS the bus. SHould it come out ABOVE 50.0 she is going to shoot up steply quickly, she is going to do one of those brake torqs,
where she is holding the brakes with the gas pedal floored, and yes while people are jumping for the bus she releases the brakes and goes
BUMP>>>BUMP>BUMPā€¦and tears out, early on it pays to chase her if you can get ON and stay on. Good luck today, its going to be challenging,
donā€™t let your mind LIE to you, or at least dont let it affect your trading with its always doubting endless suggestions. Pate3ince is GJ is a key to sucess for certain. Iā€™d get those orders in as she will be moving so fast it will be hard to get her.

[B]ā€œThe less effort, the faster and more powerful you will be.ā€[/B]

Bruce Lee

I know I posted this before but this is very true. Being patient sometimes means just sitting and watching and doing nothing, trading wise,
the less effort you make the better off you will be, stop constantly allowing your mind to run about its theories about GJ and what she is doing or where she is going next. forget this and think of it more along the lines of you are a WITNESS of HER, she is the SHOW, YOU are just watching and tagging along for the ride sometimes.

In phsyicality, it is often better to use an objects force aginst it by NOT blocking it or resisting it, but avoiding it. It like when an alpaca pushes against you, as long as you push back, the alpaca will continue to exert force against you continually as long as you are pushing on it. Better yet, move. Step aside. Today many will have to step aside as she comes screaming through or they will be run over.,

go guppy go. shhhā€¦ Iā€™m trying not to scare her.

Looks like the rise we have all been waiting for is happening, hope no one got shut out with TMTH.

Anyone know where she put her Valium? I think she needs itā€¦

No, scratch that ā€¦ [I]I[/I] need it :smiley:

Iā€™m flat and off to find another pair to play with until she makes up her mindā€¦
Wonder what the Eur-Jpy is up toā€¦ ???

Soā€¦why did this lady hit 213.04 at around 8 am MST?

I see that USD/JPY spiked as well but out of my newbie-ness I canā€™t find a reason for the madness


Resistance breakout of 212:)

I think you have been chasing lately? Am I correct?

Might want to go back and review why you are chasing if so?

That is why I donā€™t do momentum plays. I always found myself chasing.:slight_smile:

Woo hoo. I had a couple too high. But closed out all with overall profit. I did well with g/c too.:slight_smile:

Yeah Iā€™m a chaser ā€¦ trying to overcome it with a 12 step program :smiley:
But E-J and E-$ paid off pretty nicely this morning. Now I am short the G-C, we will see :wink:

Chasing other women especially MORE expensive women will be the source of much trouble. May I suggest a lawn chair? Have a seat, you will not catch her and your chances are better to be run over by her.

SHe is upset about something, USD is sailing again. Oil is down relatively.
Anyways GU is sunkin in and UJ is puffed up. From here I only expect USD to gain more on JPY and expect GU to come back as well which should make guppy a bit more jumpy to the upside.

I didnt buy any down around 210.80, but wish I had. She has a bullish bias like me :slight_smile: ISM was as I expected but that didnt seem to move the market much, but it sure sealed the deal on the dollar positive trend going on now.
If it keeps up guppy can only go higher. Wait until the feds start jacking rates around thanksgiving if they can hold off that long.

Already there are new loans now as a result of the bail out bill BS. Some short refis or something said to save the world. We will see.

unless yopu wanna get in short with one now and short it all the way up to 169.50 which I doubt it will hit. I suspect EJ will fall hard through this month
as things arent looking so good for EU lately.

WHile she pauses to inhale. I am expecting her to test 216 again possibly before week end. I guess the bears have come back now and are screaming south! heh good luck with that.

since yesterday at like 7am she has been going up despite popular belief
of her demise. I am actually impressed that tyhe bears could run her down to 210.64 however briefly.

She continue to do nothing but confirm what I have been saying all along.
Many ā€œhigh fivesā€ to those that get it and got it to work for them.

There is nothing really new here with GJ. She is still acting the same as she always HAS and DOES and IS. You are the one who changes. Once you become a constant witness of her and her moves, you will begin to understand her and see in your minds eye what her next move is.

And from here she looks to me like she is getting ready to ā€œjumpā€ up,
if you know what I mean.

GJ is paying 1.50 on a 10K lot NJ is paying 2.40 on a 10K lot.

Donā€™t look now buy Guppy is heading north off my chart screen!

She may be heading to atlantic city for the weekend. After All it is Friday for her :slight_smile:

w00p she has just run over many traders. watch out like I said earlier she is very angry today. I do not know why either!

It takes a brave man to go short now. Or a very ignorant one.
There is no clues that she is going to suddenly reverse, but it is possible.

But dont kid yourselves. The trend is clearly up. Stop dreaming of shorting her. Thats like wanting to marry her! She is already married, even though she doesnt act like it.