GBP/JPY Equity Building Profitable trading strategies


I use FXDD and they don’t have NZD/JPY but my GBP/JPY seems to have a better interest pay… I don’t know if you hit the wrong keys or not but today, we get 7.08 on a 10k lot. Is there that much difference in brokers?

Hope no one got run over. Don’t say I didnt provide sufficient warning.
Everyone should be on the bus eh? Sorry there is no handicapped entrance!

Then the broker decides how much to give. I am getting so low because I am at 400:1 leverage which means for every 100K USD I trade I ONLY have put up $250 and the broker loans me the rest. So when I carry trades over
99.75% of the money is theirs and hence they take most of the interest.
but in reality in NJ it comes out to 100% per month bases on the amount required for me to secure a 1k LOT. FXSOL lets me change the leverage and interest share I get, but where the real money is made is not in intefrest but in scalping. The interest is just a security that allows you to hold your trades until you realize a profit, even if you have to collect mad interest for 3 weeks or something. Money in a bank is poorly saved earning 1% per year! BAH! The bank is NOT your friend. Anyone seen my article? I am surprised other bankers arent calling me.

I should start a whole series of articles letting the bankers secrets out of the bag.

whoever is riding in the front with her kindly remind her we are going the wrong way now :slight_smile:

She is back to business. Keep shorting her, so she climbs with greater fury and speed. Resistance is futile. She will consume you and all your SHORT dollars.

SHe is struggling here but I expect her to make her way for 214 going into NY close. I am out.

Not my broker. G/J is best.

I sent you a congrats on the sticky thread.:slight_smile:

Ha ha…:smiley:

Watch them momentum traps.:slight_smile: They will get you chasing.:smiley:

The best traders that have lasted the longest around here are all contrarian.

Tymen, Tonymand, Dpaterson, Elijah, etc…

Sorry if I left anyone out.

I guess it is just a matter of time before this high flying dollar crashes again.
I am amazed at its strength depsite what to me seems obvious. Until there is an oil solution in place in the USA we will continue to be dominanted and controlled by big oil.

The problem is that there never will be a solution to oil - or let me rephrase that: whatever arises as the solution to oil will be the next “big oil” that we all like to complain about. You can unlink oil from money, but that rope has to be tied around some other commodity’s neck.

Long term I am dollar long. Our interests can only go up now and many other nations can only go down.

I am waiting for u/j to take a dip to start picking up long term carries.:slight_smile:


We are building large houses now that have no electric bills. We have the answers, just have not implemented them.

The answer is not an oil substitute, but a replacement that’s free to harness. Wind and solar.

We need to improve electric cars. Once you are living in a house that is energy independent. It won’t cost anything to plug your car in.:slight_smile:

We also need to export energy not import. We can do it if we try and start running this country “Of the people, by the people, and for the people.”

That since we have no oil, that the USD go pretty much opposite of OIL.
So in the long run you really think oil is going to go down? If you were going to go long UJ you should have got in sub 100.00 not 109s…

Inflation can only increase as the “fed” continues to print more debased dollars. Then the feds to control inflation will jack rates, then times will get even tougher.

I’m not in yet and would of, should of, could of’s in hindsight won’t get me in at those levels either.:slight_smile:

How to find a bottom:

When Elija finally turns seriously dollar negative.:smiley:

of the last low 210.64 to high 213.98. We could get a run down at london open past 213.20, but I expect it to hold through Asia.
I am off.

SO was there anyone who had loss leaders from the TIME before lastt hat we were up around 214. And then sunk to 210.64. And hit 213.98 agaian.

That run was a good run. I guess m2p got rid of his LL at 214?

MY point is just to mention, look at that last run and study it if you didnt make any pips with it real money wise.

We were up at almost 216 whioch would not have been the best place for a loss leader. But if you got one around 214 and rode it down to 210.64 and rode it back up to 214 again you would be doing good.

GJ should break 214 easily today, I have not looked at the news, but GJ was strong in the night.

I’m still pippin those NJ’s and thinking AJ is a good buy below 100, should have got some at 99.00, that was the deal of the week.

Dont get me started this morning. And if you are really interested in a government that IS: Of the people, by the people, and for the people.
JUST open your eyes there are several massive movments of people who are tired of getting ripped off by their government.

if you go to google and do a search for “we the people” you will get:
We The People Foundation & We The People CongressPrimary purpose appears to be to “end the illegal operations of the income tax system.” Primary focus is on the state of New York.
We The People Foundation & We The People Congress - 36k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this

I am proud to be a member of this organization and donate to it.

Bob Schultz is a great man and an example to ALL. He IS RIGHT. But it is NOT about being right.

where we will go back in history to compare and contrast the ongoing revolution with the first revolution in the 1770’s.

This is going to be the most exciting time in history. You will witness individuals (sons of the THe Holy One, Blessed be HE), with tremendous power, come forward and battle with the evil one.
The mental defects amoung us shall be removed and tested with fire to which they will fry.

In the mean time keep trading GJ :slight_smile: She assuredly is going up this morning,
there is huge upward pressure say hello 214 again and watch her scream back into the 215’s

I have a loss leader at 215.71 but that’s just because I decided to get one to be invested in the market. (I’m one of those gotta be in all the time types…bad i know.) my second loss leader is at 214.20 and then i dropped another 150 pips to the next order. I’m still holding the 214 but the others I got below that I either cashed out or let ride for a while then cashed out. Good run. It’d be even better if we hit 215 today!

After that next drop down to 212.70, from there you should have been getting them a bit closer down into 210.65. But hold those LL’s.

GJ is coming around, I expect her to be back into 215’s before the week is over.

The trick now is to continue scalping them off the bottom. Sounds like you avoided TMTH this time eh?

A LL leader even at the HIGH is OK, that gets you in, and all the scalping will cause those pips to pile up.

I don’t see another big run down coming for GJ yet.
But by now everyone shoudl really understand how this works.

Looks like buying behind the GJ as it sinks would have worked here.
But I always felt like the drawdown was like $ in the bank and that GJ was obligated to return to higher price levels it has touched.

Anyways being IN is KEY as you then have an INTEREST in the market.

QUOTE=HAUGHT007;60929]I have a loss leader at 215.71 but that’s just because I decided to get one to be invested in the market. (I’m one of those gotta be in all the time types…bad i know.) my second loss leader is at 214.20 and then i dropped another 150 pips to the next order. I’m still holding the 214 but the others I got below that I either cashed out or let ride for a while then cashed out. Good run. It’d be even better if we hit 215 today![/QUOTE]