GBP/JPY Equity Building Profitable trading strategies

The banks have been getting up off some iof those foreclosed properties and the short sales are rolling all over the USA. There is considerable lag as the banks are holding these properties and selling them off slowly.

I expect house sales to be better than expected and may even come in ABOVE 0% -4.7% previous, expected -1.0%
obviously if it is ABOVE 0% UJ wiull shoot up and carry GJ up faster.
1 hour and 10 minutes to go.

Get in on the dips now. Price is a good value.

Looks like this one is at critical support.

Many are screaming get long here. But I am betting EU continues to break down for now.

Especially after 10am and that USD positive news hits.

It is almost gauranteed that housing numbers are up, are if they are it is certain to cause USD to rally.

That UNemployment wasnt too good but didnt affect price too much

My biggest trading weakness too.:smiley: I going to get my leader here.:wink:

Ha Ha.:smiley: I know what you mean.:slight_smile:

I havenā€™t followed this beast long enough to know how well she respects the old trendline method. So I thought Iā€™d get the opinion of the experts. Not to be pessimist but it looks like sheā€™s respecting the trendline starting on 7/20 at 251.09 at the high and hitting again 11/1 at 241.34. The last 3 days sheā€™s been testing this line but canā€™t seem to get past it and right now itā€™s sitting at 215.50. What are the chances of her breaking through?

[B]ā€œThe best way to predict the future is to create it.ā€[/B]

Peter Drucker

Anyone get in on that EJ short?

Good observation. We are also at a neckline test of that giant head and shoulders.

It is possible for her to make a nice plunge.

If she breaks, she will be breaking two critical levels.

No, missed it after already taking a nice short on her.

I was busy with g/c and drinking beer during London open, forgot to check.

You know Tom Beat them. They should have known better than going up against a sharp lawyer like that. How could they think they could beat an honest lawyer that knows the law and the legal process?

Truth attack looks like they have it pretty much figured out.

It is just a matter of time before everyone in the USA knows, and stops getting jacked by the Inventory Reduction System!

By the way -
You can learn more about the U.S. Supreme Court cases by going to the Truth Attack website truthattack - spreading the message THEY donā€™t want you to hear and
download ā€œThe Memorandumā€ for yourself. Then youā€™ll see why Tom Cryer won his case and the jury acquitted him 12:0!
Around April 15, 2009 people will recognize our signs - because they will have seen our T-Shirts!
Letā€™s create awareness & public outcry! Letā€™s put an end to the misapplication of the ā€œincome taxā€!

Iā€™ve done one and two mini lots from 169.40, already banked some pips from 169.40 down there on one lot. Still have some more to go. I hope itā€™s gonna to test some support at 165.50 at the least- to bank more:D.
Already put S/L at the the breakeven on the remaining position so if it screams up again (for an unknown reason for me) Iā€™ve still managed to squeeze some pips out of it. :smiley:

Wishing I had followed my own advice :slight_smile: Trouble I always have is knowing when to buy it back.

I saw that one coming.

All my margin is still tied up in NJ. Ivā€™e got 34 1k lots now up to a bloody 8.97% nothing like tieing up profits in some LT interest deal.
I still wont take a loss on them. Scalping is MUCH slower than GJ for sure.
Range is much tighter. basically its a once a day trade pair.

[B]ā€œIf the only tool you have is a hammer, you tend to see every problem as a nail.ā€[/B]

Abraham Maslow

I Am the Hammer!

I donā€™t see the giant h&s but I do see an inverse H&S on the weekly ā€¦ other signs are pointing upward in the short term, but at some point I think she needs to make a major move downwards, maybe to the low 200ā€™s.

Good place for a LL if you dont already have one. I am surprised to see her down here. But USd is kicking GBP arse so thats hurting her I think as USD is also kicking JPY.

Anyways I cant imagine we can run down too far overnight here.
But going into london who knows bears may able to run it down to the next fib down. see you in London maybe :slight_smile:

You can bet your britches, she will make a new high this month and continue her monthly ascension.

right now she is a good value at least for a loss leader :slight_smile:
If I was trading GJ I could only dream of 200. I dont think the yen can support an exchange rate any where near there. UK kept rates at 5%.
In the long run it is sure sounder to hold pound over yen ANY day or week.

This one is getting close to the bottom. 193.50 should hold and if not 193.00.
This is a critical support level on the daily for the last 12 months at least.
I dont expect there is much chance of breaking below those levels.
I am not saying to get long yet. But the lower this one goes the more attractive GU becomes for a nice swing trade.

Thatā€™s not an inverse.:wink:

The head pointing down is not an inverse?

She made two h&sā€™s. Your talking about one and Iā€™m talking about the other.:smiley:

I will post a chart later when Iā€™m on my other pc to show everybody both. The one I am talking about is big, right before the one you are talking about.

Look at the daily m2p chart, you will see both. If not, I will post the chart.:slight_smile: