GBP/JPY Equity Building Profitable trading strategies

Where is the next stop for the bus ? Seems to be she likes to bite on the support but where is it for now ? 213.00 gave way and 212.00 as well now 211.00 is about to be cracked. I’m buying every 100 pips but anyway if she sinks down to the bottom (209.00 for the begining) I’m done and dusted :frowning:

I know, I know… I should be shot but I went and picked up another chick… I bought into GBP/USD a couple days ago thinking she was getting heavy. She has YET to do any kind of retrace… Where is the dollar getting it’s strength?! Am I living in the same country as everybody else here cause I definitely don’t see it…

I think (correct me as I can be entirely wrong). Cable weakness has its solid base-falling economy, rising inflation, falling house prices (they just started) I can understand it.
As far as the greenback - saving Fannie’s and saving a few big banks will cause Fed printers running 7/24 to supply some paper. Then inflation may come up to double digit so current price action is probably a sort of discount of this event (as markets like to do in advance), I think.:confused:
Anyway anybody knows where HER BUS gonna stop before the weekend ?:frowning:

P.S. Maybe when the big bosses gonna come back from their binge holiday they would slap youngsters for what they’ve done and we may see some retracement. This crazy price action is driving me nuts as I only managed to pick up some EJ at the end.:mad:

I guess I will have to be the one to get this week started over here.:smiley:

Where are you guys at? No close at 215.:mad::stuck_out_tongue:

so are you guys buying at this level (210.90) ?

It’s cheap eh?

Not too many too high though. Certainly it is a good value here.
GU hit bottom and is heading back up. UJ is still sailing. ANd JPY is still strong as it is retracing on UJ slightly.

But LT GJ has to be heading back up. THis dollar buying frnzy is almost over.
Who in their right mind is buying dollars which yield only 2%?!?!
Unless of course they are selling yen (.5%), and trading it for USD. Otherwise OIl and gold are heading back up here soon with a mad fury.

The USD cannot sustain this level as its pedestal is missing a leg.

When the real traders come in today, the USD WILL absolutely retrace before the week end.

Don’t fall prey to the illusion of a sinking GJ LT. THe NJ hit a new low BELOW MARCH 17ths! I have TMTH of course and couldnt buy anymore at that level :(.

All my margin is tied up. and I am at 11.5% which gives me an uneasy feeling for sure. I can last a low into the 75.XX but I doubt we can get there.

GJ impressively ran down into high 209’s but she is on the way back up.

There were a few hours there where she moved almost 100 pips.
The key IS and always has been scalping in range. DIfferent levels have held as ST support. Now 210.50 seems to be support. Only once did we drop below that. Things dont look so promising to the top side ATM.
GC seems to be riding high while GU is still in the dumps. Only reason the dolalr is riding is high is because oil is down. Do not be deceived oil will not keep going down causing the dollar to go up. I am deep in drawdown in NJ,
but in the long run I favor NZD over USD anytime and in the mean time I will earn interest. NJ is suffering due to a strong dolalr kicking NZD hard. And USD is kicking JPY hard so hence NJ suffers harder.

Uh oh… Someone must have tipped off **** Cheney on how much oil is in Siberia. Now every redneck from Charleston to Jacksonville has loaded up the pickup with all their shotguns and looking for those damn commies.

Ha ha:D Lets try Richard Cheney.:slight_smile:

I got the drawdown, margin all tied up, got in too early, no good, low down blues right now.

When is someone going to her which way is North!!!.

210.50 may turned from support into resistance for now. The 209.00 level just has been cracked.
She is having fun and aims for a Mexican border for now. Before she gets there she will have to stop somewhere and clean the bus from the corps sticked to her bumper dragged all the way down. :rolleyes:
I had to sell my L-L to avoid drawdown, if she falls to 205.00 I’m done and dusted as well. I didn’t have TMTH :frowning: :confused:
The rising trendline support from March lows has been penetrated as well with 2 long black candles on daily. Retracement up to 212.00 could do a nice ride. But, there are lots of BUTS closing price below 200 SMA, support may turned into resistance, carry trade index going down. Of course she may turn the bus and ride :stuck_out_tongue:
Whole in all my real account is too small to have a loss leader at 213.00 or 212 and then ride it down to 205.00 I’m not mentioning this could be the begining of the wave 5th which could go down below 200.

Looks like she is holding. I wish I could get some long here.
But I have had to add about $550 to my account to cover the margin drawdown of my profits (35 1K lots NJ) sitting collecting interest.

You know I am going to win here. It is the only option. NJ can only go down so far. GJ is looking very bottomish. And last time we hit 208.ooish she took off like a rocket. I just dont buy whats going on. The world is either colelctively ignorant or there is something very funny going on. I am heading for the exits cashing in USD for whatever I can get of value.

Oil is down the dollar is up CANNOT last. No matter how much everyone in the usa may want that. Higher gas priices in the future are extremely likely.
I had reviewed some commentary where the man was saying that they are now dealing oil in other than USD. There is a treaty that the agreement was that oil would be traded in USD. Now south america is thinking they dont want to exchange oil/gas for USD.

In the end the faithful will see the masters hand.
There is always justice in the end. The end is near.

I agree with one bit, the speed of the Greenback is going up has a minimal fundamental and technical backround.
But there is HUGE difference between the last time (when she hit 208.00 I recon You think of mid July) she’s done a hammer on the daily candlestick with a long wick which meant reversal (not high though) happened after a while. Over last 48hrs she breached rising trendline support and two long, black not overlapping candlesticks are telling a different tale for now.
I agree it all could be a fake slump, she LOVES to drive people mad. I’m at the sideline now and waiting for her decision. :confused:

And she does it so well :smiley: :smiley:

I’m at the sideline now and waiting for her decision. :confused:

Me too. :cool:

So far it is holding but in current settings may be easily cracked down.

Whole in all :slight_smile:
It looks like a trendline break - but that’s normal for HER, wild ride.
208.00 has gone - now it may be worth buying some dips for 40 pips ride but some people say don’t try to catch a falling knife. In a current situation I’m desperate to chalenge the old adage cause potential for a retracement is quite rewarding…:cool:
Just wandering where is this bus going to stop, I may get off before SHE stops at the Rio Grande :smiley:

It looks like she may be heading to the other Rio–Rio de Janeiro–.:smiley:

Yep, no sign of a bottom yet on any timeframe, she could easily go lower. I’m still waiting in the weeds and watching :cool:
And I agree with jerry, the Rio she is headed towards is more likely the one in Brazil than the one in Texas… in fact I think she is just passing Venezuela.

Yikes…I wish I were in the weeds just watching. I have a loss leader set at 214.50. Didn’t buy down every 10 pips but have enough trades in that this 700 pip drop is threatening me big time.

I put in a hedge short equal to my long position to at least stop the carnage and will use it as insurance and pull it out (at a loss I am sure) when the train passes through Texas again on its way up north.

Hope I survive.

Give me some reassurance we won’t see 197 again. :o