GBP/JPY Equity Building Profitable trading strategies

You are so funny…hey, don’t knock it…anything in this world is possible!!! Worth a try…I’m putting 216!!! all over the place here…might as well be positive.

If I don’t crash I’ll hold onto that belief. Like I said, I’m committed now…prepared for the ride in either direction. If I go under I can always find a nice cardboard box to live in under the freeway…you can find happiness anywhere.

Try to demo my strat. It might be your taste. The only thing I have changed is a 200 pip sl.

I might change it to a 250 for the guppy and 175 for other pairs though.

Believe it or not, Elijah’s strategy is profitable 100% of the time. I know it is hard to believe during times like this, but the math works out. It just may be to long term and less rewarding on the short term for us “traders”.

Still watching the rising wedge here, where a break held below 205.09 could mean a pickup of the downward trend if any momentum gets behind it. The wedge isn’t negated until a break above the upper ascending trendline at 206.10 (also the 76.4% fib retracement on the decline from 207.20 to 202.53).

Levels to watch below are 204.87, ~204.25, 204 and then fib fan support @ ~203.70.

That’s absolutely true. But, you’re right: the massive pippage euphoria experienced when the pair is going up makes it very easy to subscribe to the method, until the cold reality of weathering a long decline and then settling in for the moratorium on trading activity that will extend until BE is reached. That’s the part where a value investor may be content, but a trader probably will not be: it’s like sitting on real estate with capital locked up but finding contentment because you’ll build equity in the long-term. Meanwhile profitable deals (the current housing market not withstanding) are whizzing by on all sides…

You have a gift with words. That’s basically what I was trying to express but you do it so much better.:slight_smile:

I think he gave up some time ago … he has not traded the guppy in a long time, he put all his money in the NJ. And on that last swing down of the NJ, that account may have been blown as well.

Sorry about your cow :frowning:

And you’re not going to tell us what that signal is, right? :smiley: What timeframe are you mostly looking at?

At least Elijah always withdrew earnings. So over time, he has made more out of the market than the market has taken, even with the blown accounts.

I doubt that very much, I think he topped up more than withdrew. And I think you make money with this strategy the same way you do in real estate or in the stock market … buy right in the first place.

Where is he(Elijah) when the GUPPY is ripping hearts apart? A word or two from him would not heal but followers of the “Long System” would appreciate it I think.

4Star its a signal (custom indicator) from my system.

or sell books and hold seminars. Don’t forget the late night info ads, they’re money makers too.;):stuck_out_tongue:

I should have sold those NJ’s like he said when it was stuck at 81.50.
I ended up getting sold out on the run down at 10:22PM EDT LAST Thursday
Instead of losing about $200-300 then and useing the rest to trade GJ, I dug my heels in. Not only did I lose 100% of about $1250 in profits but I threw another $200 in andotgher $200 in and another $250! The last time I should have done $270 as I got sold out to the pip on the low at 73.XX whatever it was. I was left with about $50 less than the margin I had up securing my 35 1K lots. Obviously I lost ALL the interest too.

anyways I am back to trading GJ, with my $50. SO Here I am AGAIN starting over from scracth basically. Man that was a wild run down in GJ. I have banked only about 100 GJ pips in this week.

I got long at 205.05 with a loss leader and can only play one or two at this point and the second one HAS to be AT the bottom. I got a few up from 202.80ish but bailed out way too early as usual. I thought about just buying one loss leader and taking a vacation.

So I scheduled a vacation for a few days out of town but near.

Things are tight here. I was hesitant to buy one at 205.05 but I missed her a few times where she comes down to my buy order and stops. And goes back up leaving me at the bus stop. SO I HAD to get on the bus.

There is something I am pretty sure of. Even though I do not understand it and it defies logic. Just becasue oil is going down shouldnt be reason enough for the USD to go sky high. There are far too many thing indicating crappy dollar conditions. SO many I wont even start mentioning them. But gold too is going down. And if gold and oil keep going down which they sure seem to be in a down trend now, the USD HAS to go up. There is no question that forever the USD has went inverse of oil and/or gold. The dollar has already came screaming up quite a bit.

Be ready for more USD gains. This means EUR/USD is bound to go back down into the 130’s maybe 136 138 or so. I am thinking the GBP can hold on some against the USD since it is already severly in the crapper. I am long GU in my demo acct. IN real real acct I am only long GJ from 205.05. If she getys to 204.10 I will buy another. If she keeps going down after that my $60 will be lost! Be very weary of a USD rally, another one is in the works. I do not know HOW.

hiding under an alpaca…

4Star its a signal (custom indicator) from my system.

I know … would you email it to me?? :):D:)
luv2trade4x at traderstar dot com

Looks like all jpy crosses suddenly headed south … 4am in Japan, wonder what’s up?

Well, you got out without losing your shirt, and that means you’ll live to trade another day. Welcome back, and glad to see you’re still with it. I won’t give you the “you rebuffed GJ for a younger woman and now that she’s left you in the gutter, you’re crawling back to your old woman” speech because I’m sure someone else will :smiley:

They read somewhere that I was calling for a short out of that wedge on GJ and decided to hope onboard. :cool:

Hey Elijah…glad to see you back. I was given a stroke of enlightened positive energy when I heard you bought at 205.10. I earlier today just set my account out to seed…figuring it would be busted by this time tomorrow. But instead, after reading your email, I threw out some dead weight (unfortunately I had to do this to free up some margin) and set some buy triggers at 205. I caught two of them and am expecting a run up.

Although I know that there could be further downside I figure I have to make a stance on one side of it at this point as I can’t play the wishy washy game anymore…no more leeway to do so.

I am also putting in a bit more money in the account to beef it up. I won’t get that until Monday, so I may have to put in a hedge trade again to stabilize the drawdown if it starts another run down beyond my margin.

I am with you Elijah about the dollar. Seems like some Central Bank hanky panky going on here. The euro dumped, which is what they wanted over there, and the Japanese are having a hey day with their crappy currency (no offense, I love Japan.)

The best way to get the hornets out of the nest is to throw rocks at it and shake them up. Shaking things up always gets stuff moving–lots of potential stinging though.

I only wish the guppy gets shaken up to the upside…looking forward to one of those classic “what the??” moves up. Maybe not today, or tomorrow, but at some point it will happen…not sure how far up it will go, but it won’t have to be too far to get me out of the briar patch.

I got some down there but sold them long ago.

I just bailed on my 205.05 with only one pip looks like I could have gotten 15 or so.

She is very wild now I am flat and have very limited margin until I can replenish my account.

But I am still playing one or two. One low and a last one lower.

How can everybody be flat? Am I missing something here? Are you guys cheating and closing longs before they profit out? :wink:

I may have gotten in way too high…214…but 208 hasn’t been seen in a coon’s age either. Where could you guys have gotten in as an LL and now be flat?

I am wondering if I don’t get this system at all as it keeps killing me…

NJ got me for like a small pile. I am 100% if I dont get sold out. The thing is when you get sold out. You often lose all your winnings and sometimes some of your money. Either way it is all my money I lost because I could have withdrew it. Or squared it up and invested in GJ only instead of NJ.

But as low as GJ got. I could have had a loss leader up at 214 something,
in which case the run down would be 1200 pips, I would have lasted through that easily especially if I put my extra $1000 towrds GJ to cover some additional drawdown. But NJ sure folled me and I am floored that it hit the low it did. Of course to the pip. It is as if my broker put my stop loss order out there on my account and someone was bound and determined to hit it.
still though 35 1k lots is only 3.5 minis, nothing significant. I had THTM!
I studied NJ charts for a long time before trading it. It seemed the MOST stable slowest moving smallest range against the yen of any other crosses.

Of course after I got sold out NJ ran up 200 pips. 200 pips is nothing for gj but for NJ it is huge.