GBP/JPY Equity Building Profitable trading strategies

But most of the more experienced traders seem to use fib numbers for sma’s
LIke I prefer 21 34 55 instead of 20 and 50
And I prefer the fibs going up as well istead of 200 I prefer to use 200 and 236 and 144. I like to have several moving averages for different periods.
And what this will do if you compare and contrast those lines (waves SMA’s)
you can see when they “buldge” and consolidate and whaT NOT
but you watch the spacing between the lines and it wil often show you something. I sleep. But GJ wakes me up when she is crashing so I can make sure to get orders in for the ride up. Like Today when I said now would be a good time to get long. That would have been an excellent place to swing trade some biiger lots at one price and ride them up into 206.20 is where I owuld have sold.

I have 4 orders that didnt get sold on the run up to 206.20, I had a few Tps too high I lowered them a few pips. SO I can get flat again.
I am still buying all the way down. And I imagine overnight tonight we will get some players running us down 100-200 pips between 2am EDT-5am EDT.
So I am buying @ 10 pip spreads into low 204’s. I want as many lots as I can get while maintaining a safe risk plan.

I do pretty good though. I charge a dollar a minute for my time and I don’t think it is enough. My parents wouldn’t let me go to the college I wanted so I said screw them and joined the navy. Arg! Insitutional life is hell.

That is one of my life’s purposes at this point in time:
To reveal the concealed, And to draw down more light from above.

I think even greed got me a time or two when I overextended myself.

Like this morning at 4something AM when I posted say hello to the bottom.
I was like 95% sure it was the bottom and as you see my posts going forward this morning, I knew she was going up. Why didn’t I spend most of my margin and get long with a crapload of lots at 204.70 or wherever I got long? I decided that was possibly greed motivated and that maybe the 5% chance could some into manifestation so I didnt do it. But I did scalp all sorts of orders there on ythe way up and sold orders all day while I was away. You cannot doubt. You cannot allow your mind to try to throw in a monkey wrench by suggesting “but” this or that or suggesting what you know is not possible.

I hate to say it but even my mind as highly developed as it is, is still not always my friend and is often working against my better judgement.
My mind is A tool that I use it doesn’t use me. My body is nothing more than a vessel. My mind and my body is not who I am.

My purpose here isn’t so much to show everyone how easily I trade GJ and how easily they can it is more along the lines of enlightening you, so you are able to step outside your self and be a witness to your thoughts even,
there is a great amount of permanent inner peace that goes with disciplined thinking. But enlightened disciplined thoughts is what we need to have
for the greatest happiness and fullfillment in life.

I am not a life coach or a spritual counselor but finally for the first time in life I finally got it all together and am in a position to help others. SO if I can help someone progress in thier life and make leaps and bounds in thier spiritual or personal development, by teaching them how I trade GJ for a remarkable profit then so be it.

My posts here are about sharing. Sharing life, time and experiences,
is how you attain everything in life you desire. If you desire millions thats fine. But after you get them. will it change you? WIll you become wildly generous or suddenly stingy. I hate to be the bearer of bad news and this shouldn’t be bad news but it is through sharing and helping others that true happiness is achieved.

Whatever happens happens for the best. I can tell you I was doubting that as I ran out of gas on interstate 95 this morning. I was thinking how could this be best? doubting it! I quickly corrected my mind and told it,
“unfortunately you are too ignorant too understand why this is the best
BUT IT IS!” End of subject.

As I walked over a mile down the road, it was very disturbingly hot.
The first gas station was out of gas cans, mind bucked, SHutup we are going across the street surely they will have some there.
I walked in and looked all around I didnt see any! All I saw was some people sitting around. I was going to walk out and slugilshly my mind allowed me to ask "you don’t have any gas cans ,huh? Sure they said and pointed to a pile of them on top of a cooler. $15 each! for a 2 gallon gas can that can be had at walmart for $1.99. $7 for less than 2 gallon of gas and I could see the finish line in my mind only 1.3 miles to go back to the car with the 16 pound gas can. All along the way I tried to teleport down the road but was unable.
I was walking with the traffic going towards me incase some nice officer wanted to give me a ride, I could decline. I still am unsure of how that was the best. I didn’t let it ruin my day. But who knows maybe that running out of gas took me off the road and caused me to miss an accident that I would have been involved in had I not ran out of gas, I was obviously stopped dead on the side of the road. MY greatest challenge in life these days is my 4th child Tyler and my 5th child Jacob. Joseph is the the baby and is the greatest thing I have ever been blessed with it seems like, that child brings me the greatest joy I experience in life.

Flying down the highway in a 610HP corvette that will do 225 is exciting and even joyful and heart pumping but nothing matches the emotional loving feeling I have for that Joseph. Tyler and Jacob on the other hand are 9 and 10 and can be frankly gut wrenching and are always outsmarting me with something.

It is not who I am, it is that I am, that defines me. I am trying to get away from identifying myself with my mind and its desires for material things.
When you become near death you will know, no THING goes with you
and those possessions that you worked all your life for are now going to
go to waste. SO for me, whatver I can do to enrich the lives of others is what I am about. I am by far not perfect but each day I improve, make progress, and grow in leaps and bounds.

And I sure appreciate having met you Todd and knowing you has enriched my life. And I hope you will continue to enrich the lives of others as that is your higher purpose and I think you know it. And for certain that is what will bring you the maximum fullfillment.

I decided to get in deeper of course. Forget getting flat I am getting more around 205.50/60. And then on down. Margin useage is at 3, ive got 6 from there account is up 75 after less than a month. Not very impressive for what I could have done. The idea is to be more patiient and minimize risk.
If you had bought long this morning at 204.70 even if you were not present enough to have sold them by now and even sold them now you’d still be up.
I never take as many pips as I could and part of this may relate to principle.
When you are at a dinner and the plate is going around you don’t take extra’s
right off the bat until everyone has had a chance to get some. It would not be right if the plate got to the last guy and there was no food left. I am not saying that earlier inlife I would have taken extras without much thought for the other guy. So my broker loves me. And I wish he would give me some free trading money like he did last time :).

You better play this thing a go around or two. I am not saying disregard rules and lose on your demo so you can go on to a live account. But even a live account, this system can be done for $300, Granted I used $640 to start this time but $300 was too boring in microlots as I couldn’t get enough lots to make it fun or something. For me forex is fun. The money is just a side benefit. They say do what you love and the money will follow.
I have to say this is 100 true if you want it to be, you can easily shoot yourself in the foot and lower your 100 to 95 or something. WIth this, yes if you lose, you will lose big but if you can figure out what I am doing,
I think the light will really go on because even if I only get you for 10 cents to 500 cents per RT Trade and I am getting you for hundreds of them a week,
I am doing OK. BUT you do NOT ever have to lose. Forget thoughts of losing and concentrate on being pateint and sdmartly manageing your margin percentage used.

SO it can be done with as little as $640 for sure and I say even $300
my account is now at 977.84. Thinking 100K off the bat is greedy.
The trick is to learn it and start with something and have the goal to increase the size of your account percenatge wise or so many pips per week or month is the goal. But I like to stick to the weeks. Then if you want you can take your original money out so if you lose everything you are even.
Like right now if I took my 640 out I would have like $330 which I could restart with that. But I need to wait a month before taking out my $640 since credit card account funding has a 30 day waiting after the original charge at this broker I have now.

If you are needing to borrow $100K, you shouldn’t already be making 14K.
Nothing like losing money you don’t have I have done it. Deposit money from a credit card and lose it, then still have the CC bill! I am dowqn to using my debit card to put money into my account no more credit. But sometimes I CC is a quick deposit and its like my brother playing online poker for money.
He does lose sometimes. I usually consistantly win these days, at least at forex.

double bottom on the 15m pretty much assures thats the bottom for now.
We may just keep heading up. The RSI on the 30M is looking a little questionable like it may break down. I do not expect to get to 204.00 But 2 more steps (50) down to 204.50 is likely overnight.

It sure looks like it is going to break south right now.
I am going to adjust some orders.

Better lower some of those long buys :slight_smile:

Sometimes the GJ is too slow for me. But I sure do like the idea of going to bed and waking up to some filled orders and TP targets hit. And pips banked.

Where can i learn your system?

Go to the last page on this thread and start reading…

All m dreams came true price wise overnight and look at her keep running up, of course I didn’t get too manyit looks like but another cycle complete. Good DAY!

In stead of running down 100 PIps looks like we jumped up 100 :slight_smile:

Now up $21k in demo, I bought more after the last post, when I buy I place tp orders +24, 34, 54, 74 and so on, they are getting filled as I type.
Don’t worry, I wouldn’t be able to borrow money if I wanted to. I have one shot at doing this, I’ve got about $1200 left in trading money and no chance of topping it up, ever. So I won’t be trading this way live for at least another couple of months. In the meantime I will try to grow the $1200 to $2500, probably not by trading the G-Y, but something more ‘stable’ lol … then I can take $1k of it and open a micro account, keep $1500 in a mini to trade, and then see if I can have the micro repeat the performance of my demo account. I am getting the rhythm of it now, the only place I disagree is holding on “for months” if necessary … if it breaks critical support, I would bail and start again. Also to start each cycle I will wait until it looks like it is at the beginning of a cycle … i.e. not at the top but at or near a bottom. Will probably do this using wave counts, or just watch Jepatfx’s charts in the G-Y thread.

Whatever happens happens for the best. I can tell you I was doubting that as I ran out of gas on interstate 95 this morning. I was thinking how could this be best? doubting it! I quickly corrected my mind and told it,
“unfortunately you are too ignorant too understand why this is the best
BUT IT IS!” End of subject.

"[I]In ALL things, give thanks[/I]

My purpose here isn’t so much to show everyone how easily I trade GJ and how easily they can it is more along the lines of enlightening you, so you are able to step outside your self and be a witness to your thoughts even,
there is a great amount of permanent inner peace that goes with disciplined thinking. But enlightened disciplined thoughts is what we need to have
for the greatest happiness and fullfillment in life.

I am not a life coach or a spritual counselor but finally for the first time in life I finally got it all together and am in a position to help others. SO if I can help someone progress in thier life and make leaps and bounds in thier spiritual or personal development, by teaching them how I trade GJ for a remarkable profit then so be it.

You are certainly doing that! I agree 100% with these thoughts, however if one does not have financial resources to fall back on, then … it is sort of like the Arabic proverb, [I]“trust in God, but tie your camel”[/I]
Ya gotta be practical as well … which is why I have to put my own modifications on your otherwise perfect system :smiley:

Next time you find yourself in a situation like that on the I-95 … try shifting to a different timeline … one in which you are not out of gas.
There are many on this path. :wink:

It is my marker. I Could have sold it for a 7 pip profit and got flat.
But I will hold that one for the rest of the year and would be ok with it…or forever for that matter.

I am not going to comment on 206.50, but last time it was resistance,
And it is sure to retrace down some from here. I will start buying back around 205.99.

206.50 again the line in the sand, that the more time we bounce off of the harder will will blow through it.

OK, I am out … +22k is fine for my first cycle through in demo. I have to go back and count how many positions I had … probably over 50 but not all at one time.

This was truly amazing. I will wait for a retracement and do it all again. I don’t think my swap interest was calculated correctly in demo … so probably earned more than a measly 22k :smiley:
When you hold from Friday to Tuesday, should you get 4 days worth of interest?

She’s making a serious attempt to cross that 206.50 barrier right now … all jpy pairs are heading higher, but I do not think this one will last. Patience, grasshoppers. :smiley:

Scratch previous post … she is like a rocket ship now :smiley:

EWven pipsquito should be looking good this morning! and anyone else with some old longs.

See and I was thinking we would sail down some after 206.50 but wow,
we rocketed upo to 207.30

This is where it getys tricky. Are we going to continue up to test 210 before week end or will we run back down into 206.50 then 205.50, then 204.50.

I am going to go drink some coffee and see what all the ignorants (people in the news & people doing the news) are doing this morning. I find the news to be patheitc, and ignorantly negative. Why spend time focusing on things you dont want and finding joy in others misfortune?

The whole news industry is pathetic, Only a fool rejoices in anothers misforune. And only an ignorant person would be concerned with who died where and what tornado took out who. Who cares? I care if it is someone I know, but I cannot help everyone.

Sharon Stone said that china had it coming due to its karmic correction,
too funny, but probaly true, now those silly CHinese have banned her movies in CHina LOL, I hope she doesn’t go under from that ban!

The date on your trades is 2 days in advance!
Wednesdays trades count as friday EFFECTIVE DATE, and wednesdays trades are the ones that collected quadroiouple interest.

See a fool would have got VERY short at 206.50 and would have been stopped out into 207.00
This si that DOllar rebound against the yen that I have been talking about coming. UJ is due for some correction which will send GJ back way up into 220, 230 and on. We are eventually heading back to 251!

I am looking at the 15M trying to determine if that is a pennant forming which would suggest we are going to continue up.

We sunk 15 pips under that double bottom on the 30M chart I talked about last night.

I haven’t spent much time analyzing this morning. I am looking for anopther almost 100 pips slide before I get another long.

But we may just continue up here is why I “had” to get one at 206.85

The 60 min sure looks like it will be retracing down some for sure, but you never know, depending on how that 15M chart pans out we could be in for another “surprise” move up if you want to call it that.

But I think I have been saying all week get ready for another big leg up. Now we sure have that.

From the looks of that 6 min chart, I think we could be rocking up to 208
before 2PM today.

AT 830 we have: USD Core Durable Goods Orders m/m expected is -0.4% previous is 0.9%. This could send us down for a short step down.
I am not too sure how this one is going to come out and I hold this report not that high but many others do and it could rocket GJ price for at least an hour this morning.

If it comes out LESS than expected and especially if it comes out HIGHER than previous we will shoot up fast.

Needless to say I sold my last long and am flat again.

It looks like 206.50 is holding as support for now.
I look to get another one at that price then next one down should be at least 50 pips.

BE careful as this is where you want to AVOID getting TMTH!