GBP/JPY Equity Building Profitable trading strategies

We are retracing down some now but I don’t even think we will bottom at 206.50 I dont think it will get that low before it retraces back up.
I epect there will be alot of waiting to trade from “normal” traders scared of the news going into the 830AM EDT TIME.

I am flat again. I need to get at least one here somewhere, maybe like 206.79 or something I expect it to bottom about 206.75 before it reverses back up on the ST (2 MIN)

I’ve got one service call today and 7 alapcas to shear still. If anyone is an electronics or computer tech type and needs work let me know what city you are closest to and maybe I can get you some work.

The earth and all its abundance is enough for everyone, and for many of us we are still hung up on this more more more egoic warped ideal. It doesn’t matter how much more you get, you will never reach the ultimate fullfillment this way.

And never say you “won’t” be able to do something or you WONT!

The GJ is one of the most stable things in life that I have found. Sure it is wild but very stable. In the very long term I expect Japan and Britian NOT to change, and borrowing yen and buying pound long and holding it will make you wealthy in the long run if you manage your margin smartly and don’t allow some broker to beat you and sell you out because you overextended yourself.

I “had” to get one long at 206.95!@ Tp at 207.25.
Soon, any minute we will turn up for another run up here it looks like.

Go back to the FIRST post and read them all.
Then if you have any questions or are confused post a message here and we will see if we can clear things up for you.

WOW big Positive core numbers, got a few pips but flat again.

Be ready for certain, for another leg up today.,
I will gone most of the day and have my orders in. If anyone needs me call me.

I am still lightly in it but scalping in range and bagging all sorts of pips.
getting ready to crack the $1000 level up from $640, 10 cents a a time.

Just because I am killing them in range maybe doesn’t mean you all are, but if you learned anything from me I hope it is how to make pips while up and down rangy like this.

I keep buying at the same price and closing manually for a profit and buying back at the same price and selling again when it goes back up.

Buy into the bottom of the range, sell into the top. MY charting software is acting up so I am not even looking much at charts today. But I am dong the same thing I do every day with GJ no new developments here.

I was thinking after I hit the $1000 mark I can maybe raise unit size to 2K lots
as thus far for the last few runs I have been very tight on my margin, sometimes I think to m detriment but I weathered the ride down always this month, and had a HUGE amolunt more to go before I would even start to get concerned about margin useage percentage.

I am flat from the beginning of the 207 run that killed me a few weeks ago. So if I had been able to hang on and didn’t get margined out I’d be on my way to Tahiti right now.

Jeesh…she is like a beach ball you can’t keep under water.

Nice run. Curious to know what to do next. Is she going above 208?


It looks to me like it has resistance at 207.70. I think it’ll either bounce off that or drop for a while before it can push through. The 4 hr looks like it’s ready for a small trend down.

Heading back up for soem pips :slight_smile:

I am buiying with a loss leadert and scaling down killing them in range staying real light 4 5 lots in the range.

space orders down wide like 25-40 pips even or as little as 15

There wont be much retrace here we are clearly heading higher.

Clearly there is no indication of much of a let up. Momentum is still strong on the 2H and 1H, 15M is hanging but it should continue up, if not it wont retrace down far before it goes back to its business of up up up.

There is no sense counting the pips you would have made if you stayed in.
But it should be reassuring that now you would have been flat and up a large boatload of pips. Now you learned something along the lines of if you are
undisciplined in your GJ trading it will costs you a pile, You also had to have learned that not only could you have made it through that, but in the future you will have more faith and confidence and you will EXPERIENTIALLY KNOW.
It is this rock solid unshackable confidence that you need to whip gj into shape. Your broker will still make money on spreads and everyone should be happy.

I finally broke $1000. I sitll have one loss leader that I will hold until the end of time if need be. I no longer need to complete cycles before getting in deeper and scalping every pip I can in range.

Tahiti! Just bring your laptop with the network card. I trade all over the place. I got excellent connection speeds in Niagara Falls this winter.
You know you are addicted when

  1. You normally have plenty of money and dont need forex winnings to live
  2. You trade forex while you’re on vacation because it is what you DO for FUN!

But really you can spend as little or as much time at this and still have stellar results. But Attentiveness obviously is on your favour. USUALLY, unless you are like me and always selling your longs for less pips than you could have gotten. It is a pateince game at times. But I LOVE it when it is fast and furious. That is when I make the most BECAUSE no SL means no losers.

I am scalping on EVERY swing 1-10 pips in this about 30 pip range.

This is what I am expecting overnight. I just keep getting out for a few pips.
I still only have 2. But I am ok playing in this range, 207.00 has been good support so far but a move down overnight is sure in order so I can pick up some longs aty a great price for the rebound back up tomorrow morning around 5am EDT.

This tight range is getting to be a drag. MY orders are in. I am hoping for a move down some so I can get more longs. Otherwise if it just consolidates and moves up I will have missed the move up. I normally don’t set high TP’s on my loss leader because it is ok if that first order gets sold for a 10 pip profit, maybe I should leave this one without a Tp or set it too 100 pips or something bigger. BEcause as I said I am prepared to hold this one forever literally. IN 10 years my microlot will pay like $1000 in interest or something.
But I wont have to, she is on her way back up into higher ranges.

Whoever used the beachball analagy that was good. GJ is very much like that,
no matter how big or fat you are you can only hold her down so long before she explodes back up.

It is not looking too healthy. We need to break north going into Asia first 2 hours of open or we are crashing down.

I mean it already looks like its turned and IS heading down on the 120.

I woke up in time to come in and see my last 2 longs in the green. I got flat again, overnight many of my orders got filled and theiur tp’s hit and closed for a profit. I made about 150 pips overnight. That GBP housing number made her dip pretty nicely and she went down and grabbed a bunch of my orders and all is well this morning.

I got back in again with a loss leader at 207.59 and am buying down as always should we dip down.

I want to make some things clear. I post here for free. ANything I say (post) are my original words and my intellectual property. I expect no one will take my words and try to publish them somewhere else in some sort of underhandedness.

I really like the babypips forum and am glad I didn’t just start running some php forum on some of my own servers, did I mention I am a IT/server freak
and maintain servers and networks internationally.

Never mind all that, I wanted to give a shout out of praise to FX Soultions.
I see they are now advertising here. I don’t havce any trouble helping out babypips or anyone for that matter.

I started looking at the thread stats and WOW, who is reading this forum!
I should have made a secret private one like I wanted! LOL j/K.

BUt since I keep seeing fx solutions ads here now that is good, because this will help babypips pay for bandwdith and stuff, AND of ALL the borkers I have used over the years there are a dozen or more, I can tell you FX solutions is by far the best ALL around broker I have ever used.

I am VERY happy with them and have no plan to ever leave them.
SOme people get into useless disputes, like are they an ecn or a market maker.
I do’nt know nor do I care. I am fine with a market maker or ecn doesn’t matter. Many swear by MB, but while they have a lower spread and are an ecn, they PALE in comparrison to FX solutions. I have a MB account as well I don’t use.

It is not my place to tell MB how they can imporove or whatever, I did tell them thier charting sucks and their trading client does as well, but they give you a 4 pip spread, who cares! The broker needs to make money too right?

SO I am here highly recommending FX Solutions, Not for anything rerlated to my personal gain or babypoips gain but for YOUR gain, FXSOLK works best for my systems and subsystems, thier charting is good, but what is absolutely awesome is thier trading client. They even allow me to trade from the charts, which I don’t really do but its excellent charting and trading platforms is what makes FX SOL supreme.

SO I highly recommend them for YOUR benefet alone in trading this system.
I do not get anything from them for recommending them. Nor does babypips give me anything to praise their advertisers. But those who know me know I am for real. And when I recommend soemthing it is worth every thing I say it is. And I am very happy with FX SOL.

BUt when I originally opened my account they gavce me like $1300 in FREE MONEY to open with $5000 or something after I traded 100 RT trades.
Man I laughed so hard, it was like they were thinking it would take me a while to get 100 RT trades. I do more than that a week! For the month of May I am just under 400 I guess it has been some slow trading this month.

MY fx sol account is up almost 100 percent for the month. If you can double your forex account every month for the next 123 months where will you be in a year?
And more importantly who will you be able to help who is in need?

previous .6 expected .9
I think the tradable deviation is about .2 precent

so If it comes out at 1.1 that would be a Strong BUY GJ
if it comes out at .7 that would be a buy but at 40-50 pips down and scaling down from there.

I am expecting this report to be USD positive so I am expecting 1.1 at least,
and probably higher which should send GJ up 50-100 if it is down .2 or more GJ will go down 50-100 then rocket back up after the news release gets further away.

I’ll be out most of the day, on some service calls and whatnot.