GBP/JPY Equity Building Profitable trading strategies

WIth FXSOL you can change your leverage while in the trade. SO if you are at 100:1 and it moves down and you are in deep you can CHANGE leverage on the FLY and reduce the used margin on your account in one click.
So maybe 100:1 is a good safety setting.

NO NO NO, that is a LIE, high leverage is NOT dangerous! only a fool doesnt use maximum leverage. WHy would I put down 40K on a 200K house if INSTEAD of putting up 20% down IF they will let me put up 0% down, I wouldn’t!. The more OPM you use the better off you will be, the faster you will build wealth. The problem is not with AMOUNT of leverage but with IGNORNAT margin management. If you ignorantly manage your margin it matters not what your leverage is at ALL. Once you establish your leverage
you now get a new TRUE amount that iNCLUDES the money you efectively borrowed from your broker. now of that total amount for which you have .25% so for example you put in $250 your .25% and you get 100,000 to trade with. Now you refigure your margin useage percentage BASEeD on the total amount of your money AND your brokers you are trading. If you have now 100,000 you should not trade ever more than 10% ideally you want to be at 1-3% or even 2-5% depending on your tolerated risk. But anytime you are going over 10% of your TOTAL available margin (includes money borrowed from your broker) you are THEN in danger!

Danger comes NOT from high leverage but ignorant margin percentage useage levels!!!

here she goes up following my trend line up, 212 by 9am if she keeps going ta that rate. I am not worried by NFP at all.
But I expect it to be worse than expected and move GJ at least 100 pips down if it comes out worse than expected. But it will be fast and hard…thats how she likes it

[B]“Victory belongs to the most persevering.”[/B]

Napolean Bonaparte

I don’t know what it is going to take to fix that but I cannot post charts still.

It would be better if I could share charts again, and have always had issues on and off here with charts.

[B]“Feel the fear and do it anyways.”[/B]

Susan Jeffers

Fear is that emotion that causes your body to contract!
"For God has not given us the spirit of Fear…"
I am fearless. FEAR= False Evidence Appearing Real
Don’t fall for fear :slight_smile:

So where it says Used Margin (at the moment 7%) I watch that and if it goes above 10% I need to increase leverage (currently 100:1) to keep that number under 10% … is that it?

I looked into all this again last night before posting that last chart. Go down to the bottom left of the page where it shows what code is enabled/disabled. Click on the “vBCode” link. Then scroll down on the next page the bottom to the [ATTACHMENT] tag. Looks like it might be disabled.

My problem is that posting a URL here for an image I have at my host produces a huge image that breaks the dimensions of the board. It’s a bit obnoxious, but I can host something at imageshack to ensure it’s visible. the thumbnail attachments make posts difficult to follow sometimes, and have poor resolution besides.

[B]“In the middle of difficulty, lies opportunity.”[/B]

Albert Einstein

Increased leverage = decreased used margin, so bumping your leverage up from 100:1 would have the effect of reducing your percentage.

Well where your accoutn blows up is at 100%, if you are sitting watching the markets, Dont change your leverage now, or you reduce your interest.
100:1 pays higher interest than 200-400:1. This changing leverage while in the trade is to your advantage in a run down! if you are near getting sold out then you would increase it. Or if you go away and leave your trades open and are gone for a long time I would change. But changing now will only reduce the interest earned. 10% is ok not really near 100% :slight_smile:
better safe than sorry.

Only thing I have off is HTML, which shouldnt be needed to post images.

Don’t forget: ECB rate decision announced @ 0745 ET, followed by the first US NFP/unemployment/average earnings @ 0830 ET.

The ECB will likely raise rates 25 basis points (.25%); at bottom, this is EUR positive, USD negative. EUR/USD is bumping up against resistance @ 1.5890, a level broken only for a brief period in the spring (April 16-22). There’s been a significant run up from 1.55 since Jun 24, so at least some of the rate hike is factored in already; but upside potential here puts pressure on the dollar, which can indirectly affect U/J, and consequently have a derivative affect on the Guppy that is JPY positive (meaning Guppy bearish).

Be careful about trading event volatility on this or any other pair, though; I avoid placing trades as a rule at least 15 min. before and after a release: a discernible trend will emerge if the news is worthy of generating momentum, of which then you can then take advantage. Stay above the bottom-feeding fray.

Analyst consensus is -55k on the NFP (down from -44k last month), while unemployment is expected to drop .1%. These aren’t significant changes (the first USD negative, the second positive), but much deviation from them one way or another (as described in 4xStar’s FPA email) can set off a new short-term trend.

Did you click on vBcode and then scroll down to attachments? It’s on the next page.

You can post images with , but the image has to be hosted elsewhere, meaning the text in between the tags has to be in URL format.

here we go again RSI is rising on the 10MIN it looks like LT RSI is steadily building over dozens and dozens of bars. I think this time we will make new highs if we can hurry before NFP hits.
But some folks youknow are full of fear and NOT trading during NFP, which is the best choice for newer traders who have fear.

Thing is I dont want to take the extra time to uplaod the images elsewhere
as it takes more time.

If I am going to be required to upload images elsewhere I may as well,
run my own forum on my own webservers.

Its been years since I have ran any forums.

But I bet I could set up a php forum in less than an hour.
I have servers all over the world and bascially unmettered bandwidth
on Gigabit lines in EU, which isn’t so common anymore.

The Guppy is hemmed in on both sides: 210.67 provides support beneath, 211.53 resistance above. The range has become very tight, and we are almost to the apex of the symmetrical triangle (see white lines on previous chart). The triangle will break in the next 1.5 hours (struggling with the top trendline and 211.53 as I write), but be wary of false breakouts at news time. I was going to take the weekend off after closing things out yesterday morning, but may put a trade on this morning if the event noise coalesces into something worth an entry.

I understand - I wish the thumbnails at least blew up into a larger (or clearer) image. One challenge for me, at least, is that I’m not looking at 5-10 candles only, but dozens; that requires zoomed-out images and larger resolution to fit everything in, which doesn’t work with these thumbnails.

It is a hassle to host images elsewhere to ensure their quality. These are limitations inherent to the forum, though, and I doubt we’ll see any changes in this regard.

I’ve got to run to Harrisonburg today for some high profile call, which gave pretty short notice, I didn’t have the heart to charge them a $50 expediting fee.

As the old saying goes: an emergency on your part does not constitue one on my part, so as a rule I charge a $50 expediting fee as a immediate time demmand charge, If you want me to stop what I am doing and solve your problem within 4 hours its an extra $50 processing fee bascially. I went to the kangaroo court yesterday in Culpepper VA, those suckers provide POOR service and charge a $51 processing fee to jack me for a fine of speeding, 19 MPH over x $5 a mile,
their take was $166, BAH! I said I need 60 days to pay. (they charged me $10 extra for this) Nothing like robbing people legally. It is pathetic that my taxes supply that loser, trooper I mean,
with a car and pay him 50K a year to play traffic cop? I was not driving unsafely at 74MPH. See thats the thing, when you jack people, you got a jacking coming,
so for all you morons (almost literally I mean this) in government, we the people of the united states of america have had it, you SHALL not excape judgement for your
hand in the robbing of americans, I know I won’t come back as a rock, But I have been in contact with many ignorant folks who ATM are slated to come back in their next life as a rock, or a snake. And as I always say and with full conviction and a 100% confidence and understanding of the universe and its creation and operation
and continuation (by the grace of {Yud Hey Vav Hey}), There is ALWAYS justice in the end! You pathetic selfish ignornat fools who operate day in and day out to defraud, deceive and debase the Americans you are to be serving as public servants will be CUT OFF By the Divine Providence of the Almightly Creator.

I’ve got short term fibs at 211.50, I coudlnt pull up the image at image shack.
We need to get through 211.50 and 138.2% is at 212.15 which could provide some resistance and yes we seem to be in tight here and I too am expecting a break at the news and maybe after the news. It could go either way but I think the downside again is very limited considering all that is going on. We will see how high gold goes up. Much of the madness in the market is from folks who are lost in the past or the future. I have said it over and over in the past and someone even tried to argue with me on this point. You only HAVE RIGHT NOW. you can ONLY trade right now. You cannot travel to the past or future and even if you could you would not be able to place trades there. So the only time you can trade is NOW. And every tick it is now. Now is NOW. and now the now that then was is past.
Life is a serious of forks. A fork occurs every moment, it is a binary system.
Every moment of every day you have a choice, always choose BEST don’t choose Good, always choose best. the fork exists in your mind in your decsion making processes. Inner peace can be easily attained by shutting the mind up.
The voice in your head is not always right and often the voice in your head is really your enemy and always pitted against your true nature, the spark of the divine within.

Well rrram, I hope your trip out is a peaceful one - take some antacids along if necessary. :wink: