GBP/JPY Equity Building Profitable trading strategies

here we go above 212.50!

ER I meant 211.50 :slight_smile:

I have a forum already set up on my site, anyone is welcome to use it and I also have a live chat that can be used anytime people want to talk in real time. Let me know if interested and I will set up a special (hidden) page on my site that will have links to forum & live chat.

ECB: 4.25%. EUR positive, $ negative. Nothing unexpected, though. Trichet will be speaking, though; and his comments will probably have more market-moving potency than the rate announcement itself.

Closed my last position at 211.60, now I am flat going into the news. I hope it drops 100 pips as per rrram because then we can ride again :slight_smile:

NFP is more important for our purposes here, but if you want to watch Trichet’s speech live, it’s streaming at 0830 ET here:

The market is more concerned with the speech anyway; retrace on the run-up from June 25 @ 1.55 is muted. IF NFP is worse than expected and Trichet comes off hawkish, the dollar could take a bit of a dip.

back to the bottom ascending trendline line of the triangle at ~211 even. A good time to buy, if we weren’t in such a precarious place fundamentally!

I dont think they can fudge the NFP numbers.
ADP looked pretty bad pointing to a bad or worse NFP.
And expected is bad. And what you will get is worse than expected I think.
So count on the downward thrust with great speed before she flys back up.

It is best to have your orders in already!

Took a +31 pip day trade there off the ascending trendline. No time to be messing around, though. :smiley: But yes, the consensus with ADP so far off is that we’ll see a USD drop, even if it isn’t as drastic as ADP suggests.

w00p not so bad on anything she may not go down too far I am out only -62K with expected -60K isnt as bad as I thought so maybe 50 pips ttyl

I missed the drop to 211, was walking the dogs … but caught this last one … she is really living up to her nickname as the [I]Vegas Pair [/I]this morning :wink:

Wheee … look at that 100 point long doji on the 15’ … that’s our girl!

3H IKH kumo resistance at 211.80/212.20 for now; beginning @ 1200 ET candle price wanders into a dropped kumo where resistance changes to 211.68 (support @ 211.29), not coincidentally the high of the 600 ET candle. Note that this high correlates exactly with resistance on the green and red fib fan studies from my previous chart. Within the kumo, 211.53 remains an important turning point. Meanwhile, price is finding support lower on the 169 EMA @ 210.55.

Edit: and it breaks 211.68 as I speak, spiking to the top of the kumo as it is dropping.

2nd Edit: Senkou Span B changes drops to 211.68 @ 1200 ET not 0900 ET as I previously indicated.

Glad I hung around for a bit today: some good pips on GBP/JPY and USD/JPY on shorts off the top of their kumos. But, I think I’m going to close these out shove off for the weekend trading-wise now! Fireworks, cook-outs…you know… :slight_smile:

I’m sure I’ll be back to comment on something or other, but just in case not: Happy 4th of July to all the American traders. And to those elsewhere: sorry, no hot dog for you. :smiley:

And I’ve been getting some good pips going long … just goes to show what a wild girl she has been today :smiley: I am short the U-J now from that last high.

Happy 4th to all in & from the USA and Happy Weekend to everyone else :slight_smile:

This is my first 4th as a forex trader … I guess the market just continues except no US open, close or news?

Yep - Frankfurt/London will be open, but probably a lot of the institutional traders in the EU and UK will take a long weekend as well. After 0800 and especially after 1200 ET things will be dead.

Then I shall focus on whats on the grill … maybe experiment with new recipes for the guppy?

In any event I would have had my orders in and would be up a boatload.
Nice to see her currently sailing into 211.60’s as st support.
Slowly and steadily up is all we seem to be getting of late outside of the news
(before and after).

Tomorrow will be an excellent trading day if you trade it like I do.
No Sl’s buy all the way into the dips and sell it on the way back up at 11-21 pips a lot spaced as close as 10 pips if your margin useage allows it safely.

because we really should be able to post charts here

and if I am not the only one who has trouble then it isn’t just me :slight_smile:

You would have done well to buy all the way down into that spike having orders already pending

We almost hit 212.00 it seems to be getting harder to get back up there.
But when we break out of that look out.

well as I expected. Yawn, I need a few more wnks!