GBP/JPY Equity Building Profitable trading strategies

Now is the time to buy long NOW in the dip (bottom)…yawn

Another bottom again at 211.50. I have been scalping one GJ all day.

FXSOL closes today at noon, which is fine, GJ is teasing em this morning, I am holding one long at 211.57 and should have got another at 211.30ish but didnt as I have NJ still tieing up my margin

Don’t look down on me because I am a scalper.
When Rabbi Shimon Bar Yohai came out of the cave after being there for many years, as enlightened as he was, When he came out of the cave immediately saw a farmer, And in his mind (his thoughts)
were condescending towards the farmer (he looked down upon the farmer as if he was better than the farmer)…needless to say the mere thought of imagining himself to be better or higehr than the farmer, ERRORED, and was returned to the cave for a longer time.

He was hiding in the cave from the king that swore out to kill him…the king eventuALLY died about 13 years later.

When I grow up I want to be a swing trader :slight_smile:
Place my orders in the morning or night and then forget about her until the next day. As a scalper I require constant contact with her, but she never answers her cell phone, I often wonder why I got her one, and she sure is using alot of minutes talking to someone as I get the bill.

“As you think, so shall you become.”

Bruce Lee

I worked for Bruce Lee once, what a great boss he is.

sadly we are having a hard time with 211.50. It is ok I can hold this loss leader forever. I expected moe volatility and wide flucuations today. Happy JULY 4 to everyone who knows the true significance of the historical day

Interesting that you mention this because it is my default trading rhythm: set up orders in the evening/at night ET, go to sleep, occasionally wake up during London (I never set an alarm, though), but usually @ 0630 ET to manage them before I get ready for the day. Whether the trade will continue, or whether I’ll enter a new one then, will depend entirely on what is going on; but often (except for Fridays) I’ll care a trade through the day. Trades last anywhere from 6 hours to 3 or 4 days.

I swing them too. I place and forget, then check in every now and then. My last guppy longs went for two days by the time I even logged in to check. I had to go to Fort Worth and other issues. This morning I finally checked them to see I had a whole 30 something pips. All the girls are slow this summer.


I’ve got my loss leader at 212.79 and a slew of longs all the way to 211.79. Is there any speculation that we will be headed back up above 213 any time before the end of the year? And if not, what is she expected to go down to before headed to new highs?

My account is so tied up with this…I am (shudder shudder) considering taking the loss and closing some of these negative longs…stupid move???

I am in Virginia right now…Strasburg…nice weather today driving from Dulles in the rain. We don’t have rain in California…ha ha…

Just fire.

gold is limited, there is only so much, no one is going to be carryin it around spending it YET. In the mean time, Obama will become president,
Interest rates will go UP UP UP. and GJ always goes with US interest rates.
Ignorant Money goes where it is most appreciated. I scalped one until noon yesterday when FXSOL closed. Go down? I was getting long at 211.50 down into 211.30. Anywhere in here is good for long. In the long run GJ is going to go up…BEFORE the end of the year GJ will be in the 220’s or 230’s
you would be a fool to sell now for a loss (why do people want to do this!?!).
It is like a stop loss order, enter it if you want to lose money.

LT forever GJ will continue upwards and pay interest the whole way.

Well we will have rain here for 3 days now it will run in and out and up and down. I am getting GJ’s long with my account tied up too, but after scalping some my margin is back down into 5% after selling all those GJ’s for a profit BEFORE the NOON close. Only because I dont know who is tradign where until Sunday so lots of market movement expected friday that I cannot see as my esignal feed is gone and fxsol only streams charts when they are open.

Those drawdown longs are closed by the impatient, ignorant, or wanna be losers. I cannot understand the concept of that. Closing unrealized losses
to gain mental clarity? Or release a mental burden? I am NOT my mind.
My mind is a tool which I use. My mind uses me less and less everyday as I become aware of its childish tricks. In the east the great masters were able to reach a point of “no-mindness” ,a gap of , NO THOUGHTS, in the mental stream. incessant thinking is a disease, do not allow the ego (your mind)
to convince you that you ARE it. You are not. You are in control of your mind and not vice versa, but certainly your mind will take control if you allow it to.

Clearly those more ignorant intellects will tell you I am a psychopath.
But what you label (tag) me as still does not make me thus.
I have identified NEGATIVE and undesirable attributes and have eliminated them. It is as simple as "DO NOT THINK ABOUT WHAT YOU DONT WANT"
It is so easy a young child can pick up on it. But as we get older our minds operate slower, we believe the LIES from the masses. belief of a lie does not make it so, but it will certainly affect your other value judgements.

I am talking about breaking out here, Inner peace comes from within,
from that divine spark that we ALL have within. Like it or not, agree with it or not, We are all in this together (humans), we all came from the same source, we are one, we will return to the originating source.

On this shabbat, BE very careful what you “say” (words coming out of your mouth) TODAY. IT is far more important to consider WHAT comes out of our mouth MORE than considering what goes in your mouth.

It is a deep secret what I am going to say about the mouth as many of us think nothing of and disregard the words that come out of our mouths.

[B]As letters and words arouse the very forces they describe, POSITIVE words generAte (CREATE LITERALLY) positive angels, while negative words produce (create) negative angels. THE GOOD AND BAD EVENTS in OUR LIVES ARE merely the net effect of the angelic influences CREATED OUT of OUR MOUTHES![/B]

And to take it one step further, this is a matter of fact, if you disagree or are just generally ignorant, fine that is your choice, but this is HOW the world IS
and how things work literally. If you (your ego) really are stirred up by this,
sit down take some deep breathes and shut your mouth and cease your thinking, try to stop your thoughts, Don’t let them run and run like a hampster in a running wheel. Focus on the positive things, and be very careful with your tongue today, as today is not a good day to misuse your mouth, which is like throwing razor bladed boomerangs.

So before you speek to anyone today, get a sense of your mindset and clearly don’t allow your mouth to just RUN, too bad mouths dont run on gas or all sorts of people would be doing really well, as they wouldnt be able to afford all the gas so thier rude mouths would not be running at all, which would be to the benefit in most cases as folks are as rule VERY ingorant
about the rudder (mouth/tongue).

[B]You have within you right now, everything you need to deal with whatever the world can throw at you."[/B]

Brian Tracy

non-trading-related question while we’re more-or-less on the topic. This isn’t intend to spark a protracted discussion, though.

Throughout the thread, there are occasional references by rrram to his cosmological and spiritual beliefs. I see cloaked references to some variant of Judaism, references to Christianity, and perhaps a few other things. rrram, can you tell us more completely (not necessarily in more detail; just more systematically) what your worldview is and how it relates to/impacts your trading?

I was exposed to a rich varied life as a youngster. What I initially believed, what I evolved to believe and what I now believe are all different. What I believe tomorrow will also be different. I am open minded and as I uncover more truth I change my value system. I am enlightened by the moment, by the divine providence. The revelation of God’s Face was the most profound for me. God does not cause pain and suffering or misfortune for ANYONE
those that believe this are ignorant). God is light and in him [B]IS[/B] no darkness.

According to what he is (LOVE), he cannot and will not ever be the one causing harm on anyone or anything for any reason. I cannot help anyone define God. The term is so limited compared to the limitless entity for which humans try to tag it. I beleive Hebrew was the initial language and that with it the universe was literally created by God. Yeshua is the Son of God and literally IS the Torah HE is the SUN and it is he that literally lights the world. HE led by example and was the saviour of the world. The hebrew letters in and of themselves are channels of light. Light is an attribute of the creator. I consider all things. I don’t think my worldview affects my trading, outside of the obvious that many other countries are far smarter at managing their money than we are. And our currency in general is the most manipulated and debased in the world.
Sadly our currency goes opposite of Gold, which means the more gold is worth the LESS your dollars are worth. Really USD has no inherent value other than its “perceived value” related to the full faith and credit of the US GOV. America today is the Egypt of Moses’ time, we are ALL slaves to debt.
You cannot serve God and Mammon (wealth/riches). Those that serve their fellow man as they truly desire to be served, effectively serve God. It’s truly
through loving our neighbors as ourselves that we will trasnform the world.
The world will end up where God sees it ending up, we are not in control of the destination just the path. So life is a serious of choices, where there is always a right choice and a wrong choice, the more wrong choices we make the more pain and suffering we will enjoy along the way. But in any event the destination is clear, reunification. Separateness is an illusion. Just as time and space creates the illusion that confuses most folks about the cause and effect relationships in their lives that determine EVERYTHING they get in life.

Thanks for the the thoughtful answer. What about negativity hampering one’s every effort to trade successfully? What about positive belief and affirmation as a creative force? These seem to be core beliefs of yours that impact your perspective on trading.

Looks like alot of congestion through here but I am very confident we are headed back up a bit. There is some concern things are sort of dumpy for GBP, but things are tough all over. And if GB lowers interest rates that wont be good for GJ I do not think.

negativity is simply defeating your OWN self in your own mind. If you think you are going to lose money…you are. If you expect to lose money…you will get what you expect. Certainly one can continue to defeat oneself in their trading activities as a result of stinkin’ thinkin’. I am sure that as one changes their thoughts about trading that their results from trading will change.

Positve belief and affirmation are very effective. Some times positive belief is cemented by experiential knowledge of past performance. Sometimes you have to act as if, And believe positively if it is your first time and you lack confidence.

My perspective on trading is extremely wide. It is sure faster income than service calls. Request withdrawl, check arrives in 3 days. Service calls take 30 days at least usually to get paid. I am greatly influenced by my dad, even if he makes foolish choices in the market sometimes. He has the money to lose I guess, which means he must have made it somewhere else in the market or real estate. My uncle is the trader guru of the century. All my brothers were traders. I never was, too much like gambling.
As if GJ isnt gambling. Just looking at her is gambling! After you get even it is all easy. And I am still not even from 3/17 But I will be before thanksgiving. Until I collect some more interest I won’t be able to take on too much risk. Even with all the profits in my account I am safegauring them just like it was my money, instead of profits, because it is mine I earned it the hard way.

I am flat GJ I sold my last lot for a profit before noon as I didnt want to carry this into sunday night with other markets being open.

That thumbnail stinks

interesting chart and interesting introspectives. I am officailly guppy occupied, and a devote follower to this thread. i have stumbled on the currency cross that suits me, a cross that moves wildly before my eyes.
i still novice, but we all start somewhere and i am continuely enlightened by rrams posts and guidances on where the gbp/jpy is headed. I lvoe the fib analysis and the support and resistance specifics given. it often seems/feels like a constant feed of information. I am studying the charts and reading the posts, and inspired also by andrewunknowns Ichimoku Kinko Hyo and technical analysis. it looks great! i am checking jebs charts and trying to catch those wave…i am determined…and lookking forward to another week to just see which way she turns—onwards and upwards!!

anyway blah blah,
i was really wondering with the fxsol. i am opening an account with them as as my GFT platform does not allow me to have multiple position trades, just increases or decrease the one position size, whic is no good for this trading method
So FXsol looks good, but my question is i cant fugure out how to place limit buys? is this possible in FXsol? so that you can leave the computer and have orders that can get filled if price goes down?
Also what about the 9 pip spread, is this quiet big
Thanks for all your info

rram2, i had been lloking at ur system n it looks wonderful… can i juz check with you, when using this system initially, how much was ur capital, hw many cents per pip u trading? and currently, after how many years, how much equity u have and hw many $ per pips? sorry if my sentence sounds rude… coz i’m having the similar system like urs n is generating 20% per mth. it has been like tis for past 6 mths… i wonder can i trust tis system… it’s the same as urs totally except i trade on aud/jpy… kindly enlighten me…

Hey rram2
i sore your request there on the cowabunga thread and i have reposted the issue to forextown, and daydreamer has replied:
"I am not a mod or administator of this site so my advice is just from
personal experience.

In the free system forum if you log out of the whole babypips forums,
then go back into the free systems forum you will find as a guest
you can view the thumbnails.

Do not know why this happens & only in the one forum???

Also to post a thumbnail you need to go down the “reply to
thread” page & click on “manage attachments” in the "attach files"

Not a fix but a way around the problem."


not sure if this is helping
but i do hope some help to sorting it is on the way, love to see the charts.
I can post them via image shack if your interested or already know, though i do know your not to keen on that idea of posting the html that way…should be easier
anyway stick with us as this thread is *****…and im only getting started!

[B]“A superior man is modest in his speech, but exceeds in his actions.”[/B]
