GBP/JPY Equity Building Profitable trading strategies

Click on the name of the pair you want to place an order for,
at the top tab it will NOW say th\at pair, click that aND GET A drop down menu with 6 or 7 different order tabs, I think limit entry is the second one down, you dont normally want to buy at market, always wait for price to come to you.

And 9 pips is not enough. I will discuss later the possibility of some retracement lower. My dad sent me something I still have to read in more detail and discuss with him before I may a judgement call. There is much belief out there that GBP will fall significantly and that its economy is as bad or worse than ours. Their gas has really shot up and is near $10 a gallon?
I have been bullish on Chinese Yuan for a long time and still am, I dont own any though. On the switch over to Amero’s the mexicans will get screwed as USD and CAD are at or near parity, and shoudl stay close.

I think you want to scale down more than 9 pips for spacing to buy unless you are getting in at support and a clear perceived bottom.

Oh you mean the 9 pip bid/ask spread? THis is pretty much standard for this pair.

On average I am making about 2000 pips per week so as much as 25% per week. I spend money faster than I get it. I am still playing NZD/JPY for 10 cents a pips on a 100% profit account. Normally I trade $1 a pip. After 3 years, when the going gets tough forex profits buy the groceries here,
and animal feed.

I am not trying to amass a million bucks. That is likely to never happen,
as I will spend it or give it away to those in need before I ever get that overrun will money. Money for me has the value of what it can do now.
And while I do hold money and earn interest. I am making more interest than inflation is zapping out of me, so in time I will build equity and have more money to share and spend.

20% a month is good, but with GJ if you play it right you can make 20% a day
if you become a great GJ swing trader.

SOmething is screwed up here, the headers are often stuck endlessly loading and the footers do the same load and load and never get loaded, often the headers are blacked out, this site is constantly eating my CPU and Bandwidth

I am always logged in. The fix is going to be me spending less time here waiting for this crap to load and more time outside or trading.

Glad I sold off my longs. I still think here 211.50 is a good place to get a loss leader. 211.59 even is the ask ATM. It still isn’t opened everywhere but real soon trading should pick up.

I dont have much gold. My dad is holding alot of gold. After a long talk with him he seems to think gold is overbought (even though he wont admit it) and even at its current price there are not very many, if any sellers. It seems the sellers are all gone and all we have is buyers. hmmmm. Price could go up more to flush out some more sellers above 1000. I do not expect any wide gold swings, unless oil keeps going up up up then gold will have to rise. But in the short term I dont see it getting too much higher than 1000. And LT at 2000 is questionable, maybe even inevtiable, but when? long after I am gone?

Hot dog buns!?!
At wal-mart an 8 pack of hotdog buns could be had for a mere $2 unless you wanted that fancier PF brand for $2.19. Or there was the walmart great value for $1.18, Come on! this is 6 cents worth of flour for the whole bag of buns?
And nectarines at $2 a pound at costco? I dont see how GJ could go significantly lower. Despite what anyone cares to acknowledge inflation is here. And the fed wont be able to hold off for too long before they have to raise rates to so called control inflation. It is a warped concept but thats what they believe in “the club”.

Wow should have bought at 211.50…she is off to the races!

[B]“Some people dream of success while others wake up {WITH LONDON} and work hard at it.”[/B]

Origin Unknown

211.50 again get some more here.

Its at the bottom of the channel again and at a st trend line support it could drop slightly lower but it is trending up.

Overnight I am not expecting much in the way of lows we may hit 211.20 or 211.00 but anything below that will be unusual. After that there are fibs at 210.78 and 210.61 we may see spikes to there and obviously thats where you would buy lots closer together. On the high end there are fibs at 212.15 and 212.50 these are MT fibs not LT.

this down is exciting I would have just bought at 211.40, then 211.20 and so on down.

I just bought my leader.

she goes down and she comes back up. ive been told, "its what she does"
it is exciting stuff, definitely the best pair to trade"
thnaks for the tips on the fxsol, i have loacted the buy limits now. cheers

Having some difficulty with closing above the cloud (the top of the cloud is currently Sinkou Span B @ 211.68); but there’s Chikou Span support in the midst of the cloud @ 211.26. We’ll have a bullish engulfing pattern if this closes above 211.72, but there’s intra-candle resistance at 211.81. In short, a close above 211.72 now and a close above 211.81 to validate it sets the stage for a move higher; this will also put kumo support beneath us.

note: I’m referring to a 3H chart (Oanda), so the “close” discussed above is 12 a.m. ET, 2 hours from now.

Also what looks like ascending triangle is forming with horizontal resistance @ 212.10 at the top of the 211.68-212.10 congestion zone. There is an alternate drawing of the overhead resistance line that turns this into a ascending wedge, which typically break lower. Ideally we’ll see some momentum push it toward a breakout either way in the coming hours.

btw: on the first chart, note the pin candle (long bullish doji third before last @ 2000 ET) - good opportunity for an easy 25-30 pips (after spread) on a quick day trade there.


I sold my one and only leader into profit.

Thanks for the input Andrew. Good stuff!:slight_smile:

I’m off to bottom pick the euro, wish me luck.:stuck_out_tongue:

she has been heading down for a good couple of hours now dropped hundred. are we going to find support, where is the support 211, or is the bottom falling out

Where does your chart tell you support lies?

There are some minor footholds along the way (e.g. 210.95-211.05), but the next major support region is 210.50-210.70. Below there, 209.85-210.

The build up last night broke the triangle I mentioned, but there wasn’t enough bullish momentum behind it to sustain the close above 212.10, which snuffed out the upside break. The pullback of the last few hours has simply returned us to the baseline at the Senkou Span B (the top of the kumo @ 211.68). So, we’re back in the range, and back into the cloud. 212.10 remains the level to close and hold for further upside.

The 3H IKH chart remains neutral, though as mentioned over the past couple of weeks, the uptrend since 03/17 has been slackening. The fib study chart posted above shows support @ the 50% retracement level (213.66-209.43) ~211.50, which lies in the middle of the cloud. Price has not closed below there since last Thursday though it has been tested numerous times, implying an important near-term level. Senkou Span-A (currently the bottom of the cloud) lies @ 210.97.

I would have sold those 211.40’s last night for 100 pips around 212.40 and NOW I would be buying more GJ at 211.40 again, guess why? It is at the bottom again and will be heading back above 212.00. Maybe we can break 212.50 this time.
What a wild night I got up a few times, one with london at 1am and once around 4am to see her blowing through 212.15. It was a wild stoming night here, we got several inches of rain and GJ was pretty active too.

Why NOT be short? Why sell it at 212.40 and buy it back now, I just don’t do the shorts and it is clearly greeding and chaotic to beat her up both UP and down.
I just have a knack for the up moves and the levels. It is as if sometimes she and I have (share) the same mind.

I am showing a high of 212.48 on the bid, would have been best to sell at 212.39 :slight_smile:

But I am not the master of selling for max pips, just the master of the levels I guess.

I spent alot of money this weekend, I think I am going to qit doing service calls and just trade GJ all day. I will gaurantee 100% profits per year AFTER
I get my 50% of the profits. FXSOL has a nie designating trading form where someone opens an account and someone else trades it for them and the form is the AGREEMENT. so fAR i ONLY TRADE FOR MY BEAUTIFUL WIFE.
I am trying to get my DAD to open an account with a few hundred G in it
and let me loose.

I do not change (trading styles based on money status), for me real money and fake money and someone elses money it is all the same for me. I spend money like it grows on trees. And money is important because it contains the light of the creator and what is important about money is its uncanny ability to bring light into the world.
[B]And again there is the same light of the creator in the penny as there is in the billion dollars.[/B]

I picked up every penny I saw all weekend on the ground even if it was turned down. Last time I was in NY consulting one of the street bums he told me there are no pennies left in NYC (to be picked up from the ground), he said, there used to be pennies all over the ground in NYC. He also said if you throw a penny in NYC NOW it won’t even hit the ground because someone will catch it.

Well I would have got long again at 211.40 we are rocketing back up and going to break through 212.50 today or into tomorrow night/overnight.