GBP/JPY Equity Building Profitable trading strategies

[B]“First say to yourself what you would be; and then do what you have to do.”[/B]


I really enjoy sharing here, and as many people as there are reading my thread, It sure would be kind of the masses reading this, AND acting upon it, TO share their sucess as well.

Just taking from me and not sharing in return will perhaps yield lots of pips,
but when you operate your life like a CLosed vessel and all you do is receive,
and retain, BUT DO NOT RELEASE (share) with others will be stopped out.
Receive, Retain, Release, this is the 1-2-3 of a joyful life. And joy comes from within, not by making pips.

FOr all of those here just taking my signals and using them to make pips,
good for you, but taking and not giving is wrong. I expect no one here to give to me, but I expect everyone benefiting from my deep conviction and understanding of GJ should be helping others, I am not here to judge,
But I can tell you for certain:

[B]“those that sin against me wrong their own soul and those that hate me love death”[/B]


to get long here again. If you can get some at 211.20 or even 211 that woul;d rock but I don’t think we will hit those and if we do it will be very quick
bottoming then back up.

[B]“Many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.”[/B]

Thomas Edison

I dont know if I posted this quote or not, but it is a good one, The battlefield is in the mind literally, and until you recognize this you will continue to struggle.

on the 2 min chart now for GJ you would have bought at 8:42Am EDT
posted a low of 211.38 then, it sure isnt too late to get in again around 211.50.

There are downward posibilites but I dont think we will be going there this week.
And if GJ can stay afloat for a little longer the US GOV will be helping them very soon, which should send them to the moon (251) before the south pole in the 180’s

I think I have come up with a solution to this dilemma, at least for me … I shall try it when she tops out again. Instead of going short the G-Y, go short the GBP/CHF … when one falls, the other falls. Therefore the way to play last night would be: take profits on the G-Y at that surge, at the same time short the G-CHF and take profits as it falls. Check the charts and see how this would have paid off.
If you are as clever as Andrew you could keep playing one short, one long as they go into “rolling mode” where they find support. ;_

And you don’t have to worry about disloyalty :smiley:

[B]“The only thing that ever sat its way to success was a hen.”[/B]

Sarah Brown

I have several Hens but only ONE rooster, and I wasn’t trying for him, but he snuck in with the hens and acted like he was a hen, and was wearing a disguise!
Now he has all the hens to himself! They will be laying, nothing like a fresh chicken egg,
only thing better is a fresh Duck Egg!

It more comes down to peace of mind and singleness of purpose.

It is like the darkside, as a man of God, I am more fariliar with the darkside than most folks who follow the darkside. So I should use the darkside to take advantage of folks in life? I could, and I could do it with no guilt,
but why? I am not ready to accept the consequences of dancing with the devil at least NOT intentional dancing with that freak.

Lest satan should TAKE advantage of us, for we are not ignorant of his devices. It is he that tries me and tests me and polishes me like a sterling siilver pipe, making me better day by day, but if I was to use him to take advantage of others life would NOT be peaceful, it would be chatoic.
I do not focus on the enemy nor do I dedicate time to study his wiles.
He changes NOT. He is still pulling the same tricks he was 2000 years ago.
Blinding ignorant folks of little believing. It is not my intent to puff myself up.
I am low, and claim not success or contribution for those things accomplished by Yeshua. My rightousness is HIS rightousness. I have the Mind of Yeshua
and use it as a tool in the same way HE did.

It is a tool that’s it. I AM NOT MY MIND. Many of you are possessed by your mind and the possesing entity is NOT you, but you think it is you.

GBP/CHF has been overlayed on my GJ chart and they do seem to move togther with very small divergences, so that may be a good idea.
But I really at times spend very little time here (trading). I prefer to do other things

Now would be an excellent time to buy some NZD/USD LONG at .7500-.7510
to hold for a swing trade back up into .7600

[B]“If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change your attitude.”[/B]

Maya Angelou

Andrew, how long have you been trading / trading forex? You really know your stuff!

pips pips and more pips. We are retrACNG DOWN NOW, YOU SHOUL;D HAVE MADE almost 50 pips on that last run. We are going to maybe hit 211.50 again but it may not get that low before she rocks back UP up up.

Sorry I dont have alot of time for analysis today,
Thanks again to Andrew and 4xstar for continually contributing to this thread.

But sure should have, NU is heading up pretty nicely, I expect it to rocket back up into .7600 before the week is over. I know 100 pips a week isnt so hot. But this is a good positive carry trade that shoudl easily yield 100 pips plus interest for the week, if you waited you already missed 25 pips!

Whew, I did well bottom picking euro during the London. I even made a quick scalp short on u/j while at it.

If it wasn’t for oil selling off, I would have done better. The oil sell off halted the dollar decline this morning.

I have to leave those pairs alone now. I have new open longs on guppy now.:slight_smile:

what do u mean by playing it right? unless there sum strategy u play on ur own beside ur this system… buying on the way dwn n close on it’s way up…

A wise man would have loaded up at 211.00or whatever that low spike was.
There is tremndous upward pressure despite all those wanna be shorties.
Shorties will get burned this week, I assure you.

Elijah brings the matches, I bring the diesel.:smiley:

4xstar bring the wood, Andrew bring the sauce.:smiley:

We’re having a short bbq.

Todd… bring some emergency margin in case we’re wrong.:smiley:

double bottoms and double tops on GJ tops at 212 earlier today and double bottom low at 210.94/95. I guess at this point I am looking for someone to create an account designate me as the trader and spilt the profits 50/50. Dad declined for now. I told him to buy NZD/USD this morning when it was at .75 I dont know if anyonw got some and sold them at the peak of .7545 an easy 45 pips.
Anyways I am looking to trade $10-$100 a pip and will not trade any differently based on the size of the investment. I have 2 or 3 other very wealthy people on my list. NormALLY GREED easily overcomes many of the wealthy.
Greed (pride too :slight_smile: is what comes before a fall, the Dog on the bridge looking into the water saw his own reflection and thought it was another dog with another bone,
he greedily reached out to take that dogs bone and instead of having 2 bones had suddenly had NONE, do you think he learned anything from this? Or progressed?
Or was there a transformation? Nope there wasn’t, but as humans if we do not transform we will have the same circumstances and consequences literally following us around until we DO. The greedy will be stopped out (cut off).

Dads are always a hard sell. Yet, they are always the first to get in the butt kissin’ line when the dust clears.

They are also the first to forgive when things go wrong.

we are at another bottom for GJ bid 211.20 time to get longer!