GBP/JPY Equity Building Profitable trading strategies

It’s a very good Monday for mytwopips.

I made a killing on the London and just sold all my guppy’s in profit.

I consider myself more of a swing trader these days but I didn’t even hold any of them overnight.

Well I think 211.70 is a good place to get long too. Glad the forum is back up!

It is not diificult to make much more than 20% a month.

When I am rolling I can make 20% a day. Don’t forget I am using 400:1 leverage for one. And I buy a large number of lots. I may have as many as 40 at once all at different prices. Obviously when we get a strong up move that day I make a boatload, but also consider I trade 24 hours a day 6 days a week.

I am normally much more conservative than to be risking highly to make returns of 20% per day. I make 99% profit on all orders and make profit every day. So I am more of a long term trader not make a buck on one then not trade. I AM a high volumne trader. And may have several thousands
of lots traded per month.

[B]“It’s not the load that breaks you down, it’s the way you carry it.”[/B]

Lena Horne

I’ve read almost all post with a great interest. Seems you know your stuff rrram (hope I don’t sound like a toady) and I buy the idea which stands behind it. There is always a "but"
G/J is usually linked with other risk assessts - so equities. With all indices testing lows now where is the source of this divergence coming from ???
I just wander :frowning:
Thank you for all your effort.

Hope the attachments are fixed

We could dip lower but this is a good place to get some more long I think.

its a wonder whats holding GJ up you wonder? I was wondering what was holding AUD/jpy so far above NZD/JPY. I think looking at some overlays may help. But I dont really consider GJ to really follow anything. People used to say it followed the dow, and it may to some extant but if you can predict the dow good luck with that. I know that as I focus on one thing GJ and her history and watch the way she moves on the charts and watch her during the news and watch her when this or that market opens, like frankfurt or londonespecially, and watch her move most within 144 minutes or so of that market open, especially during those market overlapping periods.
I dont expect GB to change their interest rate so that should continue to hold up GBP depsite the obvious negatives in their economy.
They are more resilliant that us I think.

[B]“I am great believer in luck and I find that the harder I work the more I have of it.”[/B]

Thomas Jefferson

He was a funny guy I don’t think he was really talking about luck :slight_smile:
luck is that which happens by chance. Of course nothing happens by chance!
And if hard work produces something I dont think it is luck.

Meanwhile GJ has turned back up and broke above trend line support at 211.40 she is looking pretty green ATM.

[B]“The distance between insanity and genius is measured only by success.”[/B]

Bruce Feirstein

“Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself.”[/B]

Leo Tolstoy

Now I have 3 things loading at the bottom with the link back up to the thread listing.

Ughh!!! I will be at the frenchfry factory
GBP/JPY Equity Building Profitable trading strategies
forex freak
let me know when they get this thing here fixed
if you need to find me do a google search for:
goochland alpaca

“There is no substitute for hard work.”[/B]

Thomas Edison

Talk about an uneventful rangebound day, huh? Well, unless you were daytrading in what turned out to be a pretty clearly defined range - some good opportunities there to clear pips both long and short.

The bottom of the cloud (Senkou Span A) lies at 211.16 currently, while SS-A slopes down mildly to 211.02 by the 0900 ET candle. The 144 comes in for reinforcement at exactly this level, as well. This is where, if not during the increased volatility coming during early Frankfurt/London (0200-0500 ET) we will see an important test of near-term support. A break here will revisit 210.67, and then back to the ~210 area as described earlier.

Tenkan-Sen (blue line) lies above Kijun-Sen (red line) just above the cloud, but because TS takes in only 9 periods of data, the long green and long red candles from early July 07 will be falling off, and with price falling through the cloud this will pull TS down into the kumo (cloud), setting up a bearish cross if price falters through 211.

In other words, unless the bulls resume control of the field to throwback the pair to 211.68+ (and especially 212.10+), the IKH picture is creeping across the line into bearish territory. If price closes below the kumo @ 0300 ET, Tenkan-Sen will follow shortly, crossing top-down over Kijun-Sen. If nothing happens to the contrary and those lines emerge from the bottom of the cloud in the next 24-48 hours, 210.67, ~210 and perhaps even 208.94-209.20 are in the cards. There’s nothing fundamental (unless Bernanke’s speech sets off a significant USD rally) on schedule that would negate this, so any twists and turns will be technically-based.

I am short the pair from the ascending trendline (white line) break @ 211.66.

Are you going on indefinite hiatus here until the attachment feature is fixed, or something?

It looks like Elijah is gone? I just went to the french fry factory and he is over there now. I know Babypips has some bugs, but I will remain here. It sure would be nice if they got the bugs worked out over here.

Anyways… I just picked up some more longs.

I guess so, at least for the time being. I never checked in on his thread over there, but it looks like he was temporarily banned for promoting an HYIP under “rrram2” and is now posting once again under rmrf. Don’t see him posting any images though, so I’m not sure what is being done there that can’t be done here.

Anyway, hope to hear from you again at some point, Elijah!

Yep, yep. I prefer LYIP.:smiley: Much more safe and in self control.

Anyways, my chant for today will be…


Kabbalah! I knew there was something about the language Elijah uses that reminded me of the Kabbalah.

Tangent over.

Explain further please (if you don’t mind). As a dumb hick from TX, I only see Madge and Britney following some type of Jewish religion as a fad.

im hoping rram is goin to stick around, his words are inspiration enough to stick with those longs…feling a bit shacky now…my leader is at 212 and she had just broken through the 210.40 critical bearish continuation line…next stop 209.69…need rram to tell me he doubts it will get that low or to buy more longs

I’ll hold back on getting into the similarities tonight (this morning) because I’m up way past my bed time, but you can find links to some books suggested by Elijah here:

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Also a handy article on forex mixed in there.