GBP/JPY Equity Building Profitable trading strategies

Vincent, my email is 4xstar at Zulu is fine, they are located near where I live & appear to be focused and legit, if perhaps still in need of some tweaking. See my info about them at

As to your idea, I would need to put pen to paper … but in theory of course it could be awesome … “if” there is no drawdown that could wipe you out. That is just what we were discussing below.
If you have a reserve of money to just buy and hold that way, I would first do it in a micro account, not a full one!
If I were putting real money on the line (if I had that kind of money) I would want to wait until our guppy did a massive pullback like in mid March and then start an account as you have described.

In the meantime you could either start some micro accounts which you can keep topping up as needed or open a demo account just for that purpose, fund it with $500k, buy 10 lots & check back every week or so to see how you are doing :smiley:
In fact, I may do that as well … I will wait for next big pullback to at least the 208 range, but I would be curious to see what would happen over the long term.

BTW, if anyone is interested in chatting live, let me know, I have a little live java chat all ready to go that can be used anytime.

i agree with all comments.
I think this has been the most entertaining thread for me with rram2 as the spiritual leader…we the followers…
i always avoided the guppy before as i read something that it was volatile so to me that made me not even consider it…i didnt even look at it. i only been studying 4months, and i wish i new at the start what i now know.

i have tried many methods, from the BGX to candlesticks patterns which all work to a point…but it wasnt fast passed, and no method is 100%
this method you are constantly collecting profits.
(i still have a lot to learn, but that is why i like fx, if i knew how to do it all already i would have stopped doing it and learning- i am never getting bored with fx really).
This method
i have not been doing it long enough to experience a long period of drawn down…i would be interested to here feedback from the guy who was bouncing off rram in the start of the thread cause he seemed to go through some stessful times.
for the time being i find it the best method for me.
it is erractic, wild and fast and lots of action, if you apply those actions with other methods you will fail - here you can succeed.
just an example, i have numerous practice accounts, one i set up one week ago with $100,000 (of unrealistic). has made 37,000 in one week. one week means nothing, but if i was using any other method i wouldnt of done that. I have used the same lot size on every trade there and kept the margin at 5% or less and banked the profits…$50 pips
another account i started with 2500 and it has made 1000 profit the last week, just with trading this method and using the same lot size and using one dollar pips and managing marging…
if I… ME! (not saying you!) had been using any other method this would not happen, it would be slow and painful with little wins and bigger losses.
So they say find a method that suits you.
I think this method does suit me, but i can see it could be disasterous too.
i enjoy it thats the main thing.

When I have this forum webpage up it is eating my cpu and bandwidth
as long as I am connected.

As I have all sorts of other things running like my trading platform and chart,
I cannot have this site using ALL of my CPU and bandwidth.

There are serious software, or SERVER or OS problems here,
and I cannot tolerate slowness, and slowness caused to 100% of my systems by being connected to this URL.

So until the issues are fixed I will not be posting here on as frequent of a basis as I have been.

LinkBack URL
About LinkBacks

here is what I have at the bottom of my page pasted above, each day it gets worse. It is only a matter of time before this site eats all the CPU and Bandwidth on the server it is running on.

Did I mention I am an IT professional and have been for 27 years?
I have servers all over the world. I have dozens and dozens of websites.
I have unmetered GigE uplinks on some servers and the newest CPU’s with massive amounts of memory, so I am quite farmiliar with everything here that is an issue, and without inside access I cant specifically pinpont the source of thier problems but this forum, its software, its defines, or its server,
is screwed up more and more each day and loads more and more to each page and consumes more BW, I bet it has a virus or a trojan.

I made a new thread to replace the old one.
p2p is not a hyip. My dad banked 18K USD from them last month.
I have lost track of the thousands I have banked there.
They paid out almost 1 MIL USD last week.

I am an old IRC freak so the forum slowness has always been sort of a drag down.

But long before I even heard of kabbalah, I was studying Genesis and Hebrew,
there is no question kabbalah [B][U]HAS[/U][/B] shed more light on many things in my life.

My language comes from within based on what I have learned in my life.
If kabbalah is similar to what I believe fine, I have no known issues with kabbalah or any of the things they believe to be true.

Yes I have a Zohar by my bed, all 23 vloumnes. It was the best $400 I ever spent on 23 excellent books. I also have books like the Bahir. I also have the torah in hebrew. I scan hebrew everyday and pray in Hebrew. I am not saying everyone should, but they could. The level of intimacy I have with the creator is shared by very very few folks in this world. I have walked with God since I was 2 years old. At 3 my mom used to find me at the local bible school. What I must make clear though. Is that I am no one. It is not through my actions or own merit that I have been elevated to the level I am at now. It is not because I am so great. It is because God is so big and wonderful and so kindly sacraficed his only begotten son (who was perfect)
so WE ALL could live and prosper. It is through the accomplishments of my God and his Son that I am what I am today.

I consider all things. I know truth when I read it. I find no flaws in the Zohar. However my main book is of course the Torah, the first 5 books of Moses. The Torah is the word of God and the Word of God is literally the Son of God. If you don’t study his word you cannot know him.

I would prefer to be thought of merely as a Man of God, not a jew, a christian or a kabbalist. I live for God and I serve God moment by moment,
through my service to others, I serve God. I believe in One God (Yud Hei Vav Hei) the creator of the heavens & earth & everything for that matter.

I also consider lately, Elkart Tolle, a very enlightened spritual teacher.
I consider Ester Hicks, the law of attraction, There is nothing that I do not consider, although I cannot say I am this or that, Just that I am.
I consider humility to be the #1 most divine attribute to be obtained.
I consider generosity to be #2. A generous man is hard to find. It is literally through sharing in an unslefish way without strings attached that we recieve all the things in life we desire.

Yes my deep seated spiritual beliefs affect my trading,
but I didnt just become spiritual recently. But over the last year things have really exploded for me in a good way.

“the transparent self” by Dr Sidney M. jourard was a big book in my life,
it is through self disclosure that I am able to redefine myself after learning about myself. And I am NOT afraid to tell you who I AM.
Nor Am I ashamed of the testimony of our lord. My lord is Yeshua
(fools refer to him as Jesus Christ). My God is Yeshua’s father whom most think of as God.

Ester (madonna) is a wonderful woman. But forget the celebs.
Kabbalah is not a jewish religion. Referring to the creator and his ways
and following it as a religion is quite ignorant.

Religion is what MAN says or thinks about God. Forget religion Get it right from God’s mouth! There is where the catholics error. I am to confess my faults to God and to others, not to some priest who is acting as GOD,

Do not tag me as religous as only think I do religiously is feed my livestock
on a specific schedule.

I have to run to Fredricksburg but will return soon to finish up here.

In the event anyone needs to reach me for whatever reason especially some sort of crisis, feel free to call but I cannot just chat about insignificant stuff.

And the more I have been thinking about it the more I think I should,
reading my old thread the original one on FF, I mentioned feeding africa.
Maybe thats what I should do with my forex winnings, that way I have a good reason to get the big boys for a mil a week or so.

Anyways I am out for now and as always I am available to help those in need
because I know that it is through helping others that my joy and fullfillment comes. It has taken me almost 40 years or hard work to get to this point
and I am very happy about it. Now is the time to give back to others in need.

He’s back!! :):slight_smile:

And again I ask … what’s a HYIP???

Hope BP can resolve its server issues … however I do not notice any particular drain on my system. Have you posted something in the bugs & suggestions thread to alert them? Maybe they could use your help.

High Yield Investment Program.

If done right, you can do well. The problem is that about 95% are either ponzi type programs or just flat crooks that will take your money and run. Those 95% give the 5% of legit (well semi legit) programs a horrible reputation.

Many offshore “firms” (a guy in a shack with a pc) in PI will claim to make the money in Forex even. That is why something as legit as the currency market now has a bad rep and misunderstanding. The “firm” (guy in the shack) will then bait and switch you with a false return (maybe actually pay it). Then your trust is gained and you hand over your bank account.

I did well with my bottom picking of the cable.:):):slight_smile:

I hope to see you around more Elijah. It looks like Babypips has already fixed many issues. So you know they are at least pro active on resolving some of the bugs.

Yes I saw that … very good :wink:
Note to self: when M2P says he is off to bottom or top fish something … follow him :cool:

Thanks for the HYIP info.

Our guppy friend is struggling to tag the 212.50 again, I have just been playing buy the dips and sell into any profit.

I agree … this is also a fun way to trade and in a demo account, the results are astounding!

212.50 is not a place for a leader right now. 211.25 is a good spot to get a leader. 211.50 if you must.

If I could only be assured this choppy crap would last until September, I would make a killing. Yet, the only thing I have ever been assured of is I will always pay taxes.

No I would never buy a leader up here, but I’ve been playing the dips on the 5’ chart all morning & racking up some pips.

You are right about no clear setups on the guppy, all there is is chop & more chop. Even Jeb has not posted an update for 2 days, I wonder if he is figuring the G-Y is not the best candidate for his BSTS system (whatever that is). Certainly he has been calling for a bearish retracement to 206ish for over 2 weeks and all she does is obey Elijah & go up up up :D:D

Anyone see the GBP/CHF setting up for a short?

It looks like a trade to me.:slight_smile: Thank you.

I just put a small order in because I am a virgin to that pair.

4xstar, what is the +/- swap on this pair?