GBP/JPY Equity Building Profitable trading strategies

Nevermind… It is about half the guppy. We are going to have to pay that trade tax until this cashes in.

I have had very good luck shorting it so far. It is the one I short, instead of the guppy. It is also Andrew’s 2nd favorite pair after the guppy.
Glad I could give you the tip … could you tell me how this fits into your criteria since you took the trade? And what would negate the trade for you?

Price way above 50 ema, 50 ema way above 200.
This is a 15m chart zoomed all the way out. I also use a 15m chart at normal view with a 5 and 10 sma used the same way for best entry.

Simple huh.


My attachment won’t open. Oh well, you get it. Just set up two charts the way I described and you will see what I see.

Ok. We will try this one.

[li]Well at least you can still post large text!

Now, the more it move up the more shorts you grab. Just don’t martingale, that is a stupid way to blow your account. When price goes back to the other side of 200 ema, close out all orders at profit or loss.

you could have sold it counless times at 212.20
Patience is also very hard for me because just when I think I have patience I show myself I have very little patience, each time I sell myself short
and take way less pips I always realize later that had I waited I would have been alot better of pips and faith wise.

This post is for my gbp/chf stuff.

If you also look at the chart you will see that we are at minor resistance. I have learned that a breakout will most likely never happen when price is “overbought by my strategy” already. If we were below 200 and 50 and moving up, then the breakout would most likely happen and a nice rally too after the breakout.

So this is a safe contrarian trade. I said safe, not guaranteed.

Those 3 books are really good books. And I have to admit a few of them I have reread and continue to reread. Inner space is a bit more complicated
and Kaplans previous book was bigger and written in a way as to be understood more by the reader. Some books like the Bahir you could read 5 times and still not understand what you just read. Different books at different times are able to bring things out of you. Those who study torah after midnight are they who uphold the world.

Its been a while since I published articles there, and other articles there I had to remove because I had published them elsewhere or someone else published them elsewhere. It is funny when I publish something, sometimes people use it and modify it and it ends up replicating on servers all over the world. And I really cant keep up on all the sites I publish stuff on.

Ok. Because I am a virgin to that pair and I have to go to Houston for a meeting, I decided to scalp 10 pips and close. Otherwise I would still be in.

I am trying to produce a show where I bring Colby O’donis and Akon to houston. I am going to put up half of the production budget and another well known promoter is going to grab the other half.

I will catch you guys on the late Asian early London.

This one is for Elijah…

[B][I][U]GO GUPPY GO!!![/U][/I][/B]

I dont guess I dispute any of that, that about sums it up.
I am looking for the bottom now so I can get one cheap :slight_smile:

That is how the universe is for me becuase that is what my conciousness is.
Now my father has confirmed it for me. And swears this is the way it is
I guess I am just taking advandtage of it. I hope my lazy or easy way of making $ in forex is acceptable to some. I am not as advnaced as Andrew.
I am not a trader and never have been. But there is no question what I do works and I make lots of pips. We all do. I so appreciate everyone here.
As my reflection off you is how I am able to see myself. It is the reflection off you that defines me and shows me what I really am.

Other great books I have read are from Rav P.S. Berg, That man writes an awesome book and without his influence I would not be where I am now,
at least not this quickly. What was key for me was always questioning everything, Berg is very thoeretical, and I used to read and wonder wow what did he just say is possible!)(&!#*(^!@!! Then I started wondering if he was just kooky, but further reading revealed no no no I was wrong, what this man was saying he actually believed and it was a reality for him and it is what he thought and believed to be true, it was his conciousness, it is what he is, HE wasn’t just saying crazy things, the things he was saying were true for him and a reality in his life. Extremely thoeretical is how his books are perceived and I have read more of his books than anyone elses.
I admire and crave theoretical books, which contain ideas which I can literally bring to life and make a reality in my life.

Again the light of the creator literally does exist in suspended animation at EVERY point in the universe, weather or not someone believes this or not does not change the reality. The reality is that when it is overcast and raining the sun is still there even though you cant see it. When the Earth rotates and the sun appears to rise and set, while you cannot see it, it is not gone or missing on non existant, but because you cant see it your mind defaults to the thought of if I cannot see it, it isnt there.

I also found movies “what the bleep do we know” VERY useful
the secret was a movie very much like it that was also very good.

Ah, too bad … she just dropped so beautifully. This is my 4th successful short with her … I likey :slight_smile:

Thanks for the info on 15’, I have a couple of questions that can wait until tomorrow. BTW, I had to google Colby O’Donis :smiley: Yeah, I’m a bit out of the music scene.
Houston, eh? I have some family there & my youngest daughter went to Texas A&M at Galveston (Marine Biology major). I enjoy visiting.

However If I had 90K I would buy 3 or 4 houses fix them up and rent them.
it is a wise man that preserves his money and buys property at the bottom,
when everyone is foreclosed, the banks arent loaning out $, and they are looking for a house to rent.

You can make a fortune in interest, but the key for me is scalping as this yields way more money than the interest. The interest is a back up, a bonus which justifies holding the lots as long as I need to to sell them for a profit.

Start trading your demo account like that was real money.
Be careful not to get too many too high GJ has been very rangy lately.
bank as many pips as you can and always limit your risk by avoiding TMTH and always maintain a safe margin %age useage level of WAY less than 10%
I really like to be under 5% at all times. I am not a gambler really. At this point this is not much like gambling anymore. Yes it is small profits.
If I was advanced as market savy as Andrew I could confidently swing trade GJ and pick the tops and bottoms and reverse, but I dont have the trading knowledge or skill Andrew does so my way is maybe a sort of lazy way,
but if you closely follow what I perscribed, anyone should be able to make a consistant profit if they can handle thsi trading style. I was so safe with NJ
even when I had 30+ lots that price could have run down to 60 to get me sold out. I dont know if NJ has ever been lower than say 67 at least not in the 5 years or so I see.

Building a fortune is done much safer by doing it slowly. 3 rental houses will make me wealthy, does it matter if it takes 10 year? or 20 years or even 30 years? I dont base my financial needs on any one thing. I am not trying to get rich scalping but I did make 8000 pips last month VERY safely. Laugh because I only played 10 cents a pip. If I was trading $100 a pip I would have safely MADE 800,000.

What is being missed here is the significance of this whole thing.
I never promised anyone they would get rich quick here. And if there is someone here that can afford to trade $100 a pip I can safely trade no matter what is at stake or at risk, as I am disciplined enough and experienced enough to experientially know what a safe level of margin is.
The way I play now will weather a catastrophe much worse than mar 17 or the previous around the end of last summer, we may get a crash after the summer but nothing like what the doom and gloom club is selling everyone.
It is all a bear trap so they can fee you to death and buy your house for pennies on the dollar and make you trade your dollars in for some even more devalued Amero.

So for me I am concerned with Today, NOW. where GJ will be in 3 weeks or at the end of the summer really isnt for my speculation. I have thousands of consecutive trades that have allowed me to become fully persuaded in my own mind that I can do this, and I can continue to do this and that this works for me too VERY well. I guess it wont work for everyone.

Like they say if you want to change your life you are going to have to change some things in your life. I bring a certain level of optimism that cannot be easily found. But this does not make me any more or less or better or worse than anyone else. And as far as I am concerned we are all one anyways, and separateness is an illusion. I know My wife and I are one.
Often we say the same things at the same time, think the same thoughts at the same time, no matter how far we are away physically we remain as One in two places.

There may be at the end of the chart but in the beggining those two pairs go opposite often.

And GJ has no obvious connection to EUR/CHF!

And I dont even agree that GJ and GC correlate oppositely,
theyg o together I think. And maybe thats security to short GC and go long GJ. That way if GJ goes down GC will go down and you will have draw down on GJ but GC will have paid for it. But you also could get caught with your pants down.

As to someone going short at 210 something (@&$(#^$*& and wondering why they got whipsawwed? I coudl see going short at 212.50 or 40 for a few pips but going short LT while always trying to be long is self defeating.

How can you have so many positions open and still be undeer 10% margin. I am at 200:1 leverage now with 15 positions open and already over 12% margin.

I thought maybe it was anew HYIP LOL.
NOt mytwopips!

But I dont get it!

It would have been a good Gj short too :slight_smile: