GBP/JPY Equity Building Profitable trading strategies

I am playing 400:1 that knocks you down to 6%. I am playing NJ
which costs $1.90/1KLOT GJ is $4.95/1KLOT this is the margin required to secure the trade. so NJ is almost 1/3 cheaper NU is about .76
GU is 1.98 making GJ ALMOST 3 times more costly than NJ.
pip values are the same as it is a JPY cross.

But NJ is not the deal unless you want to sit and wait like Andrew described.
I never sit with GJ. Even if I have 40 longs higher I will still be scalping One down low, pipping them to death. So I never will get to the point on GJ as I have on NJ. I cannot scalp NJ anywhere as easily as GJ. GJ I can scalp easily for a profit anytime at any price. And if I get coaugh drawndown on some really it is no trouble holding. With NJ I figured I was easily making 100% interest ON MY WHOLE ACCOUNT PER YEAR EVEN though I was using less than 10% of my margin. I would make so much ointerest on the lots I owned they would actually produce 100% interest EVERY 21 days x 17 times to get a year and easily safely 100% a year with No RISK. There is no chance NJ could run down to .60 unless NZ sank or something.

[B]“Well done is better than well said.”[/B]

Benjamin Franklin

But the other thing has been resolved and its like we have a new server :slight_smile:
no more endless loading and slow pages. Excellent job baby pips :slight_smile:

I had to buy some more UGH!

So if you are getting long anyways doing so a little early couldn’t hurt :slight_smile:

[B]“Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly.”[/B]

Robert F. Kennedy

GJ should follow…as it looks poised to turn up but the market is clsoing so she will drag her feet into Asia I bet.

But some thing else says wait for 211.40, and I think it has to bottom out lower overnight. I’d like to be long from the frankfurt bottom before she saisl up 100 pips since I am only playing with one lot, so all I have is a loss leader so suddenly it is NOT a loss leader.

Also considering the last two days in a row after 5PM she fell down and bottomoed out going into frankfurt or during frankfurt and then london.
I think I need to wait here to get in cheaper.
I need to check m2P’s chart!

NZ sinking…now that wouldnt be a bad thing…as long as the kiwis went down with it…enough already over here…perhaps it has sunk already… Is NZ an small island north of russia?, dont now much about that country.

Anyway i am flat, for now, think i will have to wait for europe to open before getting in.
Do you think 211.60 is not a bad leader. Only have one lot to play with for now though. so might wait to see is she can go lower…

I was thinking I should have bought long around 211.66 but I didnt. Then I was watching her thinking I should have bought.

It looks like on the longer TF’s like 60 & 180 min that more downward correction is due. But my 12Min still says buy.

I think it sure looks to be heading up, a retrace down to like I said before 211.40/20/00 maybe even spike into 210’s around 1am EDT or within 144 minutes of it.

My chart seems to be uploading however slowly. But if it works I will be very happy :slight_smile:

Oh well it timed out or something.

Obviously I want to get long at the bottom since I ONLY have one too.
a GJ 1KLOT is my max though!

So I am suspecting that even though it seems to be rising now.
We will have a bottom much lower than we are at now.

But in reality if Andrew or someone is doing wave counts, in my mind I see it going up from here and not dipping as it is comingout of a dip now and heading up. So I should have bought one at 211.66. I wish I had :slight_smile:
but by now I might have sold it. but since I only have one I have to be a bit more skilled about holding it and selling it at or near the top :slight_smile:

[B]“Many receive advice, only the wise profit from it.”[/B]

Publilius Syrus

the file size looks too small but lets try this 12M chart

dont know if this will be any better

Not to start to veer off-topic into this area, but P2P [I]is[/I] an HYIP. It may not be a ponzi (or it may be); and one shouldn’t make the mistake of conflating the two (HYIPs aren’t necessarily ponzis), even though as M2P stated all but a very tiny handful of HYIPs are not ponzis. In my day I was something of an HYIP authority, actually; at least, I’m probably one of the only people on the planet who conducted an almost scholarly analysis of them. All water long under the bridge now, though. :smiley:

Glad the technical snafu on the forum has been remedied and that you’ve made your way back, rrram.

btw, don’t know if it is just me, but I can’t access your attachments rrram - they aren’t blowing up to the full view as they usually do.

They used to work here the way I did it here before but I cant seem to quite get it yet and the loading issue is going on on the bottom of the page still.
So I guess I will post then log out by closing the browser.

I should have got long at 211.52 :slight_smile: but I missed it again. I still cant decide where to place my entry order before I sign off. That last low makes me think a test of 211 is possible here. I would love to get long at 211 or into the high 210’s.

This morning I thought I was reading on page 69 and 70.
I logged in and out of the system to see if that would help.
Anyways I had to get long at 211.55.